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De commissiestaf heeft een reader samengesteld met de ontvangen positionpapers voor de inbreng feitelijke vragen op 12 mei 2020 over de voortgangSDE++ en eerste openstelling SDE++ 2020.
Bijgaand een paper dat ik geschreven heb op verzoek van Tweede Kamer. T.b.v. feitelijke vragen Voortgang SDE++ en eerste openstelling SDE++ 2020 d.d. 12 mei 2020
Particulate matter (PM) exposure, amongst others caused by emissions and industrial processes, is an important source of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. There are situations in which blue-collar workers in roadwork companies are at risk. This study investigated perceptions of risk and mitigation of employees in roadwork (construction and maintenance) companies concerning PM, as well as their views on methods to empower safety behavior, by means of a mental models approach. We held semi-structured interviews with twenty-two employees (three safety specialists, seven site managers and twelve blue-collar workers) in three different roadwork companies. We found that most workers are aware of the existence of PM and reduction methods, but that their knowledge about PM itself appears to be fragmented and incomplete. Moreover, road workers do not protect themselves consistently against PM. To improve safety instructions, we recommend focusing on health effects, reduction methods and the rationale behind them, and keeping workers’ mental models into account. We also recommend a healthy dialogue about work-related risk within the company hierarchy, to alleviate both information-related and motivation-related safety issues. LinkedIn: