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Training-induced adaptations in muscle morphology, including their magnitude and individual variation, remain relatively unknown in elite athletes. We reported changes in rowing performance and muscle morphology during the general and competitive preparation phases in elite rowers. Nineteen female rowers completed 8 weeks of general preparation, including concurrent endurance and high-load resistance training (HLRT). Seven rowers were monitored during a subsequent 16 weeks of competitive preparation, including concurrent endurance and resistance training with additional plyometric loading (APL). Vastus lateralis muscle volume, physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA), fascicle length, and pennation angle were measured using 3D ultrasonography. Rowing ergometer power output was measured as mean power in the final 4 minutes of an incremental test. Rowing ergometer power output improved during general preparation [+2 ± 2%, effect size (ES) = 0.22, P = 0.004], while fascicle length decreased (−5 ± 8%, ES = −0.47, P = 0.020). Rowing power output further improved during competitive preparation (+5 ± 3%, ES = 0.52, P = 0.010). Here, morphological adaptations were not significant, but demonstrated large ESs for fascicle length (+13 ± 19%, ES = 0.93), medium for pennation angle (−9 ± 15%, ES = −0.71), and small for muscle volume (+8 ± 13%, ES = 0.32). Importantly, rowers showed large individual differences in their training-induced muscle adaptations. In conclusion, vastus lateralis muscles of elite female athletes are highly adaptive to specific training stimuli, and adaptations largely differ between individual athletes. Therefore, coaches are encouraged to closely monitor their athletes' individual (muscle) adaptations to better evaluate the effectiveness of their training programs and finetune them to the athlete's individual needs.
OBJECTIVES: Acute hospitalization may lead to a decrease in muscle measures, but limited studies are reporting on the changes after discharge. The aim of this study was to determine longitudinal changes in muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance in acutely hospitalized older adults from admission up to 3 months post-discharge.DESIGN: A prospective observational cohort study was conducted.SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: This study included 401 participants aged ≥70 years who were acutely hospitalized in 6 hospitals. All variables were assessed at hospital admission, discharge, and 1 and 3 months post-discharge.METHODS: Muscle mass in kilograms was assessed by multifrequency Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis (MF-BIA) (Bodystat; Quadscan 4000) and muscle strength by handgrip strength (JAMAR). Chair stand and gait speed test were assessed as part of the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Norm values were based on the consensus statement of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People.RESULTS: A total of 343 acute hospitalized older adults were included in the analyses with a mean (SD) age of 79.3 (6.6) years, 49.3% were women. From admission up to 3 months post-discharge, muscle mass (-0.1 kg/m2; P = .03) decreased significantly and muscle strength (-0.5 kg; P = .08) decreased nonsignificantly. The chair stand (+0.7 points; P < .001) and gait speed test (+0.9 points; P < .001) improved significantly up to 3 months post-discharge. At 3 months post-discharge, 80%, 18%, and 43% of the older adults scored below the cutoff points for muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance, respectively.CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Physical performance improved during and after acute hospitalization, although muscle mass decreased, and muscle strength did not change. At 3 months post-discharge, muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance did not reach normative levels on a population level. Further research is needed to examine the role of exercise interventions for improving muscle measures and physical performance after hospitalization.
Background: Lipoedema is a chronic disorder of adipose tissue typically involving an abnormal build-up of fat cells in the legs, thighs and buttocks. Occurring almost exclusively in women, it often co-exists with obesity. Due to an absence of clear objective diagnostic criteria, lipoedema is frequently misdiagnosed as obesity, lymphoedema or a combination of both. The purpose of this observational study was to compare muscle strength and exercise capacity in patients with lipoedema and obesity, and to use the findings to help distinguish between lipoedema and obesity. Design: This cross-sectional, comparative pilot study performed in the Dutch Expertise Centre of Lymphovascular Medicine, Drachten, a secondary-care facility, included 44 women aged 18 years or older with lipoedema and obesity. Twenty-two women with lipoedema (diagnosed according the criteria of Wold et al, 1951) and 22 women with body mass index ≥30kg/m2 (obesity) were include in the study. No interventions were undertaken as part of the study. Results: Muscle strength of the quadriceps was measured with the MicroFET™, and functional exercise capacity was measured with the 6-minute walk test. The group with lipoedema had, for both legs, significantly lower muscle strength (left: 259.9 Newtons [N]; right: 269.7 N; p < 0.001) than the group with obesity. The group with lipoedema had a non-significant, but clinically relevant lower exercise-endurance capacity (494.1±116.0 metres) than the group with obesity (523.9±62.9 metres; p=0.296). Conclusions: Patients with lipoedema exhibit muscle weakness in the quadriceps. This finding provides a potential new criterion for differentiating lipoedema from obesity. We recommend adding measuring of muscle strength and physical endurance to create an extra diagnostic parameter when assessing for lipoedema.
Onderzoek toont aan dat explosief spiervermogen ('muscle power') de bepalende factor is voor fysiek functioneren van ouderen. Er zijn steeds meer aanwijzingen dat het specifiek trainen van power het fysiek functioneren en zelfredzaamheid van ouderen positief beïnvloedt.
Onderzoek toont aan dat explosief spiervermogen ('muscle power') de bepalende factor is voor fysiek functioneren van ouderen. Er zijn steeds meer aanwijzingen dat het specifiek trainen van power het fysiek functioneren en zelfredzaamheid van ouderen positief beïnvloedt.Doel Dit onderzoek heeft als doel om de effectiviteit van powertraining op het fysieke functioneren en de zelfredzaamheid van ouderen vast te stellen. Resultaten Dit onderzoek loopt nog. Na afloop vind je hier de resultaten. Looptijd 17 september 2017 - 01 augustus 2024 Aanpak We ontwikkelden een interventie waarin ouderen enkele weken lang specifieke spieren trainen. We volgen ouderen die de training volgen tot twee jaar om de effecten van de training te meten ten opzichte van ouderen die geen training volgden. Zie ook
Onderzoek toont aan dat explosief spiervermogen ('muscle power') de bepalende factor is voor fysiek functioneren van ouderen. Er zijn steeds meer aanwijzingen dat het specifiek trainen van power het fysiek functioneren en zelfredzaamheid van ouderen positief beïnvloedt.Doel Dit onderzoek heeft als doel om de effectiviteit van powertraining op het fysieke functioneren en de zelfredzaamheid van ouderen vast te stellen. Resultaten Dit onderzoek loopt nog. Na afloop vind je hier de resultaten. Looptijd 17 september 2017 - 01 augustus 2024 Aanpak We ontwikkelden een interventie waarin ouderen enkele weken lang specifieke spieren trainen. We volgen ouderen die de training volgen tot twee jaar om de effecten van de training te meten ten opzichte van ouderen die geen training volgden. Zie ook