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We have ended up in a digital "copy and paste" culture. It 's for good reason that we are talking about "apps" in the app store, about raps, beats and sounds in contemporary pop (house) music culture. Everyone can do something, and the rest we get from a box, or better, app, or plug-in. Maggi (makes everyone a kitchen star) seems to have gotten us under her spell, I make music, with a bit of me and the rest of Logic, Garageband or Cubase. But what are the consequences of this digital fragmentation for education?
Culture of the Selfie is an in-depth art-historical overview of self-portraiture, using a set of theories from visual studies, narratology, media studies, psychotherapy, and political principles. Collecting information from various fields, juxtaposing them on the historical time-line of artworks, the book focuses on space in self-portraits, shared between the person self-portraying and the viewer. What is the missing information of the transparent relationship to the self and what kind of world appears behind each selfie? As the ‘world behind one’s back’ is gradually taking larger place in the visual field, the book dwells on a capacity of selfies to master reality, the inter-mediate way and, in a measure, oneself.
Technological developments go fast and are interrelated and multi-interpretable. As consumer needs change, the technological possibilities to meet those needs are constantly evolving and new technology providers introduce new disruptive business models. This makes it difficult to predict what the world of tomorrow will look like for an organization and that makes the risks for organizations substantial. In this context, it is difficult for organizations to determine what constitutes a good strategy to adopt digital developments. This paper describes a first step of a study with the objective to design a method for organizations to formulate a future-proof strategy in a rapidly changing, complex and ambiguous context. More specifically, this paper describes the results of a sequence of three focus groups that were held with a group of eight experts, with extensive experience as members of the decision making unit in organizations. The objectives of these sessions were to determine possible solutions for the outlined challenge in order to provide direction for continuation and scoping of the following research phases.
Digital transformation has been recognized for its potential to contribute to sustainability goals. It requires companies to develop their Data Analytic Capability (DAC), defined as their ability to collect, manage and analyze data effectively. Despite the governmental efforts to promote digitalization, there seems to be a knowledge gap on how to proceed, with 37% of Dutch SMEs reporting a lack of knowledge, and 33% reporting a lack of support in developing DAC. Participants in the interviews that we organized preparing this proposal indicated a need for guidance on how to develop DAC within their organization given their unique context (e.g. age and experience of the workforce, presence of legacy systems, high daily workload, lack of knowledge of digitalization). While a lot of attention has been given to the technological aspects of DAC, the people, process, and organizational culture aspects are as important, requiring a comprehensive approach and thus a bundling of knowledge from different expertise. Therefore, the objective of this KIEM proposal is to identify organizational enablers and inhibitors of DAC through a series of interviews and case studies, and use these to formulate a preliminary roadmap to DAC. From a structure perspective, the objective of the KIEM proposal will be to explore and solidify the partnership between Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas), Avans University of Applied Sciences (Avans), Logistics Community Brabant (LCB), van Berkel Logistics BV, Smink Group BV, and iValueImprovement BV. This partnership will be used to develop the preliminary roadmap and pre-test it using action methodology. The action research protocol and preliminary roadmap thereby developed in this KIEM project will form the basis for a subsequent RAAK proposal.
Digital transformation has been recognized for its potential to contribute to sustainability goals. It requires companies to develop their Data Analytic Capability (DAC), defined as their ability to manage and analyze data effectively. Despite the governmental efforts to promote digitalization, there seems to be a knowledge gap on how to proceed, with 37% of Dutch SMEs reporting a lack of knowledge, and 33% reporting a lack of support in developing DAC. While extensive attention has been given to the technological aspects of DAC, the people, process, and organizational culture aspects are as important, requiring a comprehensive approach and thus a bundling of knowledge from different expertise. Therefore, the objective of this KIEM proposal is to identify organizational enablers and inhibitors of DAC through a series of interviews and case studies, and use these to formulate a preliminary roadmap to DAC.
Motivatie Het versterken van de samenwerking tussen relevante lectoraten door het ontwikkelen van een multidisciplinaire onderzoeksagenda op het terrein van Arbeid in de brede zin van het woord. Hierdoor kan de thematiek rondom toegang tot en behoud van arbeid vanuit meerdere kanten worden aangevlogen én kan focus en massa worden gecreëerd voor onderzoeksprogrammering en –funding. Daardoor kunnen we als lectoraten een belangrijke rol te spelen bij vraagstukken die betrekking hebben op het duurzaam (weer) aan het werk gaan én duurzaam aan het werk blijven. Achtergrond Om als individu zelfstandig en volwaardig te kunnen deelnemen aan onze participatiemaatschappij, is het hebben van werk cruciaal. Werk is echter voor mensen met minder of onvoldoende arbeids-, persoonlijk-, sociaal-, en cultureel kapitaal en/of toegang tot hulpbronnen steeds minder vanzelfsprekend. Naast traditioneel kwetsbare groepen – zoals laagopgeleiden, mensen met een chronische aandoening en migranten - zijn er nieuwe categorieën, waaronder veel middelbaar en hoog opgeleiden, voor wie het lastig is/wordt structureel betaald werk te vinden. De oorzaak ligt voornamelijk bij de toenemende digitalisering en robotisering in combinatie met de flexibilisering van de arbeidsmarkt. Ook werk op academisch niveau, dat gebaseerd is op regels, bijvoorbeeld accountancy en rechtspraak, zal steeds vaker (deels) geautomatiseerd kunnen worden (Est et al. 2015, Went et al. 2015). Anderzijds zijn er sectoren, zoals techniek en ICT, die een steeds grotere behoefte hebben aan hoogopgeleid personeel en waar het lastig is om voldoende gekwalificeerde mensen te krijgen. Tot slot zien we in alle sectoren een toename van stress- en burn-out klachten, die deels gerelateerd zijn aan traditionele, functioneel ingerichte organisaties. Het bovenstaande biedt geen rooskleurig beeld voor grote groepen in de samenleving en vanuit een breed Platform Arbeid willen we de thema’s op het terrein van arbeid vanuit meerdere perspectieven benaderen en in samenhang beschouwen.