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Met de toenemende drukte in de stad neemt ook het autogebruik toe. Deze toename zorgt voor extra druk op de veiligheid en gezondheid voor mens en natuur. Om de negatieve impact van verkeer te mitigeren kan gekeken worden naar strengere eisen aan hinder en uitstoot. Met Smooth Traffic Management (STM) wordt gewerkt aan het verminderen van de negatieve verkeerseffecten rond ‘gevoelige locaties’ door bestuurders middels een navigatiesysteem een alternatieve, omgevingsbewuste route aan te bieden.
1. Purpose of the ResearchThe research aims at developing a concept of operations (ConOps) that could connect aviation and all existing and future transport modes into an overall efficient transport network. Such ConOps should provide future passengers with a rapid and seamless travel experience.2. Research design, Methodology or ApproachThis paper describes a ConOps based on an ATM (Air Traffic Management) for a holistic traffic management system. For this purpose, the influences of quality management systems and other organizational facilities on the quality of passenger travel were examined. Various management systems like resources, traffic information, energy, fleet emergency calls, security and infrastructure, and applications such as weather information platforms and tracking systems have been integrated.3. Expected research findingsThe ConOps is intended to pave the way to cross-modal traffic management, in which the preferences of the travellers have a high priority. The first results show that the needs of the passengers can only be met in advance, and the traffic resources can only be used economically through close cooperation and coordination of these management systems and applications with regard to possible synergies and interactions.4. Summary of the originality/contributionTo develop these ConOps, general and traffic management systems next to basic principles of quality management were researched in the literature, which could be summarized in a Total Traffic Management System (TTM). The ATM experience served as a model example. The ConOps can be used as a basis to build a previously non-existing TTM that can be used to manage the future of travelling and future transport modes.
The EU project X-TEAM D2D focuses on future seamless door-to-door mobility, considering the experiences from Air Traffic Management and the currently available and possible future transport modalities in overall multimodal traffic until 2050. This paper deals with developing a Concept of Operations of an intermodal transport system with special consideration of the pabengers' satisfaction with up to 4-hour journeys. For this purpose, the influences of quality management systems and other organizational facilities on the quality of pabenger travel in the transport system were examined. In the study, integration of various management systems, like resources, traffic information, energy, fleet emergency calls, security and infrastructure, and applications such as weather information platforms and tracking systems, is expected.
The main challenge addressed in FTMAAS (Freight Traffic Management As A Service) is the integration of logistics and traffic management information. Digitalization is progressing quickly in both areas, but operational connections and synergies are scarce. The mission of the FTMAAS Living Lab is to connect these two subsystems by developing, implementing and testing integrating software applications that benefit both worlds. The Living Lab focuses on the International Freight Corridor South (Rotterdam-Venlo) and manages 3 main running cases and 6 research subprojects. Research focuses on questions of value creation, analytics and optimization of both logistics and network level traffic management.
Dankzij digitalisering maken logistieke processen een efficiencyslag door. Een specifieke groep van toepassingen bevindt zich in de afstemming tussen logistiek en verkeer. Enerzijds kunnen logistieke planning en –uitvoering op verkeersomstandigheden worden geoptimaliseerd; anderzijds kan verkeersmanagement baat hebben bij informatie over transportprocessen. Tot nu toe ontwikkelen deze werelden zich gescheiden, en ontbreekt het aan een programma waarin systematisch alle raakvlakken worden verkend en kansrijke applicaties worden ontwikkeld. Het programma brengt deze werelden bijeen en ontwikkelt het concept van “verkeersmanagement voor goederenvervoer als dienst” zodat kansrijke toepassingen en de voorwaarden voor realisatie in beeld komen.
The main challenge addressed in FTMAAS (Freight Traffic Management As A Service) is the integration of logistics and traffic management information. Digitalization is progressing quickly in both areas, but operational connections and synergies are scarce. The mission of the FTMAAS Living Lab is to connect these two subsystems by developing, implementing and testing integrating software applications that benefit both worlds. The Living Lab focuses on the International Freight Corridor South (Rotterdam-Venlo) and manages 3 main running cases and 6 research subprojects. Research focuses on questions of value creation, analytics and optimization of both logistics and network level traffic management.