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De ‘postsecular’ age van Jürgen Habermas biedt meer terechte ruimte voor religieuze en levensbeschouwelijke pluriformiteit dan betogen voor een besloten secularisme en een levensbeschouwelijk besloten publieke ruimte van iemand als Paul Cliteur. Habermas sluit bovendien beter aan bij de realiteit: in alle grote publieke debatten lopen seculiere en religieuze argumenten en stellingnamen door elkaar heen. De tegenstelling tussen seculier en religieus bestaat niet en is een onbruikbaar frame.
Hundreds of sensors in our smartphones, cars, houses and other "smart" devices feed the IoT, that monitors both our functioning, and that of the smart devices. In 2050 the Internet of Things - which processes and stores all sensor data - will require a multiple of all the current energy together in air traffic and meat consumption. Living an environmentally friendly life will be just a drop in the ocean. With every step we take, servers all over the world start to analyze and store sensor data from the smartphone in our pocket. Habermas states that the system supplants ("colonizes") the lifeworld. It is of great importance that economic and social disciplines make a serious effort to restore the balance between the system world and the lifeworld.
In May 2011, Dutch students from the honors program in geosciences of Utrecht University, led by Professor Marca Wolfensberger, engaged in an experimental-learning project in Paris, France, with a group of American students from the honors program of Columbia College, South Carolina, led by Professors Christine Hait, Corinne Mann, and John Zubizarreta. Literally and figuratively, the city of Paris served as a salon for the project: a place where rational discussion, cross-cultural dialog, collaborative learning, and culminating critical reflection about the uniqueness and value of the learning process itself were stimulated by the informal setting of a vibrant international city that provided the context for the two groups of students to explore the topics of expatriate artist culture and film history in Paris, especially during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.