Green Hydra main scope is to improve policies from 10 regions of different types and levels - national, regional or local - to establish support initiatives and measures for opening the access of SMEs to green H2 development projects, from research programmes to development strategies, awareness-raising schemes, and pilot investments especially focused on involvement of SMEs across the whole hydrogen value chain, including R&D, engineering, manufacturing, consultancy, human resources upskilling and design.The specifc objectives are:- probing the conditions for using green H2 in the key sectors involving SMEs- identifying the potential key factors to activate the involvement of SMEs around the green H2 value chain- supporting for the creation of a production chain involving SMEs- developing new skills, knowledge and communication for green H2 for SMEs- easing SMEs access to fi nance in the fi eld of green H2- upscaling innovations for SMEs related to green H2 products and services
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