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© 2025 SURF
In this report, the details of an investigation into the eect of the low induction wind turbines on the Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCoE) in a 1GW oshore wind farm is outlined. The 10 MW INNWIND.EU conventional wind turbine and its low induction variant, the 10 MW AVATAR wind turbine, are considered in a variety of 10x10 layout configurations. The Annual Energy Production (AEP) and cost of electrical infrastructure were determined using two in-house ECN software tools, namely FarmFlow and EEFarm II. Combining this information with a generalised cost model, the LCoE from these layouts were determined. The optimum LCoE for the AVATAR wind farm was determined to be 92.15 e/MWh while for the INNWIND.EU wind farm it was 93.85 e/MWh. Although the low induction wind farm oered a marginally lower LCoE, it should not be considered as definitive due to simple nature of the cost model used. The results do indicate that the AVATAR wind farms require less space to achieve this similar cost performace, with a higher optimal wind farm power density (WFPD) of 3.7 MW/km2 compared to 3 MW/km2 for the INNWIND.EU based wind farm.
This paper presents a report of some of the activities of the International Energy Agency's (IEA) Wind TCP Task 39. By identifying best practices in an international collaboration, Task 39 hopes to provide the scientific evidence to inform improved regulations and standards, increasing the effectiveness of quiet wind turbine technology. Task 39 is divided into five separate work packages, which address the broad wind turbine noise topic in successive steps; from wind turbine noise generation (WP2), to airborne noise propagation over large distances (WP3). The assessment of wind turbine noise and its impact on humans is addressed in WP4, while WP5 is dealing with other aspects of perception and acceptance, which may be related to noise. All WPs contribute to a dedicated Work Package on dissemination (WP1). This paper provides an update of activities primarily associated with the socio-psychological aspects of wind turbine noise (WP4 and WP5). Through the consideration of a wide variety of factors, including measurement technologies, auralisation and psychology, the effects on noise perception, annoyance and its impact on wellbeing and health is being further investigated. This paper presents a discussion of the activities of each member country and highlights some of the key research questions that need to be further considered.
Wind turbines are usually clustered in wind farms which causes the downstream turbines to operate in the turbulent wakes of upstream turbines. As turbulence is directly related to increased fatigue loads, knowledge of the turbulence in the wake and its evolution are important. Therefore, the main objective of this study is a comprehensive exploration of the turbulence evolution in the wind turbine’s wake to identify characteristic turbulence regions. For this, we present an experimental study of three model wind turbine wake scenarios that were scanned with hot-wire anemometry with a very high downstream resolution. The model wind turbine was exposed to three inflows: laminar inflow as a reference case, a central wind turbine wake, and half of the wake of an upstream turbine. A detailed turbulence analysis reveals four downstream turbulence regions by means of the mean velocity, variance, turbulence intensity, energy spectra, integral and Taylor length scales, and the Castaing parameter that indicates the intermittency, or gustiness, of turbulence. In addition, a wake core with features of homogeneous isotropic turbulence and a ring of high intermittency surrounding the wake can be identified. The results are important for turbulence modeling in wakes and optimization of wind farm wake control
