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This longitudinal study has examined the associations between perceived supportive and unsupportive spousal behavior and changes in distress in couples coping with cancer. We tested whether people relatively low in their sense of personal control were more responsive to spousal supportive and unsupportive behavior than were people relatively high in personal control. Patients with colorectal cancer and their partners (n = 70) completed questionnaires at two assessment points: 3 (at baseline) and 9 months (at follow-up) after the diagnosis. We assessed perceived spousal supportive (SSL) and unsupportive (SSL-N) behavior, sense of personal control (Pearlin & Schooler's Mastery), and depressive symptoms (CES-D) in both patients and partners. Multilevel analysis (MLwiN) was used to examine changes in distress over time in a dyadic context. Patients and partners who perceived more spousal support reported less distress over time, but this only applied to those relatively low in personal control. Moreover, partners who perceived more unsupportive spousal behavior reported more distress, again only if they were relatively low in personal control. Patients and partners relatively high in personal control reported relatively low levels of distress, regardless of spousal behavior. In conclusion, people relatively low in personal control may be more adversely affected by unsupportive behavior and benefit more from supportive behavior than people relatively high in personal control.
Digitalization enables public organizations to personalize their services, tuning them to the specific situation, abilities, and preferences of the citizens. At the same time, digital services can be experienced as being less personal than face-to-face contact by citizens. The large existing volume of academic literature on personalization mainly represents the service provider perspective. In contrast, in this paper we investigate what makes citizens experience a service as personal. The result are eight dimensions that capture the full range of individual experiences and expectations that citizens expressed in focus groups. These dimensions can serve as a framework for public sector organizations to explore the expectations of citizens of their own services and identify the areas in which they can improve the personal experiences they offer.
De term soft control wordt gebruikt voor een keur aan sturings- en beheersmaatregelen die organisaties helpen op koers te blijven. Ze hebben vooral betrekking op gedrag en cultuur. Uit ons inventariserend onderzoek blijkt dat er geen eenduidigheid over de definitie van soft control is en al helemaal niet over de manier waarop soft control wordt uitgewerkt. Hierdoor zijn veel uitwerkingen en meetinstrumenten voor soft control in omloop. In dit artikel vragen we ons af hoe we de kwaliteit van meetinstrumenten voor soft control kunnen beoordelen. Op basis van een aantal methodologische criteria ontwikkelen we een ordeningskader van deze instrumenten. Hiermee scheppen we helderheid in de fascinerende wereld van sociaalwetenschappelijke meetinstrumenten.
Despite Dutch Hospitality industry’s significant economic value, employers struggle to attract and retain early career professionals at a time when tourism is forecasted to grow exponentially (Ruël, 2018). Universally, hospitality management graduates are shunning hospitality careers preferring other career paths; stimulating the Dutch Hospitality to find innovative ways of attracting and retaining early career professionals. Following calls from the Human Resource Management (HRM) community (Ehnert, 2009), we attribute this trend to personnel being depicted as rentable resources, driving profit’’ often at personal expense. For example, hotels primarily employ immigrants and students for a minimum wage suppressing salaries of local talent (Kusluvan, et al 2010, O’Relly and Pfeffer, 2010). Similarly, flattening organizational structures have eliminated management positions, placing responsibility on inexperienced shoulders, with vacancies commonly filled by pressured employees accepting unpaid overtime jeopardizing their work life balance (Davidson, et al 2010,). These HRM practices fuel attrition by exposing early career professionals to burnout (Baum et al, 2016, Goh et al, 2015, Deery and Jog, 2009). Collectively this has eroded the industry’s employer brand, now characterized by unsocial working hours, poor compensation, limited career opportunities, low professional standing, high turnover and substance abuse (Mooney et al, 2016, Gehrels and de Looij, 2011). In contrast, Sustainable HRM “enables an organizational goal achievement while simultaneously reproducing the human resource base over a long-lasting calendar time (Ehnert, 2009, p. 74).” Hence, to overcome this barrier we suggest embracing the ROC framework (Prins et al, 2014), which (R)espects internal stakeholders, embraces an (O)pen HRM approach while ensuring (C)ontinuity of economic and societal sustainability which could overcome this barrier. Accordingly, we will employ field research, narrative discourse, survey analysis and quarterly workshops with industry partners, employees, union representatives, hotel school students to develop sustainable HRM practices attracting and retaining career professionals to pursue Dutch hospitality careers.
In this project we utilize the conversational model of delivering destination information as an experimental intervention to provide tips to a sub-group of visitor participants in one specific destination, Overijssel. By contrasting the experience of this group to a randomly assigned control group will be able to test the effectiveness of hyper-personalized information. Furthermore, we will investigate the effectiveness of integrating, in the tips provided, the policy of the DMO to direct visitors to certain places while reducing the pressure on others. For this variable as well––policy-driven vs. demand-driven information sources––random assignment to test and control groups will allow us to draw conclusions about causes of differences in tourist behavior and experience.The main question is: Does the conversational information model, as exemplified by Travel with Zoey, create the possibility to direct people to the places destination managers would like them to go, while assuring they benefit equally––or even more–from their travel experience? Partners: NBTC, Marketing Oost, Travel With Zoey.
Het basisonderwijs staat voor de lastige opgave om kinderen meer te laten bewegen zonder dat dat ten koste gaat van de kernvakken als rekenen en taal. Er is wel een ontwikkeling die kansen biedt: bewegend leren. Dit combineert bewegingsoefeningen met reken- of taaloefeningen en lijkt een meerwaarde te hebben voor de cognitieve ontwikkeling van kinderen. Exergames worden hiervoor al wel mondjesmaat toegepast, maar niet in samenhang met doelstellingen op het gebied van motorische ontwikkeling. Hoe kunnen exergames zo ontwikkeld worden dat ze succesvol ingezet worden in het basisonderwijs om én cognitieve automatiseringsdoelstellingen én motorische ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen geïntegreerd ondersteunen? Door een slimme innovatie van gepersonaliseerd bewegend leren kan zonder dat daar meer verroosterde tijd voor beweegonderwijs voor nodig is de motorische ontwikkeling van kinderen worden versterkt en gemeten, bewegend leren voor het individu geoptimaliseerd worden, de docent ontlast worden, en daarmee de weerstand tegen invoering van bewegend leren verminderd worden. Het samenwerkingsverband verbindt serious game design, cognitieve training van kinderen én motorische ontwikkeling en dat is uniek. Voor de game-design partners levert dit waardevolle kennis op voor het ontwikkelen van exergames die goed geworteld zijn in het onderwijs. Voor de ontwikkeling van de adaptieve games wordt ingezet op een user-centered designproces waarbij co-creatie sessies met vakleerkrachten en game designers een belangrijke rol spelen. De beoogde resultaten zijn (1) een prototype waarmee bewegingen kunnen worden gemonitord en inzichtelijk gemaakt voor de leerkracht; (2) Enkele prototypes van adaptieve games die kinderen nieuwe motorische vaardigheden leren terwijl ze een automatiseringstaak uitvoeren; en (3) Ontwerp- en implementatierichtlijnen voor deze games in de dagelijkse onderwijspraktijk. Het geheel is een proof of concept die game designers in staat stelt om een slimme en adaptieve exergames te maken voor bewegend leren.