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Purpose: To facilitate the design of viable business models by proposing a novel business model design framework for viability. Design: A design science research method is adopted to develop a business model design framework for viability. The business model design framework for viability is demonstrated by using it to design a business model for an energy enterprise. The aforementioned framework is validated in theory by using expert opinion. Findings: It is difficult to design viable business models because of the changing market conditions, and competing interests of stakeholders in a business ecosystem setting. Although the literature on business models provides guidance on designing viable business models, the languages (business model ontologies) used to design business models largely ignore such guidelines. Therefore, we propose a business model design framework for viability to overcome the identified shortcomings. The theoretical validation of the business model design framework for viability indicates that it is able to successfully bridge the identified shortcomings, and it is able to facilitate the design of viable business models. Moreover, the validation of the framework in practice is currently underway. Originality / value: Several business model ontologies are used to conceptualise and evaluate business models. However, their rote application will not lead to viable business models, because they largely ignore vital design elements, such as design principles, configuration techniques, business rules, design choices, and assumptions. Therefore, we propose and validate a novel business model design framework for viability that overcomes the aforementioned shortcomings.
According to literature, digital transformation requires an organization to develop a broad, holistic, and business ecosystem perspective on how digital technologies can be used to rethink and improve business models, products, services, and processes. The objective of this research is to empirically explore the claim that the business ecosystem perspective is one of the dominant views in organizations’ digital transformation initiatives and more specifically in the digital strategy. We studied seven organizations in the Netherlands through semi-structured interviews and digital strategy documents. These organizations are aware of developments in their business ecosystem. However, their plans, as outlined in their digital strategies, mainly focus on improving internal operations. We also found that collaboration enablers are partially present in digital strategies. Digital strategies and subsequent digital transformations are mainly internally focused. We argue that collaborative business models must be developed at the business ecosystem level rather than at the individual organizational level.
In order to achieve much-needed transitions in energy and health, systemic changes are required that are firmly based on the principles of regard for others and community values, while at the same time operating in market conditions. Social entrepreneurship and community entrepreneurship (SCE) hold the promise to catalyze such transitions, as they combine bottom-up social initiatives with a focus on financially viable business models. SCE requires a facilitating ecosystem in order to be able to fully realize its potential. As yet it is unclear in which way the entrepreneurial ecosystem for social and community entrepreneurship facilitates or hinders the flourishing and scaling of such entrepreneurship. It is also unclear how exactly entrepreneurs and stakeholders influence their ecosystem to become more facilitative. This research programme addresses these questions. Conceptually it integrates entrepreneurial ecosystem frameworks with upcoming theories on civic wealth creation, collaborative governance, participative learning and collective action frameworks.This multidisciplinary research project capitalizes on a unique consortium: the Dutch City Deal ‘Impact Ondernemen’. In this collaborative research, we enhance and expand current data collection efforts and adopt a living-lab setting centered on nine local and regional cases for collaborative learning through experimenting with innovative financial and business models. We develop meaningful, participatory design and evaluation methods and state-of-the-art digital tools to increase the effectiveness of impact measurement and management. Educational modules for professionals are developed to boost the abovementioned transition. The project’s learnings on mechanisms and processes can easily be adapted and translated to a broad range of impact areas.
The research, supported by our partners, sets out to understand the drivers and barriers to sustainable logistics in port operations using a case study of drone package delivery at Rotterdam Port. Beyond the technical challenges of drone technology as an upcoming technology, it needs to be clarified how drones can operate within a port ecosystem and how they could contribute to sustainable logistics. KRVE (boatmen association), supported by other stakeholders of Rotterdam port, approached our school to conduct exploratory research. Rotterdam Port is the busiest port in Europe in terms of container volume. Thirty thousand vessels enter the port yearly, all needing various services, including deliveries. Around 120 packages/day are delivered to ships/offices onshore using small boats, cars, or trucks. Deliveries can take hours, although the distance to the receiver is close via the air. Around 80% of the packages are up to 20kg, with a maximum of 50kg. Typical content includes documents, spare parts, and samples for chemical analysis. Delivery of packages using drones has advantages compared with traditional transport methods: 1. It can save time, which is critical to port operators and ship owners trying to reduce mooring costs. 2. It can increase logistic efficiency by streamlining operations. 3. It can reduce carbon emissions by limiting the use of diesel engines, boats, cars, and trucks. 4. It can reduce potential accidents involving people in dangerous environments. The research will highlight whether drones can create value (economic, environmental, social) for logistics in port operations. The research output links to key national logistic agenda topics such as a circular economy with the development of innovative logistic ecosystems, energy transition with the reduction of carbon emissions, societal earning potential where new technology can stimulate the economy, digitalization, key enabling technology for lean operations, and opportunities for innovative business models.
De Nederlandse agrosector heeft te maken met sterke schaalvergroting, klimaatverandering, achteruitgang van bouwland door bodemverdichting van zware machines, teruglopende beschikbaarheid van arbeid en een strengere milieuwetgeving. Oplossingen worden gezocht in het gebruik van kleine, autonome machines (agrobots) die specifieke taken van boeren kunnen overnemen. Nederlandse machinebouwers als Lely spelen hierop in met melk-, voer- en mestruimrobots. De agrarische sector wil steeds efficiënter werken, haar productiviteit verbeteren en vraagt zodoende voortdurend om slimmere applicaties. Een toekomstbeeld waarbij samenwerkende agrobots situaties kunnen beoordelen en gezamenlijk complexe taken kunnen uitvoeren wordt gezien als ‘The next step’ en onvermijdelijk, maar tevens als ingewikkeld, risicovol en voorlopig onrealiseerbaar. Machinebouwers hechten grote waarde aan betrouwbaarheid en missen de technologie om onderlinge coöperativiteit tussen machines met de nodige robuustheid te kunnen ontwikkelen en te integreren in hun product. De HAN heeft inmiddels veel ervaring opgebouwd op het gebied van programmeertools voor robotica en wil samen met kennisinstellingen als WUR, TUDelft en UT, machinebouwers als Lely en MultiToolTrac en eindgebruikers uit de agrarische sector, kennis en ervaring ontwikkelen op het gebied van het programmeren van robuuste, coöperatieve systemen. Het consortium wil dit doen met behulp van een modelgebaseerde workflow op basis van een integrale, open source toolchain waarin bestaande tools c.q. ecosystemen zijn geïntegreerd. Dit moet uiteindelijk resulteren in een praktijkdemonstratie – op de Floriade 2022 - van de technologie middels twee prototypes: mestrobots in de veehouderij en oogstafvoersystemen in de akkerbouw. Ten behoeve van een goede projectfocus beschouwt DurableCASE autonomie als reeds bestaand en voegt hier coöperativiteit aan toe. Concreet levert DurableCASE het volgende op: - gedemonstreerde en gepubliceerde, toepasbare kennis over robuuste coöperativiteit in agrobotica, gebaseerd op multi-agent technologie; - een open toolchain die efficiënte, modelgebaseerde ontwikkeling van robuuste coöperativiteit mogelijk maakt; - inzicht in de business case; - lesmateriaal op basis van bovengenoemde kennis en toolchain.