
Support needs of families with a child with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities


Families with a child with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) have to manage the child’s pervasive support needs. To ensure that families are able to manage these needs, they should be properly supported. However, knowledge about the specific support needs of these families is sparse and fragmented, nor is it known if and which needs are age-specific. To learn more about these families’ support needs, 20 parents of a child with PIMD aged 3–26 years were interviewed about their family’s support needs through interviews with open-ended questions. Interview transcripts were qualitatively analysed to identify support needs in five domains (child with PIMD, family, environment, services, and system). Various (age-specific) support needs were identified. The findings of this study can help health professionals and policy makers to improve the support of families with a child with PIMD by attuning the support to these families’ specific needs.

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