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This article outlines the expected benefits of ERASMUS+ Teaching/Training Exchanges for individuals, the institution as a whole and the degree programmes of The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS), the Netherlands. The method employed was a series of semi-structured interviews, following initial email contact of 32 (approx. 1.5% of staff) who had been on exchange, or were scheduled to be, during the academic year. Interviews were agreed with 7 staff. Leask (2015) identified a lack of research in this area, and it is hoped this research will help to stimulate thinking on this issue. Despite the small sample size, general preliminary conclusions can be drawn and further research is encouraged. The article examines processes and procedures in place for monitoring such exchanges, and it also explores control and monitoring prior to the exchange taking place, as well as post-exchange outcomes and evaluations. It describes the context and theoretical frameworks and discusses the major findings, including accounts of the participants’ experiences and the benefits for them as individuals, their perceptions, their line manager’s responses and institutional policies and processes. The conclusion has recommendations for improvement based upon the participants’ comments. The main message of this article is the need to set goals for the individual and the institution and to evaluate them upon return.
20 Nederlandse leraren hebben zich in 2015 samen met 20 schoolleiders uit Estland gebogen over de vraag hoe het onderwijs beïnvloed zal worden door trends en ontwikkelingen in de samenleving. Die uitwisseling bestond uit wederzijdse bezoeken in elkaars scholen, een analyse van trends die het onderwijs beïnvloeden (aan de hand van de OECD publicatie ‘Trends shaping education’), kleinschalige innovatieprojecten in de eigen school, en een afsluitend weekend waarin gezamenlijk toekomstscenario’s voor het onderwijs ontwikkeld werden. De uitwisseling maakt voor de Nederlandse deelnemers deel uit van het masterprogramma Pedagogiek (profilering Leren & Innoveren) en is onderdeel van het project Education for the Future dat gesubsidieerd wordt door de Europese Commissie