Background: In implementation science, vast gaps exist between theoretical and practical knowledge. These gaps prevail in the process of getting from problem analysis to selecting implementation strategies while engaging stakeholders including care users. Objective: To describe a process of how to get from problem analysis to strategy selection, how to engage stakeholders, and to provide insights into stakeholders’ experiences. Design: A qualitative descriptive design. Setting and participants: The setting was a care organization providing long-term care to people with acquired brain injuries who are communication vulnerable. Fourteen stakeholders (care users, professionals and researchers) participated. Data were collected by a document review, five interviews and one focus group. Inductive content analysis and deductive framework analysis were applied. Intervention: Stakeholder engagement. Main outcome measures: A three-step process model and stakeholders experiences. Results and conclusion: We formulated a three-step process: (a) reaching consensus and prioritizing barriers; (b) categorizing the prioritized barriers and idealization; and (c) composing strategies. Two subthemes continuously played a role in how stakeholders were engaged during the process: communication supportive strategies and continuous contact. The experiences of stakeholder participation resulted in the following themes: stakeholders and their roles, use of co-creation methods and communication supportive strategies, building relationships, stimulus of stakeholders to engage, sharing power, empowerment of stakeholders, feeling a shared responsibility and learning from one another. We conclude that the inclusion of communicationvulnerable care users is possible if meetings are prepared, communication-friendly presentations and reports are used, and relationship building is prioritized.
Background: In implementation science, vast gaps exist between theoretical and practical knowledge. These gaps prevail in the process of getting from problem analysis to selecting implementation strategies while engaging stakeholders including care users. Objective: To describe a process of how to get from problem analysis to strategy selection, how to engage stakeholders, and to provide insights into stakeholders’ experiences. Design: A qualitative descriptive design. Setting and participants: The setting was a care organization providing long-term care to people with acquired brain injuries who are communication vulnerable. Fourteen stakeholders (care users, professionals and researchers) participated. Data were collected by a document review, five interviews and one focus group. Inductive content analysis and deductive framework analysis were applied. Intervention: Stakeholder engagement. Main outcome measures: A three-step process model and stakeholders experiences. Results and conclusion: We formulated a three-step process: (a) reaching consensus and prioritizing barriers; (b) categorizing the prioritized barriers and idealization; and (c) composing strategies. Two subthemes continuously played a role in how stakeholders were engaged during the process: communication supportive strategies and continuous contact. The experiences of stakeholder participation resulted in the following themes: stakeholders and their roles, use of co-creation methods and communication supportive strategies, building relationships, stimulus of stakeholders to engage, sharing power, empowerment of stakeholders, feeling a shared responsibility and learning from one another. We conclude that the inclusion of communicationvulnerable care users is possible if meetings are prepared, communication-friendly presentations and reports are used, and relationship building is prioritized.
Background: Home care professionals regularly observe drug-related problems during home care provision. Problems related to the process of the medication therapy could involve discrepancies in medication prescriptions between the hospital discharge letter and the medication administration record lists (MARL) or insufficient drug delivery. The objective of this study is to determine the potential clinical consequences of medication process problems observed by home care professionals, since those consequences have not been assessed before. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study design was performed. An expert panel performed an assessment procedure on the clinical consequences of medication process problems. Such problems were reported by home care professionals during routine care (May 2016 until May 2017) using the eHOME system, which is a digital system developed to assist in the reporting and monitoring of drug-related problems. Using a three-point scale, an expert panel assessed the potential clinical consequences of those medication process problems among older home care patients (aged 65 years and over). Results: 309 medication process problems in 120 out of 451 patients were assessed for potential discomfort or clinical deterioration. The problems involved the following: medication discrepancies (new prescription not listed on the MARL [n = 69, 36.7%]; medication stopped by the prescriber but still listed on the MARL [n = 43, 22.9%]; discrepant time of intake [n = 25, 13.3%]; frequency [n = 24, 12.8%]; and dose [n = 21, 11.2%], therapeutic duplication listed on the MARL [n = 5, 2.6%]; and discrepant information on route of administration [n = 1, 0.5%]); an undelivered MARL [n = 103, 33.3%]; undelivered medication [n = 16, 5.2%]; and excessive medication delivery [n = 2, 0.7%]. Furthermore, 180 (58.2%) out of 309 medication process problems were assessed as having the potential for moderate or severe discomfort or clinical deterioration in patients. Conclusions: The majority of medication process problems may result in patient discomfort or clinical deterioration.
