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Meertalige maatschappij vraagt om onderwijs gericht op meer brontalen en doeltalen (ook minderheidstalen en immigrantentalen). Leeropbrengsten in meer talen in systeem ter vergelijking van bijvoorbeeld Fries-Nederlands-Engels. Bekwaamheid leraren betreft eigen taalvaardigheid en reflectie, toepassing differentiatie en transfer. In opleidingen extra aandacht in minor tweetaligheid en master multilingualism
Many bilingual children have an acquisition delay in their L2, which is easily mistaken for SLI. With the aim to, on the one hand, tackle this 'disentangling problem' and, on the other hand, create adequate expectations regarding bilingual "normal" development, we compared Dutch lexical and grammatical skills based on Frog story data collected in five-to-eight-year old monolingual Dutch children and bilingual Turkish-Dutch children with and without SLI. The results show that (bilingual) SLI children perform worse on the overall grammatical skills compared to their unimpaired age peers. In contrast, lexical skills are more vulnerable in both bilingual groups. As such, narratives provide a suitable area within which to investigate the relation between SLI and bilingualism.