The Zeeland-Flemish region has a robust process industry where fouling in equipment occurs when deposits of contaminants form on surfaces of the material of construction (MoC). Water Jetting is applied for foulant removal and cleaning of MoC.
Together with professionals, asset owners and cleaning companies, we have investigated how altering Water Jetting (WJ) parameters affected MoC failure mechanisms to optimize processes to prevent unwanted MoC failure while achieving desired fouling control. The research focused on modelling the effect of water pressure, flow rate and energy absorbed by the foulant and MoC on their weight loss. Data was collected from experiments on different MoC and foulant under a range process parameter values. Research has proven that with the knowledge of WJ process parameters and mechanical properties of foulant and MoC as tensile strength and toughness, it is possible to predict the removal efficiency of foulant and structural damage of MoC. Besides, a model that predicts the number of cleaning cycles to failure of MoC under selected WJ process parameters.
The main advantage of using the models, is the possibility to optimize parameters to reduce the amount of water for WJ, with consequent decrease of environmental impact, and to increase the corresponding life expectancy of the asset.
Graduation students and visiting students were involved in the research and collaborated in designing the experiments, performing some tests, building up the model and in analyzing the results. First-, second- and fourth-year students water related courses were enriched by WJ concept and asset management of pipes, while a full-block Asset Management course was developed and taught to fourth-year both Civil Engineering and Water management students.
Personal development of postdoc was achieved by a.o. participating in two conferences. Collaboration and networking with other asset management research group members, Engineering, Data Science and Chemistry benefited the research.
The postdoc candidate, Sondos Saad, will strengthen connections between research groups Asset Management(AM), Data Science(DS) and Civil Engineering bachelor programme(CE) of HZ.
The proposed research aims at deepening the knowledge about the complex multidisciplinary performance deterioration prediction of turbomachinery to optimize cleaning costs, decrease failure risk and promote the efficient use of water &energy resources. It targets the key challenges faced by industries, oil &gas refineries, utility companies in the adoption of circular maintenance.
The study of AM is already part of CE curriculum, but the ambition of this postdoc is that also AM principles are applied and visible. Therefore, from the first year of the programme, the postdoc will develop an AM material science line and will facilitate applied research experiences for students, in collaboration with engineering companies, operation &maintenance contractors and governmental bodies. Consequently, a new generation of efficient sustainability sensitive civil engineers could be trained, as the labour market requires.
The subject is broad and relevant for the future of our built environment being more sustainable with less CO2 footprint, with possible connections with other fields of study, such as Engineering, Economics &Chemistry. The project is also strongly contributing to the goals of the National Science Agenda(NWA), in themes of “Circulaire economie en grondstoffenefficiëntie”,”Meten en detecteren: altijd, alles en overall” &”Smart Industry”.
The final products will be a framework for data-driven AM to determine and quantify key parameters of degradation in performance for predictive AM strategies, for the application as a diagnostic decision-support toolbox for optimizing cleaning &maintenance; a portfolio of applications &examples; and a new continuous learning line about AM within CE curriculum.
The postdoc will be mentored and supervised by the Lector of AM research group and by the study programme coordinator(SPC). The personnel policy and job function series of HZ facilitates the development opportunity.
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