Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This paper is a cultural analysis of the business of videogame production, the industry's personalities, its development practices and market influences. It is a critique of the 'I' methodology of game design and its influence on game content, especially characterization. It provides insight into the impact of US publishers and markets on Australian game development 2004 - 2009. Results of related studies and literature are reviewed and supplemented with anecdotal reports to construct a picture of the current forces in play in videogame production. While it may be fun to play games, it is often far from fun to make them.
This qualitative interview study explores the practices of adult female gamers who play the videogame The Sims, focusing on the motivations they have for playing and how playing a video game might influence their digital competence. We address the wider context of leisure and the household, investigating to what extent playing videogames has become domesticated in the daily life of the family. It is found that female gamers play The Sims because they enjoy the particular way it allows them to take control, fantasize, and be challenged. For some, it is clear that playing this video game has increased their digital skills. We notice that there is an interesting similarity between the pleasures of playing this videogame and more traditional ways of female media engagement such as reading women’s magazines or romance novels and watching soap operas. Our gamers similarly enjoy The Sims as leisurely moments for themselves, clearly and intentionally separated from domestic and family duties. We conclude that playing a videogame can be seen as a highly modern and liberating practice, as both playing in general and using ICT have traditionally not been a part of the female leisure domain.
Curiosity is a fundamental trait of human nature, and as such, it has been studied and exploited in many aspects of game design. However, curiosity is not a static trigger that can just be activated, and game design needs to be carefully paired with the current state of the game flow to produce significant reactions. In this paper we present the preliminary results of an experiment aimed at understanding how different factors such as perceived narrative, unknown game mechanics, and non-standard controller mapping could influence the evolution of players’ behaviour throughout a game session. Data was gathered remotely through a puzzle game we developed and released for free on the internet, and no description on potential narrative was provided before gameplay. Players who downloaded the game did it on their free will and played the same way they would with any other game. Results show that initial curiosity towards both a static and dynamic environment is slowly overcome by the sense of challenge, and that interactions that were initially performed with focus lose accuracy as result of players’ attention shift towards the core game mechanics.
A research theme examining diversity and inclusion in video games, using an intersectional perspective and typically addressing issues related to the representation of gender, race, and LGBTQ+ people, but also touching broader topics such as class, age, geographic privilege, physical and neurodiversity, the (unevenly distributed) impacts of the climate crisis, and other aspects of identity.
GAMEHEARTS will seek to maximise the value of the European videogame industry ecosystems (hereafter, EVGIE) within a wider social context of the creative and cultural industries (hereafter, CCI). This will consider the importance of the EVGIE in contributing to economic growth, job creation, physical and mental wellbeing, and social and cultural cohesion, by particularly focusing on, how a stronger and closer working relationship between more the traditional and emergent cultural sectors, can work better to create more inclusive and socially responsible cultural experiences. The consortium will offer policy recommendations and roadmaps setting out how the EVGIE can and should develop, and where it could act as a driver for sustained innovation and economic growth. It will utilise an evidence-based approach that focuses not just on videogame development, but rather adopts a holistic ecosystem approach, utilising both established and more innovative methodologies, to consider the competitiveness and development of the EVGIE, and how videogame know-how and technologies could drive innovation in the wider CCI. In doing so, GAMEHEARTS will develop ‘ludic experiences’, to explore possibilities of more inclusive, engaging, and empowering cultural experiences. Working across seven work packages the universities of Salford (UK), Tampere (Finland), Vienna (Austria), Breda University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), and Wroclaw University of Economics and Business (Poland) will work in parentship with Ubisoft (France) and other major videogame partners and associations (including the ISFE & EGDF) to explore current and future trends in the EVGIE.
Sinds 2020 voldoen steeds minder Nederlanders aan de beweegrichtlijnen opgesteld door de Gezondheidsraad (van den Berg & Schurink-van ’t Klooster, 2023). Hierbij komt duidelijk naar voren dat vooral jongvolwassenen minder vaak voldoen aan deze richtlijnen (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid, 2023). Verschillende factoren liggen ten grondslag aan de reden voor vermindering in fysieke activiteit. Een van deze factoren is de toename in sedentaire schermtijd (Benzing & Schmidt, 2018). Deze toename in schermtijd is deels te verklaren door de toename van beeldschermwerk maar ook door de toename van gaming, oftewel het recreatief spelen van videogames door wereldwijd bijna 3,4 miljard mensen (Newzoo, 2023). Het is hierbij interessant om verder te onderzoeken of de motiverende kracht van videogames kan bijdragen aan het stimuleren van positief gedrag, in dit geval meer sporten en positief bewegen (Bogost, 2007). Om dit te kunnen bewerkstelligen is ‘Exergaming’ uitermate geschikt. Het is namelijk een samensmelting van ‘exercise’ en ‘gaming’. Bij deze vorm van gaming is fysieke activiteit essentieel om het spel te kunnen spelen (Gao, Jung, Pope, & Zhang, 2016). Exergaming is een opkomende trend binnen de fitness sector, onderwijs en gezondheidszorg (Benzing & Schmidt, 2018). Het wordt al breed ingezet bij bijvoorbeeld preventie van obesitas(Gao & Chen, 2014), behandeling van Parkinson (Barry, Galna, & Rochester, 2014) maar ook herstel na kanker (Benzing, et al., 2018). Denk hierbij aan populaire games in Virtual Reality. maar ook aan digitale varianten van traditionele sporten gespeeld in Augmented Reality (AR). Naast VR & AR wordt ook gebruik gemaakt van Extended reality (XR) wat een verzameling is van VR, AR & MR (Mixed Reality).Hierin worden alle zintuigen aangesproken waardoor men als het ware ondergedompeld wordt in een ervaring. Men spreekt hier vaak over immersieve technologie. Onze testcase, de Active Esports Arena van het bedrijf: PWXR, is een perfect voorbeeld van zo een ervaring.