
FAmily participation in shared DEcision making elderly cancer patients (FADE)


De centrale onderzoeksvraag is: "Hoe kunnen familieleden van oudere oncologie patiënten optimaal betrokken worden in het besluitvormingstraject rondom de behandeling?".

Dit wordt onderzocht vanuit 3 perspectieven: de oudere oncologie patiënt zelf, de familieleden en de zorgprofessional (verpleegkundigen, artsen en andere betrokken zorgprofessionals).
In een combinatie van kwalitatief en kwantitatief onderzoek wordt op verschillende momenten in het besluitvormingstraject (voor/tijdens en/of na de behandeling en/of opname) gekeken naar de rol van familieleden en factoren die van invloed zijn op deze rol.



    Involvement of family members of older patients with cancer in triadic decision-making processes on an outpatient ward

    AbstractIntroduction: Involvement of family members in shared decision-making (SDM) processes for older cancer patients has become a topic of increasing interest but can be challenging for physicians. Yet, there is a need to understand the unique features of family involvement in SDM.Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify how and to what extent family members of older patients with cancer, together with patients and physicians, are involved in triadic decision-making processes in clinical practice.Methods: Qualitative observations of 25 consultations between physicians (n=10), patients ≥ 70 years (n=25), and family members (n=30) at the oncology outpatient clinic. Consultations were audiotaped and transcribed. The OPTIONMCC tool was used to evaluate the SDM process. Data analysis followed a thematic deductive approach using Atlas-ti.Results: Patients showed greater participation in the SDM process than family members. Family members' involvement in SDM varied from no involvement to active involvement. Their participation can be characterized by several key factors, including emphasizing the patient's values and goals of care, asking questions about various treatment options, offering assistance in the decision-making process, and providing clarification and organization of the overall care process. Observed physicians' SDM skills were at a low or moderate level. Physicians kept their focus on patients and were responsive to family members but did not actively involve them in SDM.Conclusion: Family members of older patients with cancer showed varying levels of involvement in the SDM process, while physicians were observed to not actively involve them. To increase family involvement in SDM in a way that is beneficial for all parties involved we recommend including patient and family-oriented strategies in SDM training for physicians.



    Strategies for involving family members in treatment decision making processes for older patients with cancer

    Introduction: Many older patients with cancer have their family members, often their adult children, involved in a process of treatment decision making. Despite the growing awareness that family members can facilitate a process of shared decision making (SDM), literature about SDM pays little attention to family relations and strategies to facilitate family involvement in decision making processes. Objective: This study aimed to 1. explore surgeons' and nurses' perceptions about involvement of adult children in treatment decision-making for older patients; and 2. identify strategies they use to ensure positive family involvement. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 surgical oncologists and 13 oncology nurses in two Dutch hospitals. Qualitative content analysis was conducted according to the steps of thematic analysis. Results: Surgeons and nurses indicated that adult children's involvement in decision-making increases when patients become frail. They reported beneficial and challenging characteristics of this involvement. Six strategies to stimulate positive involvement of adult children in the decision-making process were revealed: 1. Focus on the patient; 2. Actively involve adult children; 3. Acknowledge different perspectives; 4. Get to know the family system; 5. Check that the patient and family members understand the information; and 6. Stimulate communication and deliberation with adult children.Conclusion: Surgeons and nurses perceive involvement of adult in treatment decision making as beneficial. However, family involvement can trigger specific complexities and challenges in treatment decision conversations that call for practical patient and family-centered strategies.



    Factors influencing family involvement in treatment decision-making for older patients with cancer

    Many older patients with cancer depend on their family members for care and support and involve their family members in treatment decision-making in different stages of the cancer trajectory. Although family involvement is advocated in person-centered care, little is known about family involvement in decision-making specifically for older patients, and evidence-based strategies are scarce. The aim of this scoping review is to provide deeper understanding of factors influencing family involvement in treatment decision-making for older patients with cancer. Four databases were searched for quantitative-, qualitative- and mixed-method empirical studies describing factors influencing family involvement in treatment decision-making for older patients with cancer: PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL and PsycINFO. Three independent researchers reviewed the papers for eligibility and quality and contributed to the data extraction and analysis. Twenty-seven papers were included, sixteen quantitative studies, nine qualitative studies and two mixed-method studies. Five categories of factors influencing family involvement emerged: 1) patient characteristics, 2) family member characteristics, 3) family system characteristics, 4) physician’s role and 5) cultural influences. These factors affect the level of family control in decision-making, treatment choice, decision agreement, and levels of stress and coping strategies of patients and family members. This review reveals a complex interplay of factors influencing family involvement in treatment decision-making for older patients with cancer that is rooted in characteristics of the family system. The findings underscore the need for development and implementation of evidence-based strategies for family involvement in treatment decision-making as part of patient-centered care for older patients with cancer.








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