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The change toward competence-based education has implications for teachers as well as school management. This study investigates which professional development activities teachers undertake related to this change and how these activities differ among schools with various human resource (HR) policies. Two types of HR policy were involved: (1) a government-enforced, national system of Integrated Personnel Management and (2) a voluntary, integrative approach of Schooling of teachers, Organizational development of schools and teacher training institutes, Action- and development-oriented research, and Professional development of teachers. Semi-structured interviews with 30 teachers in nine schools with different HR policies were held and analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Findings show that teachers undertake professional development activities in five categories: maintaining knowledge base, applying and experimenting, reflection, collaboration, and activities indirectly related to teaching practice. Teachers' professional development activities were found to be relatively similar across schools with different HR policies. It is concluded that neither government-enforced nor voluntary HR policies seem to play much of a role in the participation by teachers in professional development activities. Implications for further research and school practice are discussed.
Although the attention for neurodiversity in human resource management (HRM) is growing, neurodivergent individuals are still primarily supported from a deficit-oriented paradigm, which points towards individuals' deviation from neurotypical norms. Following the HRM process model, our study explored to what extent a strengths-based HRM approach to the identification, use, and development of strengths of neurodivergent groups is intended, implemented, and perceived in organizations. Thirty participants were interviewed, including HRM professionals (n=15), supervisors of neurodivergent employees (n=4), and neurodivergent employees (n=11). Our findings show that there is significant potential in embracing the strengths-based approach to promote neurodiversity-inclusion, for instance with the use of job crafting practices or (awareness) training to promote strengths use. Still, the acknowledgement of neurodivergent individuals' strengths in the workplace depends on the integration of the strengths-based approach into a supportive framework of HR practices related to strengths identification, use, and development. Here, particular attention should be dedicated to strengths development for neurodivergent employees (e.g., optimally balancing strengths use). By adopting the strengths-based HRM approach to neurodiversity as a means of challenging the ableist norms of organizations, we add to the HRM literature by contributing to the discussion on how both research and organizations can optimally support an increasingly diverse workforce by focusing on individual strengths
This two-wave complete panel study aims to examine human resource management (HRM) bundles of practices in relation to social support [i.e., leader–member exchange (LMX; Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995), coworker exchange (CWX; Sherony & Green, 2002)] and employee outcomes (i.e., work engagement, employability, and health), within a context of workers aged 65+, the so-called bridge workers (Wang, Adams, Beehr, & Shultz, 2009). Based upon the social exchange theory (Blau, 1964; Gouldner, 1960), and the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R; Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner, & Schaufeli, 2001) framework, it was hypothesized that HRM bundles at Time 1 would increase bridge workers’ outcomes at Time 2, and that this relationship would be mediated by perceptions of LMX and CWX at Time 2. Hypotheses were tested among a unique sample of Dutch bridge employees (N = 228). Results of several structural equation modeling analyses revealed no significant associations between HRM bundles, and social support, moreover, no significant associations were found in relation to employee outcomes. However, the results of the best-fitting final model revealed the importance of the impact of social support on employee (65+) outcomes over time.
Green Hydra main scope is to improve policies from 10 regions of different types and levels - national, regional or local - to establish support initiatives and measures for opening the access of SMEs to green H2 development projects, from research programmes to development strategies, awareness-raising schemes, and pilot investments especially focused on involvement of SMEs across the whole hydrogen value chain, including R&D, engineering, manufacturing, consultancy, human resources upskilling and design.The specifc objectives are:- probing the conditions for using green H2 in the key sectors involving SMEs- identifying the potential key factors to activate the involvement of SMEs around the green H2 value chain- supporting for the creation of a production chain involving SMEs- developing new skills, knowledge and communication for green H2 for SMEs- easing SMEs access to fi nance in the fi eld of green H2- upscaling innovations for SMEs related to green H2 products and services