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In dit boekje vindt u leuke tips, mogelijkheden en tricks om te bewegen. Er staan verschillende oefeningen en trainingen in. Ook vindt u hierin een instructie voor video-bellen om in contact te kunnen blijven met uw dierbaren.Dit boekje is ontwikkeld in samenwerking met studenten van de Minor Designing User Research in het kader van de studie en behoefte-onderzoek voor BAAT. Dit project is gesponsord vanuit Zaaigeld Urban Vitality (Hogeschool van Amsterdam)
De nieuwe EU regels voor het gebruik van AI toegelicht voor MKB.
Vanuit de opleidingen Tourism, Leisure & Events Management aan de Hogeschool Inholland, voeren onderzoekers en studenten – in afstemming met het werkveld - sinds jaar en dag onderzoek uit naar aspecten van de stad Amsterdam als toeristische bestemming. Vanaf eind 2015 is hier het Urban Leisure & Tourism Lab aan toegevoegd, welke zich specifiek richt op Noord. Aangezien er weinig tot geen data voor handen waren over de bezoekers van dit stadsdeel, hebben we in april t/m juni 2019 besloten hier een onderzoeksproject aan te wijden. Het Toeristisch Ondernemers Platform Noord (TOP) was hierbij onze voornaamste netwerkpartner. TOP heeft de gewenste inzichten toegelicht aan de 2e jaars studenten en gezorgd voor diverse contacten ivm de interviews. Tijdens het We Make the City Festival hebben de studenten eind juni 2019 de meest opvallende onderzoeksbevindingen toegelicht tijdens het Fair Tourism programma in Pakhuis de Zwijger.
Videogames have become educational, communicative and social tools among the young, favouring the acquisition of skills, abilities and values, encompassing an endless number of themes, and helping them to experience and to face, in the first person, a great diversity of environmental situations and ecology problems. Thus, the present article aims: (a) to evaluate a sample of 20 educational videogames about water, making use of some empirical criteria of quality; and (b) to design, validate and apply an integrated quality indicator of educational videogames on water, based on the aspects of narrative, gameplay and education, which allows us to obtain a ranking. The findings reflect a ranking of games allowing us to suggest that the nature of the game (simulation, adventures, platforms or questions) does not determine the quality of the game, although generally simulations and adventure games are placed in a range of medium- or high-quality, as well as those games that pursue objectives related to the design and management of a territory in a sustainable way. The paper provides teachers with quality criteria based on narrative and gameplay that complement and enrich the pedagogical dimension.
Video games have the potential to educate and engage people—especially young people—in climate change and energy issues by facilitating the development of helpful thoughts, feelings, and actions. The objective of the present article is to propose a set of game attributes that could maximise the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural engagement of players, and lay the foundations for future work. We have used semi-structured interviews with experts to identify a set of game attributes and a group discussion with teenagers to validate them. By applying grounded theory in our analysis of the experts’ responses, we have developed a framework for climate change engagement through serious games. It consists of 15 key attributes that we have classified in three dimensions: cognitive, emotional, and behavioural. Literature review drawn on sources in social psychology, communication and education has contributed to further explain and justify the inclusion of each of the attributes.
There is an urgent need to curb emissions and mitigate climate change, and this fight requires a change in teenagers’ attitudes. In search of new approaches targeting youth, online games are seen as a promising tool for communication and education. Using the serious game 2020 Energy as a case study, the main objective of this paper is to examine the influence of the game on Spanish and American teenagers’ attitudes (N = 108), employing a pretest-posttest design with an experimental condition (playing the game) and a control condition (not playing the game). Results show that there have not been statistically significant differences after playing the game, although when looking closer at each factor, some positive consequences can be found.
Deze publicatie is ook een rijke informatiebron voor professionals en beleidsmakers bij gemeenten omdat het inzicht geeft in de situatie van mensen met hersenletsel en hun mantelzorgers. Het laat ook zien hoe belangrijk een nauwkeurige afstemming op hun behoeften is en dat de uitdagingen waarvoor zij zich dagelijks gesteld zien ook een specifieke inzet en een goede samenwerking vraagt tussen de professionals en organisaties die betrokken zijn bij de zorg rond mensen met hersenletsel.
What kind of serious games dealing with climate change are out there? Do these types of games share similar quality levels across borders? The purpose of this article is to carry out a comparative quality assessment of games produced in two different countries: United States and Spain. For this purpose, we develop and put into practice a tool to assess the quality of thirty games (fifteen US American and fifteen Spanish) based on the opinion of experts through the Delphi method. Criteria are categorized into identification, narrative, contents, gameplay, and didactics. The results show that these games share similarities but also differ from each other, which bring us to establish different quality scenarios for different countries. The total scores reveal a higher quality level of United States serious games on climate change.