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With an increasingly ageing population there will be a rising demand for palliative care, including from older migrants and ethnic minorities. While many (future) physicians are unfamiliar with specific needs of older migrants and ethnic minorities regarding care and communication in palliative care, this may be challenging for them to deal with. Moreover, even many medical teachers also feel unprepared to teach palliative care and culturally sensitive communication to students. In order to support medical teachers, we suggest twelve tips to teach culturally sensitive palliative care to guide the development and implementation of teaching this topic to medical students. Drawn from literature and our own experiences as teachers, these twelve tips provide practical guidance to both teachers and curriculum designers when designing and implementing education about culturally sensitive palliative care.
Gepubliceerd in Medical Teacher, 17-10-2020, Taylor & Francis Online https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/imte20/current?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4bTGiZrs7wIVSBV7Ch3GzAAbEAAYASAAEgKAMfD_BwE CC-BY-NC-ND With an increasingly ageing population there will be a rising demand for palliative care, including from older migrants and ethnic minorities. While many (future) physicians are unfamiliar with specific needs of older migrants and ethnic minorities regarding care and communication in palliative care, this may be challenging for them to deal with. Moreover, even many medical teachers also feel unprepared to teach palliative care and culturally sensitive communication to students. In order to support medical teachers, we suggest twelve tips to teach culturally sensitive palliative care to guide the development and implementation of teaching this topic to medical students. Drawn from literature and our own experiences as teachers, these twelve tips provide practical guidance to both teachers and curriculum designers when designing and implementing education about culturally sensitive palliative care.
Malnutrition is a frequent problem in patients with head and neck cancer. Prevention or timely treatment of malnutrition isof great importance because deteriorated nutritional status can have a negative effect on clinical outcome in head andneck cancer patients.Malnutrition is a multidimensional problem, in which a nutritional disbalance causes loss of weight and muscle mass, eitheror not accompanied by inflammatory activity, resulting in functional decline.Thus far, little is known about the role of physical activity in both the development and treatment of malnutrition in cancerpatients. Although positive effects of exercise on fatigue and quality of life have been reported, the relationship betweenphysical activity and prevention and treatment of malnutrition needs to be further elucidated.In this presentation, current insights and hypotheses on the relationship between physical activity and nutritional status inpatients with cancer will be discussed.