More and more people suffer from age-related eye conditions, e.g. Macular Degeneration. One of the problems experienced by these people is navigation. A strategy shown by many juvenile visually impaired persons (VIPs) is using auditory information for navigation. Therefore, it is important to train age-related VIPs to use auditory information for navigation. Hence the serious game HearHere was developed to train the focused auditory attention of age-related VIPs enhancing the use of auditory information for navigation, available as an application for tablets. Players of the game are instructed to navigate virtually as quickly as possible to a specific sound, requiring focused auditory attention. In an experimental study, the effectiveness of the game on improving focused auditory attention was examined. Forty participants were included, all students of the University of Groningen with normal or corrected-to-normal vision. By including sighted participants, we could investigate whether someone who was used to rely on its vision could improve its focused auditory attention after playing HearHere. As a control, participants played a digital version of Sudoku. The order of playing the games was counterbalanced. Participants were asked to perform a dichotic listening task before playing any game, after playing the first game and after playing the second game. It was found that participants improved significantly more in their performance on the dichotic listening task after having played HearHere (p<.001) than after playing Sudoku (p=.040). This means the game indeed improves focused auditory attention, a skill necessary to navigate on sounds. In conclusion, we recommend the game to become part of the orientation and mobility program, offering age-related VIPs the opportunity to practice the use of auditory information for navigation. Currently, we are working on a version that is suitable for actual use.
More and more people suffer from age-related eye conditions, e.g. Macular Degeneration. One of the problems experienced by these people is navigation. A strategy shown by many juvenile visually impaired persons (VIPs) is using auditory information for navigation. Therefore, it is important to train age-related VIPs to use auditory information for navigation. Hence the serious game HearHere was developed to train the focused auditory attention of age-related VIPs enhancing the use of auditory information for navigation, available as an application for tablets. Players of the game are instructed to navigate virtually as quickly as possible to a specific sound, requiring focused auditory attention. In an experimental study, the effectiveness of the game on improving focused auditory attention was examined. Forty participants were included, all students of the University of Groningen with normal or corrected-to-normal vision. By including sighted participants, we could investigate whether someone who was used to rely on its vision could improve its focused auditory attention after playing HearHere. As a control, participants played a digital version of Sudoku. The order of playing the games was counterbalanced. Participants were asked to perform a dichotic listening task before playing any game, after playing the first game and after playing the second game. It was found that participants improved significantly more in their performance on the dichotic listening task after having played HearHere (p<.001) than after playing Sudoku (p=.040). This means the game indeed improves focused auditory attention, a skill necessary to navigate on sounds. In conclusion, we recommend the game to become part of the orientation and mobility program, offering age-related VIPs the opportunity to practice the use of auditory information for navigation. Currently, we are working on a version that is suitable for actual use.
In the Netherlands, over 40% of nursing home residents are estimated to have visual impairments. This results in the loss of basic visual abilities. The nursing home environment fits more or less to residents’ activities and social participation. This is referred to as environmental fit. To raise professional awareness of environmental fit, an Environmental Observation tool for the Visually Impaired was developed. This tool targets aspects of the nursing home environment such as ‘light’, the use of ‘colours and contrasts’ and ‘furnishing and obstacles’. Objective of this study is to validate the content of the observation tool to have a tool applicable for practice. Based on the content validity approach, we invited a total of eight experts, six eye care professionals and two building engineering researchers, to judge the relevance of the items. The Item Content Validity approach was applied to determine items to retain and reject. The content validity approach led to a decrease in the number of items from 63 to 52. The definitive tool of 52 items contains 21 for Corridors, 17 for the Common Room, and 14 for the Bathroom. All items of the definite tool received an Item-Content Validity Index of 0.875 and a Scale-Content Validity Index of 0.71. The content validity index of the scale and per item has been applied, resulting in a tool that can be applied in nursing homes. The tool might be a starting point of a discussion among professional caregivers on environmental interventions for visually impaired older adults in nursing homes