
Fragments of Him: Aligning Commercial Entertainment, Education, and Social Impact.


There are huge opportunities to use commercial, artistic video games as educational tools. This talks about one example where a commercial artistic/entertainment video game was created that also addressed content with both societal and educational impact. The game ‘Fragments of Him’ touches on topics of gay/bisexual relationships, love, family, intergenerational conflict, mourning, and more. It has been used as a teaching tool for both the content and the processes of creation, and has been released commercially on multiple gaming platforms. It proves that, with sufficient investment and quality in the interface, art, and interaction design, commercial video games can have significant pro-social and educational applications.

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    Diversity and Inclusion in Video Games

    A research theme examining diversity and inclusion in video games, using an intersectional perspective and typically addressing issues related to the representation of gender, race, and LGBTQ+ people, but also touching broader topics such as class, age, geographic privilege, physical and neurodiversity, the (unevenly distributed) impacts of the climate crisis, and other aspects of identity.
