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This report is a deliverable of the ESTRAC “Case Studies Regional Energy Transition” project, commissioned and funded by the research institute Energy Systems Transition Centre (ESTRAC). ESTRAC is a joint initiative of knowledge and research institutes in the Netherlands – including TNO, ECN (since April 2018 part of TNO), University of Groningen, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, the New Energy Coalition (NEC) and, more recently, PBL – as well as associated partners including Gasunie, Gasterra, EBN and NAM. In addition to funding from the ESTRAC partners, the Case Studies Regional Energy Transition project has benefitted from funding by the Green Deal program of the Dutch government.
Jobs of communication professionals are closely linked to transformations in society and therefore the role of these professionals is changing rapidly. Communication students must be prepared for the new demands put on communication professionals in the field. In Ede, a new curriculum in communication was launched in order to enable students to become relevant partners in dialog with society. We can identify three areas in the new curriculum where fundamental transitions have been made, in order to meet the expectations of a profession in transition: 1. Decentralization. In order to create an agile educational environment, we choose flatter structures and more autonomy for development teams (including budgets). Creating educational ownership improved knowledge sharing and idea generation among lecturers. 2. An agile curriculum. We renewed the content of the curriculum and added subjects as online reputation management, web care, training skills, and advanced listening. What’s more: from now on we invest to improve the curriculum every year, in cooperation with stakeholders. Students participate in focus groups about the curriculum and partners in the field are invited as cocreators. 3. The role of lecturers. The ongoing development of the profession has huge implications for the role of the teaching staff. The lecturer used to be the expert. He shared his knowledge with the newcomers, the students. Nowadays lecturers only add value if they continuously gain experience from practice. Therefore, we encourage teachers and students to learn together with partners in the communication field. Published in: Yearbook 2016, first edition 2017, Emerald Publishing Limited: Advances in Public Relations and Communication Management - Volume 2 - How Strategic Communication Shapes Value and Innovation in Society Emerald Publishing Limited: Volume 2, 91-103, 2017 / ISSN: 2398-3914/doi:10.1108/S2398-39142017000000200 Copyright: 2017 by Emerald Publishing Limited / All rights of reproduction in any form reserved
This article will discuss philosophical debates on economic growth and environmental sustainability, the role of management responsibility, and the risk of subversion to business as usual. This discussion will be framed using the concepts of Cradle to Cradle (C2C) and Circular Economy about sustainable production. The case study illustrating the danger of subversion of these progressive models discussed here is based on the assignments submitted by Masters students as part of a course related to sustainable production and consumption at Leiden University. The evaluation of the supposedly best practice cases placed on the website of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation or those awarded Cradle to Cradle certificate has led some students to conclude that these cases illustrated green-washing. Larger implications of identified cases of green-washing for the field of sustainable business and ecological management are discussed. “This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in 'Philosophy of Management'. The final authenticated version is available online at: LinkedIn:
In order to achieve much-needed transitions in energy and health, systemic changes are required that are firmly based on the principles of regard for others and community values, while at the same time operating in market conditions. Social entrepreneurship and community entrepreneurship (SCE) hold the promise to catalyze such transitions, as they combine bottom-up social initiatives with a focus on financially viable business models. SCE requires a facilitating ecosystem in order to be able to fully realize its potential. As yet it is unclear in which way the entrepreneurial ecosystem for social and community entrepreneurship facilitates or hinders the flourishing and scaling of such entrepreneurship. It is also unclear how exactly entrepreneurs and stakeholders influence their ecosystem to become more facilitative. This research programme addresses these questions. Conceptually it integrates entrepreneurial ecosystem frameworks with upcoming theories on civic wealth creation, collaborative governance, participative learning and collective action frameworks.This multidisciplinary research project capitalizes on a unique consortium: the Dutch City Deal ‘Impact Ondernemen’. In this collaborative research, we enhance and expand current data collection efforts and adopt a living-lab setting centered on nine local and regional cases for collaborative learning through experimenting with innovative financial and business models. We develop meaningful, participatory design and evaluation methods and state-of-the-art digital tools to increase the effectiveness of impact measurement and management. Educational modules for professionals are developed to boost the abovementioned transition. The project’s learnings on mechanisms and processes can easily be adapted and translated to a broad range of impact areas.
