
SAVED - Samenwerkend Autonoom Vervoer op bEDrijventerreinen


Logistics companies struggle to keep their supply chain cost-effective, reliable and sustainable, due to changing demand, increasing competition and growing service requirements. To remain competitive, processes must be efficient with low costs. Of the entire supply chain, the first and last mile logistics may be the most difficult aspect due to low volumes, high waiting and shipping times and complex schedules. These inefficiencies account for up to 40% of total transport costs.

Connected Automated Transport (CAT) is a technological development that allows for safer, more efficient and cleaner transport, especially for the first- and last-mile. The Connected Automated Driving Roadmap (ERTRAC) states that CAT can revolutionize the way fleets operate. The CATALYST Project (NWO) already shows the advantages of CAT. SAVED builds on several projects and transforms the challenges and solutions that were identified on a strategic level to a tactical and operational (company) level.

Despite the high-tech readiness of CAT, commercial acceptance is lacking due to issues regarding profitable integration into existing logistics processes and infrastructures. In-depth research on automated hub-to-hub freight transport is needed, focusing on ideal vehicle characteristics, logistic control of the vehicles (planning, routing, positioning, battery management), control modes (central, decentralized, hybrid), communication modes (vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure) and automation of loading and unloading, followed by the translation of this knowledge into valid business models.

Therefore, SAVED focuses on the following question:

“How can automated and collaborative hub-to-hub transport be designed, and what is the impact in terms of People, Planet and Profit (PPP) on the logistics value chain of industrial estates of different sizes, layouts and different traffic situations (mixed/unmixed infrastructure)?“

SAVED results in knowledge of the applicability of CAT and the impact on the logistics value chain of various industrial estates, illustrated by two case studies.


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Not known