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This paper seeks to highlight underlying issues of the tourism system that have led to tourism extremes of too much or too little tourism. Five phases are recognized that reflect different ways of dealing with too much tourism over time, after which the impact of a sudden lack of tourism is investigated in light of future renewal processes. This discussion highlights the remarkable capacity of the tourism industry to adjust to rapidly changing circumstances and crises, even when these cause anguish to individuals and within societies at large. The paper thus seeks to contextualize the current discussions regarding the transformation of tourism post COVID-19. It highlights the complexity of changing a tourism that multiple stakeholders depend on or have grown accustomed to. To come to a more balanced tourism, it is necessary to not only come up with alternative visions and strategies, but also to engage with the political economy nature of tourism development. A future research agenda should therefore also discuss facets of entangled power, social exclusion, inequalities and class differences to come to new reference points of what actually constitutes a more inclusive tourism success.
Purpose – This study aims to investigate the tourism stakeholders’ opinions about developing smart tourism(ST) in the West Bank, Palestine. This research fulfils intriguing gaps in the literature on stakeholders’perceptions and views on developing ST in the West Bank, Palestine.Design/methodology/approach – The research study employed a qualitative methodology using semi-structured interviews with nineteen respondents. All data collected were in April and May 2022.Findings – The findings show that the understanding of ST-related stakeholders in the West Bank is mainlylinked to information communication and technology, digitalisation, and online use of technology within thetourism industry. Moreover, the results show the high potential of developing the ST industry in the WestBank. However, this study revealed that challenges could affect the West Bank’s development at differentlevels, such as managerial, technological, awareness, public sector restrictions, infrastructural, financial andpolitical challenges.Research limitations/implications – This research has some shortcomings. The first restriction of thisstudy was the political restrictions and the checkpoints, which limited the reach of some of the participants whoreside in Jerusalem or other cities outside of the West Bank, which delayed the time of the interviews orconverted it to be done through a digital platform. Secondly, the sample of this study was small in tourismstakeholders in the West Bank.Originality/value – To the author’s knowledge, this paper is the first on ST from the stakeholders’perspectives. Therefore, this study has set the first step in closing the existing gap in the literature.
This paper proposes a new framework for the production and development of immersive and playful technologies in cultural heritage in which different stakeholders such as users and local communities are involved early on in the product development chain. We believe that an early stage of co-creation in the design process produces a clear understanding of what users struggle with, facilitates the creation of community ownership and helps in better defining the design challenge at hand. We show that adopting such a framework has several direct and indirect benefits, including a deeper sense of site and product ownership as direct benefits to the individual, and the creation and growth of tangential economies to the community.
Zoals met meer onderwerpen gerelateerd aan duurzame toeristische ontwikkeling, is ook het onderwerp bewonersprofijt niet "af". Specifiek op dit onderwerp werd snel duidelijk dat het überhaupt inzichtelijk maken van wat bewonersprofijt precies is, waar het uit is opgebouwd en hoe het tot stand komt eerst noodzakelijk was. Met de door de koplopersgroep uitgewerkte theoretische afbakening en verdieping is een eerste belangrijke stap gezet in de richting van het meten van bewonersprofijt. Daarnaast zijn, aan de hand van (inter)nationale voorbeelden, ook de mogelijke interventies en methoden om bewonersprofijt van toerisme te vergroten duidelijker geworden. In 2024 wordt het theoretisch kader dat de positieve bijdrage van toerisme aan het welzijn van inwoners inzichtelijk maakt, verder verrijkt. Er wordt onderzocht welke methoden momenteel worden toegepast om bewonersprofijt te meten en welke voor- en nadelen hiermee samenhangen. Tevens worden experimenten uitgevoerd om verschillende meetmethodes te testen. Ook blijven we actuele en relevante praktijkvoorbeelden publiceren ter inspiratie en stimuleren wij praktische interventies ter bevordering van bewonersprofijt. Het doel van deze aanpak is om stakeholders zoals gemeenten, DMO's en andere beleidsverantwoordelijken beter in staat te stellen om een geschikte meetmethode voor bewonersprofijt te selecteren. De doorontwikkeling van kennis en ervaring blijven wij uiteraard delen met de sector. PartnersHotelschool The Hague, HZ/ Kenniscentrum Kusttoerisme, Centre of Expertise leisure, tourism & hospitality (CELTH), Marketing Drenthe, Stichting Eilandmarketing Schouwen Duiveland, Marketing Oost, NBTC.
Duurzame ontwikkeling staat hoog op lokale, nationale en internationale politieke agenda’s. Denk alleen al aan klimaatverandering, biodiversiteit, de stikstofcrisis, de gezondheidscrisis, de teloorgang van stilte en stiltegebieden en de ontwikkeling van de circulaire economie.Duurzame ontwikkeling bestaat nadrukkelijk uit aspecten op het gebied van milieu, mens en economie. Daarbij is het perspectief van de stakeholders in de sector, de bedrijven, overheden, omwonenden, klanten en belanghebbenden van groot belang.De gastvrijheidssector speelt hierin een dubbele rol: enerzijds creëren deze sector veel waarde uit natuurlijke hulpbronnen zoals juist de kwaliteit van natuur, biodiversiteit, landschap, stilte, schone lucht. Anderzijds speelt de sector een rol bij het ontstaan van klimaatverandering, stikstofoxiden, verlies van biodiversiteit en stilte.Het project beoogt voor bovenstaande problematiek een onderzoekagenda op te stellen. De onderzoekagenda geeft een systematisch overzicht van de problematiek, een vertaling naar de potentiële onderzoeksvragen en mogelijke resultaten.Partners: Hogeschool Zeeland (HZ), NHL/Stenden.
The impacts of tourism on destinations and the perceptions of local communities have been a major concern both for the industry and research in the past decades. However, tourism planning has been mainly focused on traditions that promote the increase of tourism without taking under consideration the wellbeing of both residents and visitors. To develop a more sustainable tourism model, the inclusion of local residents in tourism decision-making is vital. However, this is not always possible due to structural, economic and socio-cultural restrictions that residents face resulting to their disempowerment. This study aims to explore and interpret the formal processes around tourism decision-making and community empowerment in urban settings. The research proposes a comparative study of three urban destinations in Europe (The Hague in the Netherlands, San Sebastian in Spain and, Ioannina in Greece) that experience similar degree of tourism growth. The proposed study will use a design-based approach in order to understand tourism decision-making and what empowers or disempowers community participation within the destinations. Based on the findings of primary and secondary data, a community empowerment model will be applied in one the destinations as a pilot for resident engagement in tourism planning. The evaluation of the pilot will allow for an optimized model to be created with implications for tourism planning at a local level that can contribute to sustainable destinations that safeguard the interests of local residents and tourists.