This module for Involving Anthropology presents an account of one of the plenary debates held at the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) World Congress held at Manchester University, 5-10 August 2013. The module begins with a brief introduction to provide the context for the debate, which included two speakers for (Amita Baviskar and Don Nonini) and two speakers against (Helen Kopnina and Veronica Strang) the motion: ‘Justice for people must come before justice for the environment’. The introduction is followed by an edited transcript of John Gledhill’s welcome and introduction, the texts of the arguments made by each speaker for and against the motion (with the exception of Veronica Strang, whose presentation is being published elsewhere a summary of the comments and questions subsequently invited from the floor of the hall, and then a transcript of the responses of the presenters.
This module for Involving Anthropology presents an account of one of the plenary debates held at the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) World Congress held at Manchester University, 5-10 August 2013. The module begins with a brief introduction to provide the context for the debate, which included two speakers for (Amita Baviskar and Don Nonini) and two speakers against (Helen Kopnina and Veronica Strang) the motion: ‘Justice for people must come before justice for the environment’. The introduction is followed by an edited transcript of John Gledhill’s welcome and introduction, the texts of the arguments made by each speaker for and against the motion (with the exception of Veronica Strang, whose presentation is being published elsewhere a summary of the comments and questions subsequently invited from the floor of the hall, and then a transcript of the responses of the presenters.
Complexe vraagstukken gaan vaak over ongemakkelijke existentiële ervaringen. De bestuurskunde heeft voor die existentiële dimensie weinig aandacht. Dit artikel is een exploratie van deze existentiële dimensie in bestuur en beleid. Aan deze dimensie rechtdoen impliceert een relativering van maakbaarheid. Versterking van de rol van emoties, praktische wijsheid en professionele identiteit is nodig. Ook een andere omgang met tijd is van belang, zodat er ruimte voor vertraging ontstaat om aan existentiële ervaringen recht te doen. Deze aspecten zijn onderdeel van ambachtelijk werken.