


The objective of CW4N is to identify opportunities for wood reuse through the use of advanced digital production technologies1, and develop related implementation strategies for public organisations, in particular housing corporations and municipalities. Strategies include concrete proposals on how to: a) collect and process wood waste from residential buildings; b) add value to reclaimed wood by means of digital production; c) increase tenant involvement and acceptance for waste wood collection and circular reuse; d) create impactful applications for a circular economy.
The research is carried out in four work packages. The first identifies the nature of residential wood waste (volume, type, application) from past case projects of housing corporations Ymere and Rochdale. Their upcoming renovation plans are evaluated, to identify resources and hotspots for future implementations. The second workpackage explores what applications can be conceived, given the available wood and digital production tools at the AUAS Robot Lab. In the third workpackage case studies are carried out for actual projects of the housing corporations. Physical prototypes are used as conversation pieces to involve tenants and increase their acceptance for circular applications. In the fourth workpackage all findings are combined in a set of implementation strategies.
High-quality data-collection is crucial for the project, since it will determine the nature of the materials for designing and manufacturing applications. In this proposal, additional resources are added to the project to take care of data-collection. Due to covid-19, project managers at Ymere and Rochdale must focus on day-to-day work to get ongoing and planned building projects done, reducing their time for data collection from previous projects. In addition, because of teleworking, non-digital data such as drawings and reports are not easily accessible. To enhance data-collection, student-assistants will be added to the project to survey ongoing renovation projects in the field.


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Not known