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The hospitality industry contributes significantly to global climate change through its high resource consumption and emissions due to travel. As public pressure for hotels to develop sustainability initiatives to mitigate their footprint grows, a lack of understanding of green behavior and consumption of hotel guests hinders the adoption of effective programs. Most tourism research thus far has focused on the ecotourism segment, rather than the general population of travelers, and while research in consumer behavior shows that locus of control (LOC) and guilt can influence guests’ environmental behavior, those factors have not been tested with consideration of the subjective norm to measure their interaction and effect on recycling behavior. This study first examines the importance of internal and external LOC on factors for selecting hotel accommodation and the extent of agreement about hotel practices and, second, examines the differences in recycling behavior among guests with internal versus external LOC under levels of positive versus negative subjective norms and feelings of low versus high guilt.
The influence of the built environment on travel behaviour and the role of intervening variables such as socio-demographics and travel-related attitudes have long been debated in the literature. To date, most empirical studies have applied cross-sectional designs to investigate their bidirectional relationships. However, these designs provide limited evidence for causality. This study represents one of the first attempts to employ a longitudinal design on these relationships. We applied cross lagged panel structural equation models to a two-wave longitudinal dataset to assess the directions and strengths of the relationships between the built environment, travel behaviour and travel-related attitudes. Results show that the residential built environment has a small but significant influence on car use and travel attitudes. In addition, the built environment influenced travel-related attitudes indicating that people tend to adjust their attitudes to their built environment. This provides some support for land use policies that aim to influence travel behaviour.
This study links self-concept and place attachment to generate a better understanding of travel behavior patterns by migrant populations, in this case, Western professional migrants who live in the Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions of China. Five discrete Western professional migrant groups are identified, each with different demographic profiles, travel patterns, propensity, and intensity. The findings challenge the view that migrant populations are homogenous and also challenge the widely held notion that home return travel is their dominant mobility pattern. Conceptual and managerial implications of migrant travel behavior for destination marketers are briefly outlined.
In the Netherlands approximately 2 million inhabitants have one or more disabilities. However, just like most people they like to travel and go on holiday.In this project we have explored the customer journey of people with disabilities and their families to understand their challenges and solutions (in preparing) to travel. To get an understanding what ‘all-inclusive’ tourism would mean, this included an analysis of information needs and booking behavior; traveling by train, airplane, boat or car; organizing medical care and; the design of hotels and other accommodations. The outcomes were presented to members of ANVR and NBAV to help them design tourism and hospitality experiences or all.
E-cycling intelligence is a research project directly connected to the PhD-research of Joost de Kruijf at the Utrecht University. Within the program the effects of the introduction of e-bikes in daily commuting are being investigated. Using a large-scale incentive program targeting on behavioral change among car-oriented commuters the next four specific components are being :- Modal shift to e-cycling- Well-being and travel satisfaction of e-bikes vs. car- Weather circumstances and e-cycling- Behavioral intention to e-bike vs. actual behavior Using a combination of three surveys (baseline, one month and half a year) and continuous GPS-measurement on the behavior of more than 800 participants makes this research unique. In collaboration with the TU/e the GPS-dataset is being translated into relevant information on modal shift on different trip purposes offering a new range of possibilities to analyses behavioral change. Knowledge on every of the four topics in the project is translated scientific paper. The expected end of the project is July 2021.With the research not new insights are being gained, the Breda University of Applied Sciences also develops a scientific network of cycling related researchers together with a network of cycling engaged road authorities.
In this project we utilize the conversational model of delivering destination information as an experimental intervention to provide tips to a sub-group of visitor participants in one specific destination, Overijssel. By contrasting the experience of this group to a randomly assigned control group will be able to test the effectiveness of hyper-personalized information. Furthermore, we will investigate the effectiveness of integrating, in the tips provided, the policy of the DMO to direct visitors to certain places while reducing the pressure on others. For this variable as well––policy-driven vs. demand-driven information sources––random assignment to test and control groups will allow us to draw conclusions about causes of differences in tourist behavior and experience.The main question is: Does the conversational information model, as exemplified by Travel with Zoey, create the possibility to direct people to the places destination managers would like them to go, while assuring they benefit equally––or even more–from their travel experience? Partners: NBTC, Marketing Oost, Travel With Zoey.