Developing a framework that integrates Advanced Language Models into the qualitative research process.Qualitative research, vital for understanding complex phenomena, is often limited by labour-intensive data collection, transcription, and analysis processes. This hinders scalability, accessibility, and efficiency in both academic and industry contexts. As a result, insights are often delayed or incomplete, impacting decision-making, policy development, and innovation. The lack of tools to enhance accuracy and reduce human error exacerbates these challenges, particularly for projects requiring large datasets or quick iterations. Addressing these inefficiencies through AI-driven solutions like AIDA can empower researchers, enhance outcomes, and make qualitative research more inclusive, impactful, and efficient.The AIDA project enhances qualitative research by integrating AI technologies to streamline transcription, coding, and analysis processes. This innovation enables researchers to analyse larger datasets with greater efficiency and accuracy, providing faster and more comprehensive insights. By reducing manual effort and human error, AIDA empowers organisations to make informed decisions and implement evidence-based policies more effectively. Its scalability supports diverse societal and industry applications, from healthcare to market research, fostering innovation and addressing complex challenges. Ultimately, AIDA contributes to improving research quality, accessibility, and societal relevance, driving advancements across multiple sectors.
Chemical preservation is an important process that prevents foods, personal care products, woods and household products, such as paints and coatings, from undesirable change or decomposition by microbial growth. To date, many different chemical preservatives are commercially available, but they are also associated with health threats and severe negative environmental impact. The demand for novel, safe, and green chemical preservatives is growing, and this process is further accelerated by the European Green Deal. It is expected that by the year of 2050 (or even as soon as 2035), all preservatives that do not meet the ‘safe-by-design’ and ‘biodegradability’ criteria are banned from production and use. To meet these European goals, there is a large need for the development of green, circular, and bio-degradable antimicrobial compounds that can serve as alternatives for the currently available biocidals/ preservatives. Anthocyanins, derived from fruits and flowers, meet these sustainability goals. Furthermore, preliminary research at the Hanze University of Applied Science has confirmed the antimicrobial efficacy of rose and tulip anthocyanin extracts against an array of microbial species. Therefore, these molecules have the potential to serve as novel, sustainable chemical preservatives. In the current project we develop a strategy consisting of fractionation and state-of-the-art characterization methods of individual anthocyanins and subsequent in vitro screening to identify anthocyanin-molecules with potent antimicrobial efficacy for application in paints, coatings and other products. To our knowledge this is the first attempt that combines in-depth chemical characterization of individual anthocyanins in relation to their antimicrobial efficacy. Once developed, this strategy will allow us to single out anthocyanin molecules with antimicrobial properties and give us insight in structure-activity relations of individual anthocyanins. Our approach is the first step towards the development of anthocyanin molecules as novel, circular and biodegradable non-toxic plant-based preservatives.
Kansen voor circulaire beademingszorg De gezondheidszorg is verantwoordelijk voor 7% van de totale Nederlandse CO2-uitstoot. Eén van de meest materiaal intensieve afdelingen in een ziekenhuis is de intensive care. Patiënten op een intensive care worden beademd en ontvangen daarbij zogenaamde beademingszorg. Tijdens beademingszorg wordt gemaakt van hulpmiddelen zoals beademingsslangen, uitzuigslangen, filters en materialen ter infectiepreventie. De meeste hulpmiddelen worden na gebruik weggegooid. Om de zorg te verduurzamen zijn in de Green Deal doelstellingen geformuleerd om grondstoffenverbruik te verminderen in 2030 en uiteindelijk toe te werken naar circulaire zorg 2050. Er is op dit moment echter weinig kennis over de milieubelasting van gebruikte hulpmiddelen tijdens beademingszorg en de mogelijkheden om circulaire strategieën toe te passen. Dit project heeft als doel om een inventarisatie te maken van de milieubelasting en de afvalstromen van hulpmiddelen rondom beademingszorg. Daarbij is het project ook gericht op een inventarisatie van de mate waarin milieubelasting een overweging is bij de besluitvorming door betrokken stakeholders. Vervolgens zal in kaart worden gebracht welke mogelijkheden er zijn om via circulaire strategieën een bijdrage te leveren om de milieubelasting van hulpmiddelen rondom beademingszorg te verminderen. Voor de uitvoering van dit project zijn unieke deskundigheidsgebieden samengebracht in een consortium. De praktijkpartners hebben expertise in zorgverlening op de intensive care afdeling (AmsterdamUMC) en afvalstromen in ziekenhuizen (adviesbureau Innomax). De betrokken kennisinstellingen hebben expertise in onderwijs- en onderzoek rondom duurzaamheid (de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Technische Universiteit Delft en Radboudumc). Dit consortium is een unieke samenwerking waarbij om kennis van zorgprocessen, afvalstromen en de milieubelasting van de zorgverlening op de intensive care worden gebundeld om de kansen voor duurzame beademingszorg te inventariseren. De resultaten van dit project zullen een praktijkverandering in gang zetten op intensive care afdelingen van AmsterdamUMC en Radboudumc en vervolgens ook verspreid worden via de landelijke en internationale netwerken.