Erik Keller

Erik Keller


Erik Keller (11-03-1970) obtained his PhD in Organic chemistry under the supervision of Prof. dr. Ben L. Feringa in 1998 working on “Catalytic enantioselective conjugate addition reactions: with a focus on water”. Afterwards he started his career in R&D in organic chemistry at Syncom bv where he worked in different positions and was responsible for various development programs ranging from early stage medicinal chemistry to scale up and development and synthesis of complex (chiral) building blocks, novell chemical entities and stable isotope labeled compounds. Later he joined Lab Ofichem as head of R&D, where he was responsible for the development and implementation of production methods for novel active pharmaceutical ingredients.
Early 2020 joined the Kenniscentrum Biobased Economy where he ao is working on the upcycling of polyhydroxyalkanoate monomers and oligomers for pharmaceutical, (functional) food and polymer recycling. ‘
His main interests are on the development of sustainable green life science implementations.

(1,4)-Benzodiazepines vasopressin V2 receptor antagonisys
Leen Thielemans. Maarten van Geffen, Ann Meulemans, Marina Cools, Erik Keller, Karel Lavrijsen GB 1013708.1.
Process to extract and purify delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol
Changoer, L.; Loo C.H.M. van der; Keller, E. WO 2016/179247 A1.
 Methods for providing highly pure palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), pure PEA preparationsm and uses thereof
Dabous, S.J.; Keller E. WO2019066644.




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