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The aim of this exploratory study is to develop a definition of conceptual understanding for teaching in international business. In international business, professionals face complex problems like what to produce, where to manufacture, which markets to target, and when to expand abroad. A clear definition of conceptual understanding needed to solve such problems would provide design input for international business education. In three cycles, two independent expert panels with backgrounds in academic research, international business education, and international business practice identified and validated key components of conceptual understanding in international business. Key components are the global and local contexts, general and specific business practices, and theoretical business concepts and mechanisms. Other key characteristics include factual knowledge, explanation, and out-of-the-box thinking.
Co-teachers verzorgen samen onderwijs aan een groep leerlingen die aan hun zorg zijn toevertrouwd. Uit het promotieonderzoek van Dian Fluijt (docent en projectleider bij het Seminarium voor Orthopedagogiek en onderzoeker bij het Lectoraat Normative Professionalisering) blijkt dat co-teaching een effectieve wijze kan zijn om les te geven aan een hyperdiverse groep en tegelijkertijd tegemoet komt aan de behoefte aan meer handen voor de klas. Uit het onderzoek van Dian blijkt dat een klein netwerk van intensief samenwerkende leraren (co-teaching team) in staat is tot duurzame onderwijsinnovatie, waarvan zowel leerlingen als leraren kunnen profiteren. Het welbevinden van zowel leerlingen als leraren in een co-teaching groep groeit, omdat leerlingen meer aandacht krijgen en leraren hun verantwoordelijkheid kunnen delen. Leerlingen in een co-teaching groep presteren over het algemeen beter. Professionalisering op het gebied van co-teaching, gericht op het verkennen van eigen en gezamenlijke normen, waarden en overtuigingen van co-teachers, het leren om samen goed les te geven en het leren om goed samen te werken, is voorwaarde om co-teaching goed uit te kunnen voeren.
Phd Thesis Higher professional education aims to prepare graduates for the complexity of professional practices. The development of conceptual understanding is important to deal adequately with this complexity, especially in an unstructured professional domain such as international business. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the concept conceptual understanding in this professional domain, how it can be measured, what it looks like, how it changes, and in what ways it differs between students. The dissertation comprises five empirical studies for which data collection took place at a university of applied sciences in the Netherlands.
The Jean Monnet Chair in Sustainable EU Economy is a teaching and research position awarded by the European Commission to Dr Beata Kviatek and is hosted by the International Business School at Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, the Netherlands. It is the first time that the Jean Monnet Chair is hosted by a university of applied sciences.Project descriptionThe Jean Monnet Chair is awarded to professors with an excellent profile and expertise in European Union studies, following a positive evaluation of the candidate and the proposed actions by independent experts as excellent with regard to the relevance, quality, and impact. The implementation of the proposed actions is supported by a three-year grant, co-financed by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Union and the hosting organisation.GoalsThe Jean Monnet Chair in Sustainable EU Economy, led by Dr Beata Kviatek, aims to:develop knowledge on EU efforts to develop a low carbon, more resource efficient, strong and resilient economy that supports the development of a climate-neutral, green, fair and social Europe;enhance, innovate and promote excellence in teaching and research on European integration and sustainable EU economy at universities of applied sciences and, in particular, business schools;foster dialogue and exchanges of ideas between the academic world, policy makers, businesses, and society at large by providing a meeting place for debate, sharing of knowledge and people-to-people dialogue on European integration and sustainable EU economy.ValorisationThe Jean Monnet Chair (JMC) in Sustainable EU Economy is important because it addresses the challenges society faces by linking local and regional actions with national and European goals for sustainability.The JMC generates knowledge and insights for policy-makers, promotes excellence in teaching and research, fosters a dialogue between the academic world and society, and reaches out to the wider public. In that way the Jean Monnet Chair creates value for the hosting organization as well as the region.The Chair brings the knowledge on EU leadership in sustainability worldwide and the EU priorities and policies for sustainable economy to the classroom and provides guidelines for its broader integration into the business curriculum of higher education. This allows to innovate and update the business curriculum in order to meet the growing need for well-educated, competent professionals who are familiar with a European perspective.The Jean Monnet Chair provides a platform for meeting, debate, and knowledge sharing. In that way the Chair strengthens the social engagement of Hanze UAS locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally, and contributes to the implementation of the Hanze UAS mission and the Strategic Plan.The Hanze motto “share your talent. move the world.” is leading in the work programme of the Jean Monnet Chair that includes promotion of excellence in teaching and research of sustainable EU economy and sharing the gained experience and knowledge with other international business schools and universities.
Business relations between Brainport organisations and their partners based in China have been growing rapidly. This postdoc project explores the Sino-Dutch corporate communicative strategies in the intercultural and geo-political context. Adopting discourse analysis and design-based research methods, the research aims to develop effective communication strategies for organisations in Brainport. Probing the geo-political, intercultural and digital challenges, the project provides a framework and insights in terms of corporate communication in the intercultural settings. Based on the results, the publications, the teaching activities, and the public talks, this research will generate future research leads and more societal discussions on the interplay between intercultural and business communicative strategies. Furthermore, this research engages the teaching activities through lectures and workshops at Fontys School of Business and Communication. Engaging the students in various learning activities, I will encourage the learning groups to participate and experiment in a hybrid learning environment at Fontys. I will lead a research project team in our minor China and World Economy, and encourage the learning group to participate and experiment in a hybrid learning environment at Fontys.