Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Modifiable (biomechanical and neuromuscular) anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury risk factors have been identified in laboratory settings. These risk factors were subsequently used in ACL injury prevention measures. Due to the lack of ecological validity, the use of on-field data in the ACL injury risk screening is increasingly advocated. Though, the kinematic differences between laboratory and on-field settings have never been investigated. The aim of the present study was to investigate the lower-limb kinematics of female footballers during agility movements performed both in laboratory and football field environments. Twenty-eight healthy young female talented football (soccer) players (14.9 ± 0.9 years) participated. Lower-limb joint kinematics was collected through wearable inertial sensors (Xsens Link) in three conditions: (1) laboratory setting during unanticipated sidestep cutting at 40-50°; on the football pitch (2) football-specific exercises (F-EX) and (3) football games (F-GAME). A hierarchical two-level random effect model in Statistical Parametric Mapping was used to compare joint kinematics among the conditions. Waveform consistency was investigated through Pearson's correlation coefficient and standardized z-score vector. In-lab kinematics differed from the on-field ones, while the latter were similar in overall shape and peaks. Lower sagittal plane range of motion, greater ankle eversion, and pelvic rotation were found for on-field kinematics (p < 0.044). The largest differences were found during landing and weight acceptance. The biomechanical differences between lab and field settings suggest the application of context-related adaptations in female footballers and have implications in ACL injury prevention strategies. Highlights: Talented youth female football players showed kinematical differences between the lab condition and the on-field ones, thus adopting a context-related motor strategy. Lower sagittal plane range of motion, greater ankle eversion, and pelvic rotation were found on the field. Such differences pertain to the ACL injury mechanism and prevention strategies. Preventative training should support the adoption of non-linear motor learning to stimulate greater self-organization and adaptability. It is recommended to test football players in an ecological environment to improve subsequent primary ACL injury prevention programmes.
Amsterdam as a lab. That is what Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences' three fieldlabs and its many partners have in mind. Functional illiteracy, debts, learning deficiencies or problems caused by extreme precipitation: the city contains plenty of tough issues, demanding novel approaches in which co-creation and participation by residents, social organizations and knowledge institutions are basic principles.In the fieldlabs, people try to change current practices by working with, instead of for or on behalf of those whom it concerns. But how to achieve effective learning environments between parties? How to encourage stakeholder participation in complex issues? And how to build new relations and roles?
Described are the results of an investigation in the appreciation of distance learning, limited to a case study with an online lab-experiment. Together with other educational institutes and companies Fontys University of Applied Sciences participated in a number of projects in which distance learning courses were developed. Some courses have been integrated in the regular curriculum. Our study was set up to get insight into the appreciation of students for this way of learning, especially concerning online lab-experiments. By using surveys and interviews after the students accomplished either a regular course or a distance learning course on the same object we tried to get a better understanding of how students used the course and appreciated it. Also we wanted to know whether an online lab-experiment is more or less effective than a regular one. Preliminary data analyses have shown that the appreciation of an online lab-experiment is dependent on a number of items, like the educational contents of the experiment itself, the way accompanying theory is presented, possibilities of doing the experiment in an alternative way, the organization around the experiment etc. It appears also that students give serious suggestions on developing other online lab-experiments.
