Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Oncology healthcare professionals (HCPs) and cancer patients often have difficulties in navigating conversations about sexual changes and concerns due to cancer and its treatments. The present study draws on Discursive Psychology to analyze how the topic of sexuality is raised and managed in Dutch oncological consultations. Our corpus consists of 28 audio recordings. We analyzed the discursive practices used by cancer patients and oncology HCPs and to what effect. Patients, on the one hand, employ vagueness, pronouns, and ellipses, while HCPs attribute talk to others and use generalizations, and speech perturbations. Through these practices they collectively keep the topic of sexuality at a distance, thereby constructing it as a delicate topic. Moreover, we explicate the norms related to sexual behavior that cancer patients and oncology HCPs orient to in their talk. Finally, we address ways in which oncology HCPs can open the door on discussing sexual changes with their patients.
Multiple organizations around the world have issued evidence-based exercise guidance for patients with cancer and cancer survivors. Recently, the American College of Sports Medicine has updated its exercise guidance for cancer prevention as well as for the prevention and treatment of a variety of cancer health-related outcomes (eg, fatigue, anxiety, depression, function, and quality of life). Despite these guidelines, the majority of people living with and beyond cancer are not regularly physically active. Among the reasons for this is a lack of clarity on the part of those who work in oncology clinical settings of their role in assessing, advising, and referring patients to exercise. The authors propose using the American College of Sports Medicine's Exercise Is Medicine initiative to address this practice gap. The simple proposal is for clinicians to assess, advise, and refer patients to either home-based or community-based exercise or for further evaluation and intervention in outpatient rehabilitation. To do this will require care coordination with appropriate professionals as well as change in the behaviors of clinicians, patients, and those who deliver the rehabilitation and exercise programming. Behavior change is one of many challenges to enacting the proposed practice changes. Other implementation challenges include capacity for triage and referral, the need for a program registry, costs and compensation, and workforce development. In conclusion, there is a call to action for key stakeholders to create the infrastructure and cultural adaptations needed so that all people living with and beyond cancer can be as active as is possible for them.
Determining the onset of the dying phase is important, because care aims and interventions change once this phase begins. In the dying phase, maximising comfort is paramount, even if doing so causes a deterioration of cognitive functions. In this delicate context, it is necessary to give special attention to the patient's personal wishes, spiritual guidance, and rituals, and to the emotional support of relatives. To initiate a care plan for the dying, health professionals must recognise and acknowledge when a patient enters the dying phase. This article describes hospital nurses' perspectives on the signs and symptoms that herald the onset of the dying phase in oncology patients, obtained via three focus group discussions. A broad range of signs and symptoms were reported and are presented here as a conceptual model. Further research is needed to determine whether the signs and symptoms that mark the onset of the dying phase in oncology patients may be tumour-specific.
Every year in the Netherlands around 10.000 people are diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer, commonly at advanced stages. In 1 to 2% of patients, a chromosomal translocation of the ROS1 gene drives oncogenesis. Since a few years, ROS1+ cancer can be treated effectively by targeted therapy with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) crizotinib, which binds to the ROS1 protein, impairs the kinase activity and thereby inhibits tumor growth. Despite the successful treatment with crizotinib, most patients eventually show disease progression due to development of resistance. The available TKI-drugs for ROS1+ lung cancer make it possible to sequentially change medication as the disease progresses, but this is largely a ‘trial and error’ approach. Patients and their doctors ask for better prediction which TKI will work best after resistance occurs. The ROS1 patient foundation ‘Stichting Merels Wereld’ raises awareness and brings researchers together to close the knowledge gap on ROS1-driven oncogenesis and increase the options for treatment. As ROS1+ lung cancer is rare, research into resistance mechanisms and the availability of cell line models are limited. Medical Life Sciences & Diagnostics can help to improve treatment by developing new models which mimic the situation in resistant tumor cells. In the current proposal we will develop novel TKI-resistant cell lines that allow screening for improved personalized treatment with TKIs. Knowledge of specific mutations occurring after resistance will help to predict more accurately what the next step in patient treatment could be. This project is part of a long-term collaboration between the ROS1 patient foundation ‘Stichting Merels Wereld’, the departments of Pulmonary Oncology and Pathology of the UMCG and the Institute for Life Science & Technology of the Hanzehogeschool. The company Vivomicx will join our consortium, adding expertise on drug screening in complex cell systems.
De centrale onderzoeksvraag is: "Hoe kunnen familieleden van oudere oncologie patiënten optimaal betrokken worden in het besluitvormingstraject rondom de behandeling?". Dit wordt onderzocht vanuit 3 perspectieven: de oudere oncologie patiënt zelf, de familieleden en de zorgprofessional (verpleegkundigen, artsen en andere betrokken zorgprofessionals). In een combinatie van kwalitatief en kwantitatief onderzoek wordt op verschillende momenten in het besluitvormingstraject (voor/tijdens en/of na de behandeling en/of opname) gekeken naar de rol van familieleden en factoren die van invloed zijn op deze rol.