
Cultural interventions and multi-disciplinary teams to enhance ‘feeling at home’ in ‘Krachtwijken’


This report serves as one of the two background documents for the HvA/UvA research proposal concerning cultural interventions in the process of urban regeneration in Krachtwijken in Amsterdam. The report at hand, based on a review of the international literature on art and regeneration, and on international and Dutch practices, shows why the
proposed research will be both valuable to the practice of Amsterdam and to international research. The report starts with a description of the role of the arts in urban regeneration (§2) and the objective of regeneration processes: ‘feeling at home’ (§3). Next, paragraph 4 further explores the role of the arts in urban regeneration by focussing on the forms and impacts of and critique on different cultural interventions. Finally, §5 summarises the preconditions for effective cultural interventions. This general overview of the functions of cultural interventions in the urban context provides the background against which our research agenda is presented.



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