The SPRONG-collaboration “Collective process development for an innovative chemical industry” (CONNECT) aims to accelerate the chemical industry’s climate/sustainability transition by process development of innovative chemical processes. The CONNECT SPRONG-group integrates the expertise of the research groups “Material Sciences” (Zuyd Hogeschool), “Making Industry Sustainable” (Hogeschool Rotterdam), “Innovative Testing in Life Sciences & Chemistry” and “Circular Water” (both Hogeschool Utrecht) and affiliated knowledge centres (Centres of Expertise CHILL [affiliated to Zuyd] and HRTech, and Utrecht Science Park InnovationLab). The combined CONNECT-expertise generates critical mass to facilitate process development of necessary energy-/material-efficient processes for the 2050 goals of the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (KIA) Climate and Energy (mission C) using Chemical Key Technologies. CONNECT focuses on process development/chemical engineering. We will collaborate with SPRONG-groups centred on chemistry and other non-SPRONG initiatives. The CONNECT-consortium will generate a Learning Community of the core group (universities of applied science and knowledge centres), companies (high-tech equipment, engineering and chemical end-users), secondary vocational training, universities, sustainability institutes and regional network organizations that will facilitate research, demand articulation and professionalization of students and professionals. In the CONNECT-trajectory, four field labs will be integrated and strengthened with necessary coordination, organisation, expertise and equipment to facilitate chemical innovations to bridge the innovation valley-of-death between feasibility studies and high technology-readiness-level pilot plant infrastructure. The CONNECT-field labs will combine experimental and theoretical approaches to generate high-quality data that can be used for modelling and predict the impact of flow chemical technologies. The CONNECT-trajectory will optimize research quality systems (e.g. PDCA, data management, impact). At the end of the CONNECT-trajectory, the SPRONG-group will have become the process development/chemical engineering SPRONG-group in the Netherlands. We can then meaningfully contribute to further integrate the (inter)national research ecosystem to valorise innovative chemical processes for the KIA Climate and Energy.
In De Haagse Hogeschool werken de lectoraten vanuit faculteiten, dicht bij het onderwijs, nauw samen in zeven kenniscentra. Deze kenniscentra zijn de verbinding tussen de regio, met zijn actuele thema’s (vaak gelinkt aan het missiegedreven innovatiebeleid van de overheid) en het onderwijs en onderzoek van de Haagse Hogeschool. De zeven kenniscentra van De Haagse Hogeschool zijn: Cybersecurity, Digital Operations & Finance, Global & Inclusive Learning, Global Governance, Health Innovation, Governance of Urban Transitions & Mission Zero. Deze kenniscentra zijn in opstartende fase en worden ondersteund door centrale diensten. De Haagse Hogeschool kiest voor versterking van de onderzoeksinfrastructuur die centraal staat in de kenniscentra: ‘de Haagse Labs’. Praktijkgericht onderzoek vindt in deze omgevingen plaats als een vervlechting van onderwijs (studenten en docenten), onderzoek, het werkveld en maatschappelijke partners. Sommige labs hebben een tijdelijk karakter, andere, zoals de hogeschool zelf, zijn continu een omgeving waarbinnen onderzoek gedaan wordt. De Haagse Labs zijn bij uitstek de plek waarin nauw samengewerkt wordt met andere hogescholen of kennisinstellingen (veelal zijn ze ontstaan uit een samenwerking zoals The Green Village, of het Basalt SmartLab). De keuze voor de Haagse Labs geeft verdieping aan regionale samenwerkingen en bijbehorende speerpunten. De huidige, meer informele inrichting, kan met behulp van Impuls 2020, verder structuur krijgen, leiden tot een betere kennisdeling tussen de kenniscentra heen en de regionale netwerkvorming versterken. Naast het formaliseren van ‘de Haagse Labs’ zetten we in op zichtbaarheid van de Hogeschool in de regio door te investeren in communicatie (denk bijvoorbeeld aan het opzetten van podcasts, en digitale middelen in Corona-tijd). Die profilering van ons onderzoek wordt verder ondersteunt door een traject rond visievorming en strategische positionering. De kenniscentra zullen begeleid worden om einde 2021 een visie te ontwikkelen met bijbehorende acties om de rol van de hogeschool in de regio te versterken.