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Modern offices and the use of electronic devices are increasing factors in work-related eye symptoms. However, symptoms of eye fatigue or dry eye sensation can be mixed and confusing. This study surveys the eye symptoms reported during a working day at modern offices to investigate the possible inhibition on daily work activities. Two online digital surveys were sent to three different work locations, by direct e-mail. Survey A consisted of 14 questions that investigated eye symptoms experienced during daily activities at work and the impact on daily activities. Survey B consisted of four general questions, the Dutch Ocular Surface Disease Index, the Work Productivity and Activity Index, and the Illness Perception Questionnaire.
Dry eye disease (DED), and especially work-related dry eye, has an increasing incidence, and is expected to become a significant public health problem, with the increasing age until retirement, and the effect of the modern, digital, working environment causing higher visual demands. The indoor environment and more demanding, eye-related tasks, are risks factors for the development of dry eye symptoms, leading to DED at these workplaces. The current management for diagnosed DED is strongly pharmaceutical-based, and research looking at solutions towards better functioning and well-being of DED patients is rare. There is also a lack of evidence about the role of healthcare professionals in DED management. This PhD looks at: the prevalence of DED in office workers; the environmental factors involved; the negative aspects on quality of life experience; the attitude of healthcare professionals to DED management; the care given by the primary healthcare professionals; and the needs for a healthcare pathway for DED.
Demand Driven Care plays a key role in the modernization of the Dutch health care system. This modernization is needed because a) clients needs for care increases quantitatively as well as in diversity, b) the financial means for collective services are inadequate, c) the accessibility of health care will depend on clients own responsibility, and d) shortage of professional care givers is foreseen. In the Netherlands, the need for professional care givers increases with an average of 2% every year. Demand Driven Care is an instrument for liberalization of public activities. The Faculty Chair Demand Driven Care focuses on those activities that will contribute to sufficient care supply. Within the program of the chair, activities are executed under the theme of Integrated Care, Substitution, Patient Centred Care, and Home Care Technology with an emphasis on gerontechnology. The Faculty Chair wants to contribute to a better integration and coherence in care. So that clients live and function independently as long as possible and are able to enhance their self management. In addition, health care professionals should be aware of demand driven processes and should have a demand driven attitude towards clients.
In this proposal, a consortium of knowledge institutes (wo, hbo) and industry aims to carry out the chemical re/upcycling of polyamides and polyurethanes by means of an ammonolysis, a depolymerisation reaction using ammonia (NH3). The products obtained are then purified from impurities and by-products, and in the case of polyurethanes, the amines obtained are reused for resynthesis of the polymer. In the depolymerisation of polyamides, the purified amides are converted to the corresponding amines by (in situ) hydrogenation or a Hofmann rearrangement, thereby forming new sources of amine. Alternatively, the amides are hydrolysed toward the corresponding carboxylic acids and reused in the repolymerisation towards polyamides. The above cycles are particularly suitable for end-of-life plastic streams from sorting installations that are not suitable for mechanical/chemical recycling. Any loss of material is compensated for by synthesis of amines from (mixtures of) end-of-life plastics and biomass (organic waste streams) and from end-of-life polyesters (ammonolysis). The ammonia required for depolymerisation can be synthesised from green hydrogen (Haber-Bosch process).By closing carbon cycles (high carbon efficiency) and supplementing the amines needed for the chain from biomass and end-of-life plastics, a significant CO2 saving is achieved as well as reduction in material input and waste. The research will focus on a number of specific industrially relevant cases/chains and will result in economically, ecologically (including safety) and socially acceptable routes for recycling polyamides and polyurethanes. Commercialisation of the results obtained are foreseen by the companies involved (a.o. Teijin and Covestro). Furthermore, as our project will result in a wide variety of new and drop-in (di)amines from sustainable sources, it will increase the attractiveness to use these sustainable monomers for currently prepared and new polyamides and polyurethanes. Also other market applications (pharma, fine chemicals, coatings, electronics, etc.) are foreseen for the sustainable amines synthesized within our proposition.
Dit voorstel getiteld ?Circulaire Rundermest? staat een integrale aanpak voor ogen van de mestproblematiek in de melkveehouderij. Een consortium van MKB bedrijven wil samen met de Vilentum Hogeschool de eerste stappen zetten om bij te dragen aan een duurzame oplossing voor de Nederlandse mestproblematiek en toekomstige fosfaatschaarste. Het oplossen van het Nederlandse mestoverschot is cruciaal voor de overleving van de veehouderijsector in Nederland. In combinatie daarbij tevens de (toekomstige) schaarste aan fosfaat oplossen is een kans voor de Nederlandse landbouw. Gezien de ervaringen uit het verleden rondom de mestproblematiek wordt de aanpak gericht op marktconforme producten maken uit het mestoverschot, in plaats van de afvalbenadering, waarbij uitgegaan wordt van het circulaire gedachtegoed. Andere unieke aspecten in dit traject zijn i) de applicatie van een nieuwe high-tech scheidingstechnologie en ii) gebruikmaking van nieuwe combinaties van bestaande bioraffinage-technieken. Er wordt gestreefd naar het produceren van minimaal twee eindproducten: i) een anorganische fosfaat rijke fractie en ii) een organische fosfaatarme fractie. Deze fracties voldoen aan alle kwaliteitseisen om in de markt toegepast te worden als fosfor/fosfaatmeststof en bodemverbeteraar. Om dit te bereiken wordt door middel van praktijkgericht onderzoek antwoord gegeven op de onderzoeksvraag: ?Welke combinaties van bioraffinage-technieken zijn duurzaam en effectief voor het synthetiseren marktconforme fosfor/fosfaatconcentraten en organische stof producten uit rundermest?? Op basis van ervaringen uit de praktijk en opgedane kennis bij de betrokken lectoraten en de projectpartners wordt een conceptueel raffinage proces ontworpen. Dit proces wordt vervolgens in deelstappen experimenteel getoetst zowel bij de deelnemend MKB als bij de aangesloten hogescholen. Het optimale design wordt tenslotte in de praktijk getoetst door samenwerking van de aangesloten MKB projectpartners. Dit totaal wordt gecomplementeerd met economische en ecologische analyses ter vergelijking met bestaande systemen van de gemaakte keuzes. Relevante uitkomsten voor de sector over marktconforme producten en best presterende scheidingstechnieken worden onder andere via (vak)publicaties en een symposia verspreid.