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In the BBI-JU project LIBBIO, institutions across Europe researched the opportunities around the Andean Lupin. The business case of the Andean Lupin can be compared to that of the soybean. Using green processing technologies, we can use it for the production of consumer products, food and feed. Learn more about how this can be achieved in this video.
Het coronavirus heeft tot nu toe wereldwijd ongeveer 1,8 miljoen slachtoffersgeëist. De klimaatverandering leidt mogelijk deze eeuw tot ongeveer 9,3miljoen doden per jaar. Om dat te voorkomen is een verandering van onseconomische denken nodig, stelt Egbert Dommerholt, lector biobased business valorization aan de Hanzehogeschool Groningen.
Circular BIOmass CAScade to 100% North Sea Region (NSR) economic activity and growth are mostly found in urban areas. Rural NSR regions experience population decline and negative economic growth. The BIOCAS project expects revitalizing and greening of rural areas go hand in hand. BIOCAS will develop rural areas of the NSR into smart specialized regions for integrated and local valorization of biomass. 13 Commercial running Bio-Cascade-Alliances (BCA’s) will be piloted, evaluated and actively shared in the involved regions. These proven concepts will accelerate adoption of high to low value bio-cascading technologies and businesses in rural regions. The project connects 18 regional initiatives around technologies, processes, businesses for the conversion of biomass streams. The initiatives collaborate in a thematic approach: Through engineering, value chain assessments, BCA’s building, partners tackle challenges that are shared by rural areas. I.e. unsustainable biomass use, a mineral surplus and soil degradation, deprivation of potentially valuable resources, and limited involvement of regional businesses and SMEs in existing bio-economy developments. The 18 partners are strongly embedded in regional settings, connected to many local partners. They will align stakeholders in BCA’s that would not have cooperated without BIOCAS interventions. Triple helix, science, business and governmental input will realize inclusive lasting bio cascade businesses, transforming costly waste to resources and viable business.Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme: €378,520.00, fEC % 50.00%1/07/17 → 30/06/21
The valorization of biowaste, by exploiting side stream compounds as feedstock for the sustainable production of bio-based materials, is a key step towards a more circular economy. In this regard, chitin is as an abundant resource which is accessible as a waste compound of the seafood industry. From a commercial perspective, chitin is chemically converted into chitosan, which has multiple industrial applications. Although the potential of chitin has long been established, the majority of seafood waste containing chitin is still left unused. In addition, current processes which convert chitin into chitosan are sub-optimal and have a significant impact on the environment. As a result, there is a need for the development of innovative methods producing bio-based products from chitin. This project wants to contribute to these challenges by performing a feasibility study which demonstrates the microbial bioconversion of chitin to polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). Specifically, the consortium will attempt to cultivate and engineer a recently discovered bacterium Chi5, so that it becomes able to directly produce PHAs from chitin present in solid shrimp shell waste. If successful, this project will provide a proof-of-concept for a versatile microbial production platform which can contribute to: i) the valorization of biowaste from the seafood industry, ii) the efficient utilization of chitin as feedstock, iii) the sustainable and (potentially low-cost) production of PHAs. The project consortium is composed of: i) Van Belzen B.V., a Dutch shrimp trading company which are highly interested in the valorization of their waste streams, hereby making their business model more profitable and sustainable. ii) AMIBM, which have recently isolated and characterized the Chi5 marine-based chitinolytic bacterium and iii) Zuyd, which will link aforementioned partners with students in creating a novel collaboration which will stimulate the development of students and the translation of academic knowledge to a feasible application technology for SME’s.
“Being completely circular by 2050” that is the goal for the Dutch economy. The transition towards the circular and biobased economy for energy and materials is essential to reach that goal. Sustainably produced materials based on renewable sources like biomass should be developed. One of the industries which recognizes the need for transition is the building industry. Currently, there are a couple of biobased building concepts available which claim to be more than 95% biobased. Since the current resins and adhesives, used to produce panel boards (like cross laminated timber (CLT)), are all produced synthetically, one of the missing links for the building industry to become 100% biobased are biobased resins and adhesives (and binders). In literature, there are several solutions described for resins/adhesives/binders which are based on the biomolecules lignin and cellulose which are abundantly present in fibrous biomass, but these products are not (yet) available on the market. At the same time, there are several fibrous biomass side streams available for which higher added value applications are demanded. These side streams are perfect sources of lignin and cellulose and are, therefore, very suitable sources to form the basis for biobased resins/adhesives/binders. However, they need modification to obtain the desired functionalities. The problem statement of this project, based on the request for valorization of fibrous side streams and the need for biobased building materials, is “How can we valorize fibrous biomass (side streams) into biobased building applications.” This problem statement is translated into the research goal. The aim of this research is to develop a biobased resin, adhesive or binder for the production of panel boards based on the side streams of fibrous/lignocellulosic biomass which meets the requirement of the building industry with respect to VOC emissions, and water resistance so that it contributes to a healthy living environment.