Since the financial and administrative liberalisation from the government in the late 1980s and the 1990s, the Dutch housing associations have been very dynamic, regarding the considerable extension of both commercial and social activities, the increased reliance and dependence on market circumstances, and the large number of amalgamations, creating bigger organisations. In recent years the Dutch social housing sector is under increased pressure as a consequence of the credit crunch, increased tax levies and the national implementation in the sector of EU regulations on ‘Services of General Economic Interest’. Factors like these are likely to have an effect on the organisational strategies of housing associations, the main providers of social housing in the Netherlands. The direction and the size of these effects, however, are not well known. A recent inquiry among housing associations sheds more light on this. In this paper, we make use of a classification including a socialcommercial dimension and a dimension between so-called ‘prospectors’ and ‘defenders’. This classification proves to be an adequate tool to describe the recent developments in the sector. It is concluded that, in general, housing associations are focussing more on traditional social housing tasks and ‘defending’ strategies, implying a shift back compared to the trend in recent decades.
Since the financial and administrative liberalisation from the government in the late 1980s and the 1990s, the Dutch housing associations have been very dynamic, regarding the considerable extension of both commercial and social activities, the increased reliance and dependence on market circumstances, and the large number of amalgamations, creating bigger organisations. In recent years the Dutch social housing sector is under increased pressure as a consequence of the credit crunch, increased tax levies and the national implementation in the sector of EU regulations on ‘Services of General Economic Interest’. Factors like these are likely to have an effect on the organisational strategies of housing associations, the main providers of social housing in the Netherlands. The direction and the size of these effects, however, are not well known. A recent inquiry among housing associations sheds more light on this. In this paper, we make use of a classification including a socialcommercial dimension and a dimension between so-called ‘prospectors’ and ‘defenders’. This classification proves to be an adequate tool to describe the recent developments in the sector. It is concluded that, in general, housing associations are focussing more on traditional social housing tasks and ‘defending’ strategies, implying a shift back compared to the trend in recent decades.
Supply chain partnerships within housing refurbishment have not been given much specific attention which may be found surprising because the refurbishment market is becoming of increasing importance compared to new construction and has specific characteristics that require adapted approaches to supply chain integration. In this paper approaches, expected benefits and challenges of supply chain partnerships within housing renovation are explored. From general literature on building process innovation, dimensions of supply chain integration and potential advantages and challenges of have been derived and employed in a preliminary inquiry among Dutch housing associations and their partners that are experimenting with supply chain partnering in housing refurbishment projects. The results indicate that approaches are in a relatively early stage of development towards ‘mature’ supply chain partnerships. Furthermore, many of the general expectations also apply to the Dutch housing refurbishment sector, but at a more detailed level, refurbishment may require specific attention for the division of tasks and risks between the partners, particularly regarding communication with tenants.
Professionals van woningbouwcorporaties en gemeentes die zich bezig houden met verduurzaming hebben vragen over hergebruik van afvalhout uit hun (renovatie) projecten. De doelstelling van dit voorstel is het onderzoeken van de mogelijkheden om hout te hergebruiken door gebruik te maken van innovatieve digitale productietechnieken, en om implementatiestrategieën hiervoor te ontwikkelen voor publieke organisaties in de bouwsector, in het bijzonder woningcorporaties en gemeentes. Strategieën omvatten concrete voorstellen om a) afvalhout van woningen in te zamelen en te verwerken; b) waarde toe te voegen aan houtafvalstromen door middel van digitale productie; c) de betrokkenheid en acceptatie van huurders te vergroten bij circulaire verwerking van hout in nieuwe toepassingen; en d) goede toepassingen voor een circulaire economie te realiseren. Het project onderzoekt aard en omvang van houtafvalstromen uit woningrenovatie en identificeert de mogelijkheden voor het hergebruik van specifieke fracties daarvan voor (lokale) toepassingen. Uit voorgaande projecten blijkt dat digitale productie mogelijkheden biedt om stedelijk afval om te zetten in zinvolle circulaire producten. Digitale productie maakt de (lokale) creatie van unieke prototypen en grootschalige toepassingen mogelijk. Het onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd in vier werkpakketten. De eerste identificeert de aard van huishoudelijk houtafval (volume, houtsoort, verzamelproces) door zorgvuldig cases van Ymere en Rochdale te bestuderen. Daarnaast worden er een raamwerk van indicatoren gedefinieerd om projectresultaten te kunnen evalueren. Het tweede werkpakket onderzoekt welke toepassingen kunnen worden bedacht, gegeven de beschikbare houtfracties. In het derde werkpakket wordt een aantal case studies uitgevoerd voor concrete projecten van de deelnemende woningcorporaties. Deze applicaties hebben als doel het potentieel van digitale productie met houtafval te laten zien, rekening houdend met het perspectief van bewoners. Het biedt belangrijke inzichten in de uitvoerbaarheid van concrete toepassingen uit teruggewonnen hout. In het vierde werkpakket worden alle projectbevindingen gecombineerd in een set implementatie strategieën voor publieke organisaties in het stedelijk domein.
Exercise-friendly Environment Public SpacesOur physical and social environment have a great influence on how people move, whether they are aware of this or not. A public environment in which it is easy to move around can have a preventive effect on people’s health and this way it can make an important contribution to Healthy Ageing. An attractive park is an invitation for people to take a walk or go for a run. A beautiful cycle route through nature is an invitation to go cycling.The way a space that is easy to move around in can affect socialisation also contributes to the quality of life in a neighbourhood and its surroundings. By allowing people to exercise and meet each other, healthcare costs can be cut back and social problems can be reduced. In addition, a dynamic and exercise-friendly natural area makes for an attractive tourist destination, which can contribute positively to a region’s economy.The innovation lab ‘Exercise-friendly Environment Public Spaces’ is aimed at an optimal use of public spaces in order to stimulate an active lifestyle, and with this the economic and social impact on the environment of this space. In the innovation lab knowledge institutions, institutions for healthcare and wellbeing, governments (municipalities, provinces) and housing corporations together with various partners from sports, the catering industry and recreation.
The objective of CW4N is to identify opportunities for wood reuse through the use of advanced digital production technologies1, and develop related implementation strategies for public organisations, in particular housing corporations and municipalities. Strategies include concrete proposals on how to: a) collect and process wood waste from residential buildings; b) add value to reclaimed wood by means of digital production; c) increase tenant involvement and acceptance for waste wood collection and circular reuse; d) create impactful applications for a circular economy. The research is carried out in four work packages. The first identifies the nature of residential wood waste (volume, type, application) from past case projects of housing corporations Ymere and Rochdale. Their upcoming renovation plans are evaluated, to identify resources and hotspots for future implementations. The second workpackage explores what applications can be conceived, given the available wood and digital production tools at the AUAS Robot Lab. In the third workpackage case studies are carried out for actual projects of the housing corporations. Physical prototypes are used as conversation pieces to involve tenants and increase their acceptance for circular applications. In the fourth workpackage all findings are combined in a set of implementation strategies. High-quality data-collection is crucial for the project, since it will determine the nature of the materials for designing and manufacturing applications. In this proposal, additional resources are added to the project to take care of data-collection. Due to covid-19, project managers at Ymere and Rochdale must focus on day-to-day work to get ongoing and planned building projects done, reducing their time for data collection from previous projects. In addition, because of teleworking, non-digital data such as drawings and reports are not easily accessible. To enhance data-collection, student-assistants will be added to the project to survey ongoing renovation projects in the field.