Beata Kviatek

Beata Kviatek


Sustainable and resilient economy European Green DealDevelopment of green Hydrogen EconomyGrowth, competitiveness & innovation policiesDevelopment of green hydrogen economySocial, economic, political and legal aspects of energy transitionThe role of community energy in the energy transition, decentralisationRegulation, regulatory arrangements and governanceSocial, economic, political and legal change – societal transformationSocial Innovation, social learning, AIDiffusion of innovations and policy transfer, lesson drawingCollective awareness systems, digital platforms & digital innovation, AIInnovation ecosystemsInnovation of educationEU Competition Policy and State AidEU integration, EU policies and decision making

European Business in the Global Environment (2020-, Course Leader, IBS, HUAS)
Coordinator Energy Route at IBS, HUAS (2019-2022)
Programme Coordinator:
International (exchange) energy minor Sustainable Energy Professional (2019-2022, IBS, HUAS): part of energy track (30 ECTS), assignment with Living Lab Energy Transition (IWP EnTranCe), Energy Academy Certificate, optional study trip to EU / IGO in Brussels & Paris.International (exchange) specialisation (graduation) minor European Public Affairs (2010-2017, SCMI, HUAS: part of energy track (30 ECTS), assignment with a real client, assignment with CoE Energy, including Innovation Lab: Creative Society, optional study trip to EU / IGO / think-tanks & consultancies in Brussels & The Hague.Innovation Lab: Creative Society (2016-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS).
Bachelor / Master / PhD Thesis Supervisor & Assessor
Course Leader:
Society in Transition (2018-2021, MSc Energy for Society, SIEN, HUAS)In Dialogue about Energy (2018-2021, MSc Energy for Society, SIEN, HUAS)Economies and Business in the European Union - PROJECT (2017-2020, MBA MIBM, IBS, HUAS)European Union: Institutions, Policies, and Decision Making (2010-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)Interest Representation in the EU (2010-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)Capstone Assignment: Public Affairs Strategy - PROJECT (2010-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)International Business Environment (2010-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)Corporate Strategy (2017-, interchangeably with other colleague, IBS, HUAS)Public Affairs Theory (2010-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)Corporate Sustainability (replacement of a colleague, 2017 & 2020,  IBS, HUAS)Study Trip European Public Affairs to EU / IGO / think-tanks & consultancies in Brussels & The Hague with a research report (2010-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)Studiereis Den Haag en onderzoeksrapprot / Study trip and a research repport (2007-2010, BA International Relations and International Organization, RuG)Politics and Governance / Beleid en Bestuur (2007-2010, BA International Relations and International Organization, RuG) Transformation and Integration in Europe – major (specialisation) course & thesis / Transformatie en Integratie in Europa – kernvak (specialisatie) & afstudeerscriptie  (2007-2010, BA International Relations and International Organization, RuG)Political and Legal Construction of Europe (2007-2010, Erasmus Mundus International Double Degree Master Programme Euroculture, RuG)
Courses taught:
European Business in the Global Environment - PROJECT (2020-, interchangeably with other colleague, IBS, HUAS)Economies and Business in the European Union - PROJECT (2017-2020, MBA MIBM, IBS, HUAS)Society in Transition (2018-2021, MSc Energy for Society, SIEN, HUAS)In Dialogue about Energy (2018-2021, MSc Energy for Society, SIEN, HUAS)Governance, Compliance and Risk Management (replacement of a colleague, 2018, IBS, HUAS)European Union: Institutions, Policies, and Decision Making (2010-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)Interest Representation in the EU (2010-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)Capstone Assignment: Public Affairs Strategy - PROJECT (2010-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)EUROSIM - International Simulation Module - PROJECT (2010-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)Debate (2010-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)International Business Environment (2010-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)Public Affairs Theory (2010-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)Communication Theory (2015-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)International Communication project (2012-2015, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)International Event Management (2012-2015, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)Research Design and Methods (2015-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)Innovation Lab: Creative Society (2016-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)
Study Trip European Public Affairs to EU / IGO / think-tanks & consultancies in Brussels & The Hague with a research report (2010-2017, B International Communication, SCMI, HUAS)
Politics and Governance / Beleid en Bestuur (2007-2010, BA International Relations and International Organization, RuG) Political Science / Wetenschap der Politiek (2007-2010, BA International Relations and International Organization, RuG) Internationale Politiek / International Politics (2007-2010, BA International Relations and International Organization, RuG) Internationale Organisaties / International Organizations (2007-2010, BA International Relations and International Organization, RuG) Leer der Internationale Betrekkingen – kernvak met onderzoeksrapport / International Relations Theory – major course with a research repport (2007-2010, BA International Relations and International Organization, RuG) Studiereis Den Haag en onderzoeksrapprot / Study trip and a research repport (2007-2010, BA International Relations and International Organization, RuG)Transformation and Integration in Europe – major (specialisation) course & thesis / Transformatie en Integratie in Europa – kernvak (specialisatie) & afstudeerscriptie  (2007-2010, BA International Relations and International Organization, RuG) European Union: Myth or Reality? – course on EU integration, decision making & policies (2007-2010, International Exchange programme, RuG)Political and Legal Construction of Europe (2007-2010, Erasmus Mundus International Double Degree Master Programme Euroculture, RuG) 
Member of the Exam Board (2018-2019, IBS, HUAS; 2007-2010, IRIO, RuG)
Chair of the Board of Studies (2019-2021, 2021-2023, IBS, HUAS) member of the Board of Studies (2017-2019, IBS, HUAS)

Doctor of Philosophy






Not known

Phone number
