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Artikel gaat over de inzet van virtual reality bij patiënten met pijn.
Virtual Reality: een technologie die de laatste jaren flink in opkomst is. Hoewel bijna iedereen wel een keer een VR bril heeft opgehad, blijft de vraag hoe deze technologie van waarde kan zijn in het onderwijs. Welke meerwaarde kan de inzet van VR bieden? Waar moet je rekening mee houden? En hoe zou je ermee aan de slag kunnen? Antwoord op onder andere deze vragen vind je in deze publicatie van het Lectoraat Teaching Learning & Technology| Hogeschool Inholland, zodat je in 7 minuten weer bent 'bijgepraat' over de inzet van VR technologie in het onderwijs.
Developing and testing several AR and VR concepts for SAMSUNG (Benelux) Samsung and Breda University of Applied Sciences decided to work together on developing and testing several new digital media concepts with a focus on VR and gaming. This collaboration has led to several innovative projects and concepts, among others: the organisation of the first Samsung VR jam in which game and media students developed new concepts for SAMSUNG GEAR in 24 hours, the pre-development of a VR therapy concept (Fear of Love) created by CaptainVR, the Samsung Industry Case in which students developed new concepts for SAMSUNG GEAR (wearables), the IGAD VR game pitch where over 15 VR game concepts were created for SAMSUNG VR GEAR and numerous projects in which VR concepts are developed and created using new SAMSUNG technologies. Currently we are co-developing new digital HRM solutions.
AI4debunk is een vierjarige EU-innovatieactie, gefinancierd door Horizon Europe, gewijd aan de bestrijding van desinformatie. Het project brengt 13 partners uit acht landen samen om burgers te empoweren met door AI aangedreven tools. Te midden van toenemende nepnieuws en propaganda streeft AI4Debunk naar het bevorderen van betrouwbaar online gedrag, in navolging van de oproep van de Europese Commissie voor een verstandige toepassing van AI.
Creating and testing the first Brand Segmentation Model in Augmented Reality using Microsoft Hololens. Sanoma together with SAMR launched an online brand segmentation tool based on large scale research, The brand model uses several brand values divided over three axes. However they cannot be displayed clearly in a 2D model. The space of BSR Quality Planner can be seen as a 3-dimensional meaningful space that is defined by the terms used to typify the brands. The third axis concerns a behaviour-based dimension: from ‘quirky behaviour’ to ‘standardadjusted behaviour’ (respectful, tolerant, solidarity). ‘Virtual/augmented reality’ does make it possible to clearly display (and experience) 3D. The Academy for Digital Entertainment (ADE) of Breda University of Applied Sciences has created the BSR Quality Planner in Virtual Reality – as a hologram. It’s the world’s first segmentation model in AR. Breda University of Applied Sciences (professorship Digital Media Concepts) has deployed hologram technology in order to use and demonstrate the planning tool in 3D. The Microsoft HoloLens can be used to experience the model in 3D while the user still sees the actual surroundings (unlike VR, with AR the space in which the user is active remains visible). The HoloLens is wireless, so the user can easily walk around the hologram. The device is operated using finger gestures, eye movements or voice commands. On a computer screen, other people who are present can watch along with the user. Research showed the added value of the AR model.Partners:Sanoma MediaMarketResponse (SAMR)