De 2SHIFT SPRONG-groep is een samenwerkingsverband van HAN University of Applied Sciences en Fontys Hogescholen. Onze ambitie is het vergroten van eerlijke kansen op gezond leven. Dit doen we door het vormgeven en versterken van gemeenschappen als fundament voor het creëren van eerlijke kansen op gezond leven. Vanuit deze gemeenschappen wordt in co-creatie gewerkt aan structuur (i.e. systeem), sociale en technologische innovaties. Deze ambitie sluit aan bij de centrale missie KIA Gezondheid en Zorg om bij te dragen aan goede gezondheid en het verkleinen van sociaaleconomische gezondheidsverschillen. Ook draagt het bij aan deelmissie 1. het voorkomen van ziekte, waarbij wij uitgaan van het concept Positieve Gezondheid en Leefomgeving. Én het zorgt voor het verplaatsen van ondersteuning en zorg naar de leefomgeving (deelmissie 2), doordat gemeenschappen hiervoor een stevig fundament vormen. De gemeenschap is geoperationaliseerd als een samenwerking tussen inwonersinitiatieven (i.e. informele actoren) én professionals vanuit wonen, welzijn, zorg en gemeenten (i.e. formele actoren) die bestuurlijk en beleidsmatig worden ondersteund. Toenemend wordt een belangrijke rol en meer verantwoordelijkheid toebedeeld aan inwoners en wordt de noodzaak van sectoroverstijgende, inclusieve samenwerking tussen deze actoren in lokale fieldlabs benadrukt. 2SHIFT start daarom in vier fieldlabs: twee dorpen en twee wijken in (midden-)stedelijke gebieden, waar in vergelijking met groot-stedelijk gebied (zoals Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag en Utrecht) andere dynamieken en mechanismen een rol spelen bij het creëren van eerlijke kansen op een gezond leven. Om impact in onderwijs en praktijk te realiseren werken we nauw samen met studenten, docenten én met inwoners, professionals, bestuurders en beleidsmakers uit wonen, welzijn, zorg en gemeenten én landelijke kennispartners (“quadruple helix”). 2SHIFT brengt transdisciplinaire expertise én verschillende onderzoeksparadigma’s samen in een Learning Community (LC), waarin bestaande kennis en nieuwe kennis wordt samengebracht en ontwikkeld. Over 8 jaar is 2SHIFT een (inter)nationaal erkende onderzoeksgroep die het verschil maakt.
Recycling of plastics plays an important role to reach a climate neutral industry. To come to a sustainable circular use of materials, it is important that recycled plastics can be used for comparable (or ugraded) applications as their original use. QuinLyte innovated a material that can reach this goal. SmartAgain® is a material that is obtained by recycling of high-barrier multilayer films and which maintains its properties after mechanical recycling. It opens the door for many applications, of which the production of a scoliosis brace is a typical example from the medical field. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine and wearing an orthopedic brace is the common non-invasive treatment to reduce the likelihood of spinal fusion surgery later. The traditional way to make such brace is inaccurate, messy, time- and money-consuming. Because of its nearly unlimited design freedom, 3D FDM-printing is regarded as the ultimate sustainable technique for producing such brace. From a materials point of view, SmartAgain® has the good fit with the mechanical property requirements of scoliosis braces. However, its fast crystallization rate often plays against the FDM-printing process, for example can cause poor layer-layer adhesion. Only when this problem is solved, a reliable brace which is strong, tough, and light weight could be printed via FDM-printing. Zuyd University of Applied Science has, in close collaboration with Maastricht University, built thorough knowledge on tuning crystallization kinetics with the temperature development during printing, resulting in printed products with improved layer-layer adhesion. Because of this knowledge and experience on developing materials for 3D printing, QuinLyte contacted Zuyd to develop a strategy for printing a wearable scoliosis brace of SmartAgain®. In the future a range of other tailor-made products can be envisioned. Thus, the project is in line with the GoChem-themes: raw materials from recycling, 3D printing and upcycling.
Electrohydrodynamic Atomization (EHDA), also known as Electrospray (ES), is a technology which uses strong electric fields to manipulate liquid atomization. Among many other areas, electrospray is currently used as an important tool for biomedical applications (droplet encapsulation), water technology (thermal desalination and metal recovery) and material sciences (nanofibers and nano spheres fabrication, metal recovery, selective membranes and batteries). A complete review about the particularities of this technology and its applications was recently published in a special edition of the Journal of Aerosol Sciences [1]. Even though EHDA is already applied in many different industrial processes, there are not many controlling tools commercially available which can be used to remotely operate the system as well as identify some spray characteristics, e.g. droplet size, operational mode, droplet production ratio. The AECTion project proposes the development of an innovative controlling system based on the electrospray current, signal processing & control and artificial intelligence to build a non-visual tool to control and characterize EHDA processes.