Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
A hospital visit is often an anxious and uncertain event for patients andtheir relatives. Patients are often concerned about a diagnosis and/or thetreatment of their disease in an outpatient or inpatient setting. In thesehospital settings, the impact of the environment on patients is still notwell understood. Knowledge regarding the inuence of the hospitalenvironment on patients is essential for facilitating the quality of healthcare. Understanding the experience of patients will allow designers anddecision-makers in hospitals to positively inuence the well-being ofpatients.The aim of this thesis was to gain an improved understanding about amore holistic experience and well-being of patients at specic focalpoints of the entire patient journey from the arrival, to the diagnosis, andto the actual treatment in a hospital. For example, results showed thatpatients sometimes experience diculties in finding their way to anoutpatient clinic, that nature projection during a CT-scan can reduceanxiety, and that (the opportunity of) interaction with other patients is apleasant distraction or, on the contrary, an invasion of their own privacy.Understanding patients' experiences during the patient journey enableshospitals to make more informed decisions about space and serviceswhich enables us to improve experiences and well-being of patients inhospitals.This thesis emphasizes the relations between the hospital environmentand the psychosocial and physical well-being of patients. The resultsshow that it is of great importance to listen carefully to patients’experiences and needs when designing a hospital as many of the resultsshowed individual dierences with patients that emphasize that one sizedoes not t all. The well-being of patients in future hospitals can beimproved by aligning the hospital environment with individual patientcharacteristics, needs, and preferences.
Op dinsdag 12 april jl. vond een online inspiratiesessie van IWP Healthy Workplace plaats met als thema: ‘Healing Environment; van zorgomgeving naar werkomgeving’. Deze inspiratie paper is een samenvatting van de gegeven presentatie en de discussie.
Aims: To evaluate the effects of the implementation of a professional practice model based on Magnet principles on the nurse work environment in a Dutch teaching hospital. Design: A quasi-experimental study. Methods: Data were collected from registered nurses working on the clinical wards and outpatient clinics of the hospital in June/July 2016 (baseline) and in June/September 2019 (measurement of effects). Participants completed the Dutch Essentials of Magnetism II survey, which was used to measure their perception of their work environment. After baseline measurements were collected, interventions based on a professional practice model incorporating Magnet principles were implemented to improve the nurse work environment. Descriptive statistics and independent t-tests were conducted to examine differences between survey outcomes in 2016 and 2019. Results: Survey outcomes revealed significant changes in the nurse work environment between 2016 and 2019. Seven of the eight subscales (essentials of magnetism) improved significantly. Score for overall job satisfaction increased from 7.3 to 8.0 and score for quality of care increased from 7.0 to 7.6. On unit level, 17 of the 19 units showed improvement in the nurse work environment. Conclusion: The implementation of a professional practice model positively affects the nurse work environment, job satisfaction and quality of care. Impact: Nowadays, the quality of care is threatened by workload pressure and the low autonomy experienced by nurses. Considering the global shortage of nurses and growing complexity of healthcare, it is important to invest in improving the nurse work environment. The Magnet concept created a work environment in which nurses can deliver optimal quality of care. Knowledge of how Magnet principles affect the nurse work environment in the Netherlands is missing. These study results, including the description of how the interventions were implemented, will assist other hospitals to develop improvement strategies by focusing on the nurse work environment.