Het project FIXAR richt zich op het beantwoorden van de vraag: Hoe kan de luchtvaart- en windenergiesector composietenreparaties middels geautomatiseerde technologieën economisch verantwoord maken? Deze vraag komt voort uit eerdere ervaringen in RAAK-mkb projecten op het gebied van composietfabricage, oriëntatie op de nationale en internationale markt en uit de feedback van het betrokken mkb. Het mkb staat voor de uitdaging kennis en ervaring met automatiseringsoplossingen op te doen en nieuwe inspectietechnologieën in te voeren, wil het de groeiende behoefte aan composietenreparaties het hoofd bieden. De doelstelling van het project is dan ook, het door praktijkgericht onderzoek ontwikkelen van geautomatiseerde methoden voor duurzame geautomatiseerde composietenreparaties die technisch- en economisch haalbaar zijn. Om dit doel te bereiken wordt door Hogeschool Inholland samengewerkt met een aantal kennisinstituten en mkb-partners. Het project is opgebouwd rondom vier deelonderzoeken. Hiermee zijn alle aspecten van composietenreparaties gedekt; hulpmiddelen voor geautomatiseerde reparaties, inspectie en validatie, materiaalonderzoek en opleiding van medewerkers. Gelet op de state of the art-kennis, ligt de focus op luchtvaart en windenergie. Het zijn namelijk juist deze twee sectoren die het meest van elkaar kunnen profiteren. Binnen de deelonderzoeken komen state of the art-zaken aan bod als drones en Augement Reality. Aangezien het onderzoek zich richt op actuele problemen bij de bedrijven, zal een deel van het onderzoek bij de bedrijven zelf plaatsvinden en kunnen deze bedrijven direct profiteren van de resultaten van het onderzoek. In het onderwijs komen stage- en afstudeerplekken beschikbaar voor de studenten van de deelnemende hogescholen. Daarnaast vindt er een duurzame vertaalslag plaats van de projectresultaten en bevindingen middels het realiseren van onderwijsmateriaal t.b.v. de curricula van de opleidingen aviation, luchtvaarttechnologie, werktuigbouwkunde, en technische informatica. Het project heeft een blijvende impact op de beroepspraktijk omdat het deelnemende mkb met de resultaten uit dit project hun kennis van reparatieprocessen op hoger niveau brengt.
NO-REGRETS examines the ecological and economic trade-offs of upscaling Offshore Wind Farms (OWFs) in the context of climate change and the ongoing food and nature transitions in the North Sea. NO-REGRETS advances knowledge on potential impacts of OWFs on ocean currents, suspended sediments, microscopic plankton, various life stages of fishes, seabed composition, seafloor organisms, marine mammals, and sea birds. Economic analyses explore changes in the value of marine fisheries and other ocean assets. Co-developed with stakeholders, NO-REGRETS will create tools allowing policymakers, industries and other stakeholders to gauge and optimise the ecological and bioeconomic consequences of North Sea OWF expansion.Collaborative partnersArcadis Nederland B.V., Blauwwind, Boskalis, Breda University of Applied Sciences, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Clusius C.V., Cooperatie Kottervisserij Nederland, Deltares, EcoShape, Eneco Windmolens Offshore B.V., Heerema Marine Contractors, Jaczon B.V., Nederlandse Vissersbond, Noordelijke Visserij Alliantie, NIOZ, NWO-institutenorganisatie, Ørsted Wind Power Netherlands Holding B.V., Pelagic Freezer Trawler Association, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Rijkswaterstaat, RWE Offshore Wind Netherlands B.V., Stichting Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Stichting Wageningen Research, Technische Universiteit Delft, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, TNO Utrecht, Universiteit Leiden, Universiteit Twente, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Wageningen University & Research.
The Hereon team has expressed interest in the use of the PO platform for the virtualization of the (hydro)dynamic behavior of offshore wind farms, in particular regarding turbidity around wind turbines. BUas has developed the Procedural Ocean (PO) platform. The platform uses procedural content generation (AI) for data-driven 3D virtualization of complex marine and maritime environments, with elements such as geo-environment (bathymery, etc.), geo-physics (weather conditions, waves), wind farms, aquaculture, shipping, ecology, and more. The virtual and immersive environment in the game engine Unreal supports advanced (game-like) user interaction for policy-oriented learning (marine spatial planning), ocean management, and decision making. We therefore propose a joint pilot Research and Development (R&D) project to explore, demonstrate and validate how a gridded dataset provided by Hereon can show the dynmics around wind farm monopiles. Furthermore, we can explore interactivity with the engineering and design of the turbine and the multiplication of the turbine design to compose a wind farm. Client: Hereon (The Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon is a non-profit making research institute )