Standard SARS-CoV-2 testing protocols using nasopharyngeal/throat (NP/T) swabs are invasive and require trained medical staff for reliable sampling. In addition, it has been shown that PCR is more sensitive as compared to antigen-based tests. Here we describe the analytical and clinical evaluation of our in-house RNA extraction-free saliva-based molecular assay for the detection of SARS-CoV-2. Analytical sensitivity of the test was equal to the sensitivity obtained in other Dutch diagnostic laboratories that process NP/T swabs. In this study, 955 individuals participated and provided NP/T swabs for routine molecular analysis (with RNA extraction) and saliva for comparison. Our RT-qPCR resulted in a sensitivity of 82,86% and a specificity of 98,94% compared to the gold standard. A false-negative ratio of 1,9% was found. The SARS-CoV-2 detection workflow described here enables easy, economical, and reliable saliva processing, useful for repeated testing of individuals.
Standard SARS-CoV-2 testing protocols using nasopharyngeal/throat (NP/T) swabs are invasive and require trained medical staff for reliable sampling. In addition, it has been shown that PCR is more sensitive as compared to antigen-based tests. Here we describe the analytical and clinical evaluation of our in-house RNA extraction-free saliva-based molecular assay for the detection of SARS-CoV-2. Analytical sensitivity of the test was equal to the sensitivity obtained in other Dutch diagnostic laboratories that process NP/T swabs. In this study, 955 individuals participated and provided NP/T swabs for routine molecular analysis (with RNA extraction) and saliva for comparison. Our RT-qPCR resulted in a sensitivity of 82,86% and a specificity of 98,94% compared to the gold standard. A false-negative ratio of 1,9% was found. The SARS-CoV-2 detection workflow described here enables easy, economical, and reliable saliva processing, useful for repeated testing of individuals.
Abstract gepubliceerd in Elsevier: Introduction: Recent research has identified the issue of ‘dose creep’ in diagnostic radiography and claims it is due to the introduction of CR and DR technology. More recently radiographers have reported that they do not regularly manipulate exposure factors for different sized patients and rely on pre-set exposures. The aim of the study was to identify any variation in knowledge and radiographic practice across Europe when imaging the chest, abdomen and pelvis using digital imaging. Methods: A random selection of 50% of educational institutes (n ¼ 17) which were affiliated members of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) were contacted via their contact details supplied on the EFRS website. Each of these institutes identified appropriate radiographic staff in their clinical network to complete an online survey via SurveyMonkey. Data was collected on exposures used for 3 common x-ray examinations using CR/DR, range of equipment in use, staff educational training and awareness of DRL. Descriptive statistics were performed with the aid of Excel and SPSS version 21. Results: A response rate of 70% was achieved from the affiliated educational members of EFRS and a rate of 55% from the individual hospitals in 12 countries across Europe. Variation was identified in practice when imaging the chest, abdomen and pelvis using both CR and DR digital systems. There is wide variation in radiographer training/education across countries.
Structural colour (SC) is created by light interacting with regular nanostructures in angle-dependent ways resulting in vivid hues. This form of intense colouration offers commercial and industrial benefits over dyes and other pigments. Advantages include durability, efficient use of light, anti-fade properties and the potential to be created from low cost materials (e.g. cellulose fibres). SC is widely found in nature, examples include butterflies, squid, beetles, plants and even bacteria. Flavobacterium IR1 is a Gram-negative, gliding bacterium isolated from Rotterdam harbour. IR1 is able to rapidly self-assemble into a 2D photonic crystal (a form of SC) on hydrated surfaces. Colonies of IR1 are able to display intense, angle-dependent colours when illuminated with white light. The process of assembly from a disordered structure to intense hues, that reflect the ordering of the cells, is possible within 10-20 minutes. This bacterium can be stored long-term by freeze drying and then rapidly activated by hydration. We see these properties as suiting a cellular reporter system quite distinct from those on the market, SC is intended to be “the new Green Fluorescent Protein”. The ability to understand the genomics and genetics of SC is the unique selling point to be exploited in product development. We propose exploiting SC in IR1 to create microbial biosensors to detect, in the first instance, volatile compounds that are damaging to health and the environment over the long term. Examples include petroleum or plastic derivatives that cause cancer, birth defects and allergies, indicate explosives or other insidious hazards. Hoekmine, working with staff and students within the Hogeschool Utrecht and iLab, has developed the tools to do these tasks. We intend to create a freeze-dried disposable product (disposables) that, when rehydrated, allow IR1 strains to sense and report multiple hazardous vapours alerting industries and individuals to threats. The data, visible as brightly coloured patches of bacteria, will be captured and quantified by mobile phone creating a system that can be used in any location by any user without prior training. Access to advice, assay results and other information will be via a custom designed APP. This work will be performed in parallel with the creation of a business plan and market/IP investigation to prepare the ground for seed investment. The vision is to make a widely usable series of tests to allow robust environmental monitoring for all to improve the quality of life. In the future, this technology will be applied to other areas of diagnostics.
Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a common and severe pregnancy complication and is associated with substantial perinatal morbidity and mortality in mothers and infants. The disease is often characterized by a non-specific presentation which makes it challenging for physician to diagnose PE during regular pregnancy check-ups. To date, there are no diagnostic tests on the market for detection of PE early in pregnancy (first trimester). In this project, we will develop a platform to sensitively analyse calcium-binding proteins (CBPs) which will unlock the full potential of CBPs as predictive PE markers. The technology will also be applicable for other diseases (e.g., dementia and cancer) where CBPs are also known to play a key role in disease pathophysiology. We will develop with phage display antibodies that can recognize calcium binding to specific motifs in proteins. To this end we will synthesize peptide motifs with and without calcium to select antibodies that are specific for calcium bound proteins. These antibodies will be validated for their clinical use. For this goal we will use serum samples from the Improved studie (EU subsidised study) to determine if we can recognize pre-eclampsia in a very early stage. This knowledge can lead to a better treatment of pregnant women suffering from this disease and also will probably increase the well-being for the baby born and the development further in life.
The missing link in diagnostic testing for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an agglutination assay, easy to perform and dedicated to decentralized testing. Approximately 75% of RA patients produce autoantibodies to citrullinated proteins (ACPA), which can be detected using an agglutination-based diagnostic test. Such a diagnostic test will be cheaper, less laborious and faster than current tests and does not require sophisticated equipment. Novio Catalpa is developing this alternative test for ACPA in collaboration with Radboud University. To develop this test, specifically tagged and citrullinated nanobodies are needed, but the production is still challenging. Current methods for the production of ACPA diagnostics involve chemical synthesis, in which a variety of toxic chemicals are used in each step. The alternative assay involves nanobodies fused with RA-biomarker target entities, which can be completely produced by ‘green synthesis’ in the yeast Pichia pastoris using the expertise of HAN BioCentre. The yeast P. pastoris has proven to be able to produce nanobodies and is a fast and cost-effective platform that often results in high protein yields. Goal of the project is therefore to determine the feasibility and best green route to produce purified nanobodies tagged with citrullinated ACPA targets that can be used for developing an agglutination assay for RA. P. pastoris does not produce endogenous PAD enzymes which are needed for citrullination of the nanobodies in order to be able to use it in a RA agglutination test. Therefore, PAD enzymes from other sources need to be tested and applied. The project results will be directly used by Novio Catalpa to further develop the innovative test for RA. This project will contribute to and finally result in a single-step agglutination assay suitable for both point-of-care testing and automation in clinical laboratories.