
Spatial and environmental assessment of energy potentials for Anaerobic Digestion production systems applied to the Netherlands


Anaerobic digestion (AD) can play an important role in achieving renewable goals set within the Netherlands which strives for 40 PJ bio-energy in the year 2020. This research focusses on reaching this goal with locally available biomass waste flows (e.g. manures, grasses, harvest remains, municipal organic wastes). Therefore, the bio-energy yields, process efficiency and environmental sustainability are analyzed for five municipalities in the northern part Netherlands, using three utilization pathways: green gas production; combined heat and power; and waste management. Results indicate that the Dutch goal cannot be filled through the use of local biomass waste streams, which can only reach an average of 20 PJ. Furthermore renewable goals and environmental sustainability do not always align. Therefore, understanding of the absolute energy and environmental impact of biogas production pathways is required to help governments form proper policies, to promote an environmentally and social sustainable energy system.


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