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Sportverenigingen in Nederland dragen bij aan een gezonde leefstijl, sociale cohesie en inclusieve sportdeelname. Ondanks dat de sportparticipatie toeneemt, hebben de clubs het moeilijk om hun ledental op peil te houden. Diverse ontwikkelingen spelen daarbij een rol. De focus van het onderzoek in dit proefschrift richt zich op twee maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen, ‘individualisering’ en ‘digitalisering’. In zeven studies wordt antwoord gegeven op twee onderzoeksvragen: 1) hoe het clubgevoel van leden van sportvereniging kan worden geconceptualiseerd in termen van definitie, voorspellers en opbrengsten en 2) hoe sociaalnetwerksites van sportverenigingen kunnen bijdragen het ontwikkelen van het clubgevoel van leden? Die studies vormen samen een multimethode onderzoek. Resultaten laten zien dat clubgevoel verwijst naar de gevoelsband van leden met hun club op basis van participatie, relevantie en de sociale wereld van de club. Clubgevoel hangt samen met bindingsaspecten zoals de intentie om je in te zetten voor de club en te blijven. Sociaalnetwerksites van sportverenigingen kunnen helpen om dit clubgevoel te ontwikkelen, bij voorkeur door de kanalen in te zetten voor informatie en interactie over de club, de sport en de leden. De online kanalen vormen samen de virtuele community van de vereniging die, afhankelijk van de aanpak door de club en de leden, verschillende verschijningvormen kan hebben. Met hun virtuele community bieden sportverenigingen, naast de accommodatie, ook een ónline ontmoetingsplek voor sport en andere activiteiten waarmee ze het clubgevoel onder hun leden kunnen bevorderen. Met dit proefschrift geeft Nanny Kuijsters inzichten voor de ontwikkeling van virtuele community’s voor verenigingen, professionals en geïnteresseerden in de georganiseerde sport.
Virtual communities are online spaces with potential of integration of (member-generated) content and conversations [7,8]. In our research project we are interested in the adoption and building of virtual communities in organized sports, that is to say in the voluntary sports clubs (VSCs) in the Netherlands. Since these VSCs have massively transferred their communication with members from paper club magazines to online channels, these virtual communities arise from the use of a growing number of websites, e-mail and social network sites (SNSs). Although virtual communities are broadly investigated, such as social communities, brand communities, and public communities, there is little scholarly interest in virtual communities of member organizations that VSCs are an example of. The study that is to be presented at SECSI 2019 concerns the clubs’ use of SNSs (ClubSNSs), such as Facebook and Twitter, within the virtual communities. These SNSs are increasingly used by the VSCs to facilitate organizational communication and to obtain a good internal climate [9]. However, academic understanding of the impact of ClubSNSs’ content and conversations on the organizational performance of the VSC is in its infancy. In our study, we examined this impact of ClubSNSs use on the involvement among members and whether we can explain this by members’ identification with the club. Furthermore, we have tried to categorize ClubSNSs by content types, such as informative, conversational or sociable ClubSNSs, and their role in stimulating the use of ClubSNSs. In this way we attempted to gain insight into the effect of types of ClubSNSs’ content and conversations on membership involvement and the mediating role of identification with the club. This insight can help VSCs to develop effective ClubSNS channels that contribute to organizational goals such as supportive and loyal membership.
Een onderzoek naar het belang van een virtual community voor sportclubs … Fontys-docent en promovendus Nanny Kuijsters startte er al in 2015 mee. Tot nu toe zetten sportclubs nauwelijks digitale middelen in voor het creëren van clubgevoel. Nu wel, en dat biedt volgens Kuijsters kansen om de jonge garde betrokken te houden.
For the development of a circular economy and the reduction of the environmental impact of supply chains, the sharing of reliable information throughout the entire chain is a prerequisite. In practice, this is difficult to realise which blockchain can improve. BCLivingLab aims to explore the application of blockchain technology in supply chain and logistics. The project develops four physical hubs and a virtual repository for blockchain knowledge to support SME’s in developing use-cases and experiment with blockchain applications. The ambition is to build a community of interested stakeholders and to be involved in current and future blockchain initiatives.
For the development of a circular economy and the reduction of the environmental impact of supply chains, the sharing of reliable information throughout the entire chain is a prerequisite. In practice, this is difficult to realise which blockchain can improve. BCLivingLab aims to explore the application of blockchain technology in supply chain and logistics. The project develops four physical hubs and a virtual repository for blockchain knowledge to support SME’s in developing use-cases and experiment with blockchain applications. The ambition is to build a community of interested stakeholders and to be involved in current and future blockchain initiatives.
First Virtual Reality Museum for Migrant Women: creating engagement and innovative participatory design approaches through Virtual Reality Spaces.“Imagine a place filled with important stories that are hard to tell. A place that embodies the collective experience of immigrant women during their temporary stay”. In this project the first museum around immigrant women in Virtual Reality is created and tested. Working with the only migration centre for women in Monterrey, Lamentos Escuchados, project members (professional developers, lecturers, and interior design, animation, media and humanity students) collaborate with immigrant women and the centre officials to understand the migrant women stories, their notion of space/home and the way they inhabit the centre. This VR museum helps to connect immigrant women with the community while exploring more flexible ways to educate architects and interior designers about alternative ways of doing architecture through participatory design approaches.Partners:University of Monterey (UDEM)Lamentos Escuchados