
Teachers and parents: partners in the fight against bullying


Bullying at school is an emotionally charged topic that significantly tests the relationship between parents and teachers. It is a sensitive issue as it directly relates to the child's upbringing at home. Furthermore, parents and teachers have differing perspectives on the child, and the strategies they adopt to curb bullying are based on different perspectives and spheres of influence. In recent years, a variety of measures have been implemented in order to combat bullying at primary schools. Many different anti-bullying programmes have been developed for schools and a wide range of methods, training courses and tools are available to help teachers work together with parents in order to optimise their child's educational development. However, all of these anti-bullying methods lack concrete advice and tools to help teachers work together with parents whose children are personally involved in an incidence of bullying, despite experts across the board agreeing that cooperation between parents and teachers is of vital importance.
The goal of this project is to develop an effective strategy to facilitate cooperation between parents and teachers that can be employed in the event of bullying as a supplement to existing anti-bullying programmes. This consortium's ambition is to boost the social safety of children in primary education by applying expertise in the field of bullying and parental involvement, and by combining past experiences.



    Informatieposter 'Samen tegen Pesten'

    Week tegen PestenVan 26 tot en met 30 september is het de Week tegen Pesten, met als thema: Grapje! Moet toch kunnen?! Wanneer iets nog ‘grappig’ is, en wanneer het ‘pesten’ wordt, daar denkt iedereen verschillend over. Dat maakt het oplossen van pesten moeilijk, zeker als je dat samen met anderen wilt doen. Voor een goede samenwerking is het daarom belangrijk dat je op één lijn komt met de ander. Dat doe je door met elkaar te praten, maar vooral ook door goed naar elkaar te luisteren. Dat bleek uit recent onderzoek van Rosanne Spruijt (, promovenda aan de Hanzehogeschool Groningen en Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Bespreek bijvoorbeeld met elkaar: •Wat weten jullie over de situatie en hoe denken jullie erover?•Wat zou kunnen helpen, en welke rol is daarbij voor jezelf en de ander weggelegd?•Wanneer en hoe houden jullie elkaar op de hoogte van de aanpak en de uitkomst?Over de aanpak van pesten lees je meer in de informatiekrant ‘Samen tegen Pesten’!


    Informatieposter 'Samen tegen Pesten'

    Working together across institutions

    Background: School bullying has detrimental impact on the health of those involved. Previously, bullying was perceived as an issue of ‘victims’ and ‘bullies’, while later, interventions targeted whole groups and schools. Nowadays, it is considered a societal issue: bullying is enabled by norms and context. These new understandings underline the need for collaboration across institutions, such as home and school. However, in practice, collaboration can be challenging. Parents and teachers have their personal strengths and weaknesses, and their interactions, characteristics of the school, and several societal factors impact their opportunities for productive family-school partnerships. Guidance regarding what works in anti-bullying collaboration is therefore urgently needed.Aim: The applied research project ‘together against bullying’ addressed the need for practical insights regarding cross-institutional collaboration. Together with stakeholders, we aimed to discover the barriers and facilitators to anti-bullying collaboration. Our main research question was: What factors aid family-school partnership to tackle bullying?Methods: We were interested in people’s experiences of collaboration against bullying. Narrative interviewing, self-report surveys, and semi structured interviewing were the methods employed throughout our participatory action research project. Findings: Parents and teachers collaborate during discovering, interpreting, planning, acting, and evaluating of bullying situations. Our preliminary findings suggest they face multiple obstacles along the way. However, there are facilitators as well. When parents and teachers for example communicate frequently and openly, construct a shared understanding, trust, and respect each other, and acknowledge their shared responsibility, they can indeed successfully collaborate to effectively tackle bullying. Conclusions: Our project shows that parents and teachers can overcome obstacles inherent to collaboration to tackle bullying. Through participatory action, teachers and parents became aware of the context in which they collaborate, discovered factors that impact collaboration, and were able to utilize these insights to advance their understanding and practice of family-school partnership to tackle bullying.


    Working together across institutions

    Partners in de aanpak van pesten op school: Hoe kunnen leerkrachten en ouders samenwerken?

    Pesten is een serieus probleem waarvan betrokken kinderen tot ver in hun volwassenheid nog last kunnen houden. Ingrijpen is dus heel belangrijk. Maar in de praktijk verloopt de antipest-samenwerking tussen leerkrachten en ouders lang niet altijd vlekkeloos. Samenwerking tussen leerkrachten en ouders draagt bij aan de ontwikkeling van kinderen. Dit is onder gewone omstandigheden soms al een uitdaging en des te meer als er sprake is van een lastige situatie, zoals pesten. Op 3 Nederlandse basisscholen hebben leerkrachten, ouders en onderzoekers in een participatief actieonderzoek de werkzame factoren voor ‘family-school partnership’ bij pesten in kaart gebracht. Ze verzamelden ervaringskennis van kinderen, ouders en leerkrachten op hun eigen school, spoorden verbeterpunten op en ontwikkelden oplossingen voor de praktijk.In deze lezing doen we op basis van de onderzoeksbevindingen concrete suggesties voor het versterken van antipest-samenwerking tussen ouders en leerkrachten.


    Partners in de aanpak van pesten op school: Hoe kunnen leerkrachten en ouders samenwerken?






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