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Competentiegericht onderwijs is gemeengoed geworden in het beroepsonderwijs, maar de twijfel over de effectiviteit groeit. In de uitwerking zou het zich teveel richten op ontwikkelen van vaardigheden en de opbouw van een degelijke kennisbasis verwaarlozen. De roep om terugkeer naar het traditionele onderwijs, waarin kennisoverdracht weer centraal staat, wordt sterker en vindt veel bijval. In dit artikel wordt betoogd dat niet het onderwijsconcept onvolkomen is, maar dat opnieuw gekeken moet worden naar de implementatie. Daartoe wordt het concept nogmaals geanalyseerd, waarna de relatie wordt gelegd met de ontwikkeling naar professionaliteit die een gemiddelde student doormaakt. Vanuit het perspectief van drie leertheoretische visies wordt gepleit voor gefaseerde invoering van het concept, die aansluit bij de natuurlijke ontwikkeling tot professional. Als voorbeeld wordt het curriculum van de opleiding tot Bachelor of Education van de Hogeschool INHOLLAND besproken, waarin deze aanpak wordt nagestreefd.
Debates about social theory and social policy are highly fragmented and unclear in subject and direction. A recognised paradigm is failing. Maybe we have to accept that social reality is not to reconstruct in social theory. But we certainly need social theorists and social theories to support citizens, policy makers and social workers in improving social reality. Social reality in post modern societies is to be characterized by problematic relationships among citizens and between citizens and the public sector and by a sharp rise in problematic behaviour. The affluent society has failed to create a more sensitive world where people behave more socially. The dominant social problem is no longer seen from a social economic perspective but from a social cultural one. Social competences and social capital are considerer to be essential assets to cope with life in post modern society. For people weak ties and thin trust are essential to integrate into society. Thick trust and strong ties can bind people to much and cause inflexibility. The current social problem is a matter of designing a social world where relationships and behaviour are fair and reasonable. It asks for an interesting and creative social policy and social work, not too much stressing the problematic issues but encouraging people to trust each other. Current social policy is too much focused on the needs and problems. It has to change into a more expressive social policy, a policy that people challenges to express them and to create new relationships. Social behaviour asks for flexibility and creativity, for being authentic and playing roles. Scientists, policymakers, social workers and citizens are in the same field and have access to the same knowledge.
Since 2000, all Dutch Universities of Professional Education are confronted with three major renewals. The first was the European agreement to implement the Bachelor-Master system in Higher Education. The second was the strong tendence to renew eduction towards Competence Based Education. The third renewal came from the decision of the ministery of Education to contract lectures (lectoren) and research networks (kenniskringen) to improve research competences among students. Basic idea behind the latest renewal was that if students from Universities of Professional Education bring in more knowledge in companies, during and after their study, this will stimulate the innovative power of Dutch small and medium enterprices (SME’s). Educational developers have been very bussy with these renewals. Under the cloak of national assurance guidelines and external panels of inspection many educational developers automatically tended to use the instrumental paradigm for many design contexts. In accordance with the research of Gustafson (1993) and Richey (1993) we raised questions about the relevance of the instrumental paradigm for educational design contexts, because often the means-end thinking of the instrumental approach have seemed to be out of place. This research project by Lappia, De Boer & Van Rennes took place in 2006 at INHOLLAND university of professional education in the western part of The Netherlands with four pilots at School of Technology, Social Work, Education and Economics. The researchers started from the assumption that improving competence-based internships could not been based on an instrumental paradigma, because of the lack of absolute standards and the need to support deliberation among stakeholders. The Design Science Approach of Van Aken (2004) and Andriessen (2004) was been used to reveal field-tested and grounded technological rules as design specifications for improvement tools. Beside that the research project used the communicative paradigm (Visscher-Voerman & Gustafson, 2004) to reach consensus among the practitioners, who accompanion students during their internships in organisations in order to achieve a growth of competences in the choosen working field. Participants in the research project were employees of the School of Education, The School of Technology and the School of Economics, the department of Education, Quality, Research and development (OKR). Conditions for participating in the project were that the Schools recognized the problems with implementing Competence Based Internship and the School had to set the employees whe participated in the project free for half a day during the project. The Schools as stakeholders in the project were primary interested in solution of their practical problem (practical stream). The department of Education, Quality, Research and development was interested in solution of the pratical problem for dissemination reasons, but would also learn new strategies for implementation (knowledge stream). Therefore was choosen to follow the Design Science Research Approach.
Veel mbo-opleidingen kiezen voor praktijkroutes, hybride leeromgevingen en gepersonaliseerde leerroutes. Dit levert dilemma’s op bij de afsluiting van de opleiding. Gebruikelijke examens passen vaak niet meer. Deze opleidingen willen informatie uit het onderwijs laten meewegen in de diplomabeslissing en een mix aan bewijzen gebruiken uit praktijk, werk en andere leeromgevingen.