Purpose: Adolescents are insufficiently physically active and spent too much time sitting, which provides a health risk. In the current study the municipality of Amsterdam, secondary schools, experts in urban sports and researchers work together to stimulate healthy exercise behavior of adolescents. The urban sports facilities in the city of Amsterdam are at the center of this project. A variety of urban sports facilities have been realized over the last years. It remains however unknown which adolescents actually use these facilities. When urban space planning and physical education (PE) lessons at school are aligned and adjusted to the needs and preferences of adolescents, adolescents probably feel more competent to use the urban sport facilities surrounding their schools. The goal of this project is twofold: 1) findings working principles for designing urban sports facilities in the urban space surrounding schools 2) identifying elements in secondary school physical education lessons that motivate adolescents to use the urban sports facilities.Methods: This was investigated by applying design thinking methods and co creation sessions with adolescents, PE teachers, school boards, municipality and experts in urban sports.Results: First results indicate that needs, wishes and barriers of adolescents with regard to the use of urban sports facilities are currently insufficiently documented. Moreover, physical education teachers lack a feeling of competence in providing urban sports classes and there is insufficient coordination between schools, the municipality and providers of urban sports. Next steps in the design thinking cycle will be discussed as well as implications for the municipality with regard to planning of urban sports facilities around school, and how to connect physical education programming inside and outside secondary schools.
Purpose: Adolescents are insufficiently physically active and spent too much time sitting, which provides a health risk. In the current study the municipality of Amsterdam, secondary schools, experts in urban sports and researchers work together to stimulate healthy exercise behavior of adolescents. The urban sports facilities in the city of Amsterdam are at the center of this project. A variety of urban sports facilities have been realized over the last years. It remains however unknown which adolescents actually use these facilities. When urban space planning and physical education (PE) lessons at school are aligned and adjusted to the needs and preferences of adolescents, adolescents probably feel more competent to use the urban sport facilities surrounding their schools. The goal of this project is twofold: 1) findings working principles for designing urban sports facilities in the urban space surrounding schools 2) identifying elements in secondary school physical education lessons that motivate adolescents to use the urban sports facilities.Methods: This was investigated by applying design thinking methods and co creation sessions with adolescents, PE teachers, school boards, municipality and experts in urban sports.Results: First results indicate that needs, wishes and barriers of adolescents with regard to the use of urban sports facilities are currently insufficiently documented. Moreover, physical education teachers lack a feeling of competence in providing urban sports classes and there is insufficient coordination between schools, the municipality and providers of urban sports. Next steps in the design thinking cycle will be discussed as well as implications for the municipality with regard to planning of urban sports facilities around school, and how to connect physical education programming inside and outside secondary schools.
From the article : "Based on a review of recent literature, this paper addresses the question of how urban planners can steer urban environmental quality, given the fact that it ismultidimensional in character, is assessed largely in subjective terms and varies across time. A novel perspective of urban environmental quality is proposed, simultaneously exploring three questions that are at the core of planning and designing cities: ‘quality of what?’, ‘quality for whom?’ and ‘quality at what time?’. The dilemmas that urban planners face in answering these questions are illustrated using secondary material. This approach provides perspectives for action. Rather than further detailing the exact nature of urban quality, it calls for sustainable urban environmental quality planning that is integrated, participative and adaptive" ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ) DOI: 10.1002/eet.1759 - Preprint available for free download.