Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Learner metacognition is one of the most influential factors that positively affects learning. Previous work shows that game-based learning can contribute to supporting and developing metacognitive knowledge and skills of learners. While there are many specific examples of such games, it remains unclear how to effectively design game-based learning environments to achieve this in an effective way. In other words: there is sufficient case-specific evidence, but limited design knowledge derived from such cases. In this paper, we attempt to identify such intermediary design knowledge that resides between specific games and generalized theory. We present three design experiments where game-based metacognitive training is evaluated in real-world educational settings. We collected insights regarding usefulness, motivation, usage, effort, and metacognition among participating students. From these experiments we identify what was learned in the form of design recommendations and, as such, contribute to collecting intermediary design knowledge for designing game-based metacognitive training.
Digital game-based learning (DGBL) can be regarded as a promising teaching pedagogy to prepare students for challenges of the 21st century. However, the incorporation of digital games into K-12 curricula remains limited. Research suggests that a comprehensive understanding of barriers and motivational factors that teachers face when implementing DGBL is needed to ensure that teachers can receive the support required. To delineate suggestions for tailored curricula on game-based pedagogy in teacher education programs, we conducted a study to gain insight into in-service teachers’ perception of DGBL in relation to their previous experience in teaching with DGBL. To achieve our goal, we examined the factors that impede and promote the implementation of DGBL among in-service teachers who are presently pursuing master's level education programs, having in mind that this group of teachers is different from pre-service teachers. Data was collected using an online survey with open- and closed-ended questions. The sample consisted of in-service teachers (n=37) who were enrolled in a master’s course in math education. The data analysis conducted was of a qualitative nature. One significant finding derived from this study is that the level of pedagogical experience in utilizing games as a teaching tool appears to be a crucial factor in understanding the inclination of in-service teachers towards game-based pedagogy. Pedagogical factors were mentioned by teachers at all stages of experience with DGBL, and differences were observed between teachers at different stages. For instance, in-service teachers with experience with DGBL (intermediate and advanced stages) were concerned about being able to maintain focus on the math concepts, the need to adapt the game lesson to students, and the ways to evaluate student learning less experienced teachers were essentially concerned about ways to control the classroom during DGBL and whether the pupils would receive adequate practice in this learning mode. Differences were also noted for other factors between teachers at different stages. Advanced stage teachers did have concerns about game appropriateness for the intended learning; teachers with less experience were concerned about the lack of games (technical factors). Dealing with an existing curriculum and high workload were common aspects for teachers with no or some experience but only teachers with some experience mentioned obstacles related to school organization (structural factors). Teachers with few and some experience referred to the lack of knowledge and competence (personal factors) and that pupils would not take the lessons with games seriously (social factors). This research supports DGBL- practice (i) by adding new knowledge on the factors that can support or constrain the integration of DGBL and its implications for the development of curricula on game-based pedagogy; (ii) by providing suggestions to design and implement meaningful curricula on digital game-based pedagogy for teaching education and training programs.
How do learners understand, monitor, and regulate their own learning? A question of metacognition. Improving metacognitive knowledge and skills contributes too learning effectiveness and effiency. The goal of this PhD project is to study in what ways metacognitive training can be supported and facilitated trhough game-based learning.
De toepassing van nieuwe technologie biedt veelbelovende mogelijkheden tot productinnovatie voor opleidings- en trainingsbureaus. Om deze kansen te kunnen benutten dienen zij echter wel toegang hebben tot de benodigde kennis, expertise en faciliteiten. Kleine opleidings- en trainingsbureaus hebben daarom behoefte aan een samenwerkingsverband met kennisinstellingen, om kennis, expertise en faciliteiten te kunnen delen en nieuwe producten en diensten te kunnen ontwikkelen, testen en implementeren. Het doel van dit KIEM-project is om een dergelijk samenwerkingsverband op te zetten in de regio Noord-Nederland. Concreet is ons plan om rondom het Simulation & Game-Based Learning Lab (SiGa-Lab) van NHL Hogeschool een samenwerkingsverband van minimaal 30 kleine bureaus op te zetten. Met dit samenwerkingsverband willen we in 2017/2018: - twee-maandelijkse netwerkbijeenkomsten organiseren met presentaties, demonstraties en showcases van nieuwe technologische toepassingen; - van gedachten wisselen over nieuwe ideeën voor technologie-intensieve producten en diensten op het gebied van opleiding & training; - veelbelovende ideeën uitwerken tot (paper)prototypes; - een RAAK MKB-aanvraag voorbereiden (indien meerdere deelnemers willen investeren in het ontwikkelen van een nieuw product). Dit projectvoorstel is voorbereid door tien bedrijven en instellingen die nu al samenwerken rondom het SiGa-Lab van de NHL: - 8D Games - Friesland Boeit - LDC Business - Maarsingh & Van Steijn - Meridio Talent Sharing - NHL Hogeschool - Stark Learning - Syntax Error - TU Delft - Van Hemmen & Partners De totale kosten van het project bedragen €31.900,00. Het aangevraagde subsidiebedrag is €20.000,00. De co-financiering bedraagt €11.900,00.