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Oil extraction from Andean lupin beans (Lupinus mutabilis SWEET) via supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) was studied on both lab scale and pilot scale. On the lab scale, the effect of pressure, solvent-to-feed ratio (S/F), sample particle size and temperature on oil yield were evaluated. The oil quality (fatty acid [FA] composition and tocopherol content) were investigated. Five-hour scCO2 extraction yielded about 86% oil of Soxhlet extraction (using hexane as solvent). The fraction of unsaturated FA rose with extraction pressure at specific time. High tocopherol contents were detected in oils extracted at low pressure. An increase in temperature was unfavorable to oil and tocopherol yield, thereby confirming the validity for preserving oil extract quality under a mild scCO2 extraction condition. Oil quality and yield did not have identical optimum settings, opening up possibilities for producing different qualities of oils. Pilot-scale extraction offered comparable oil yield to lab-scale extraction at similar S/F ratio. Economic evaluation showed that it is promising to implement industrial scale scCO2 process for lupin oil extraction. It was predicted that, at a specific industrial scale of extraction (2 × 1000 L, 550 bar, 40°C and S/F of 24), the manufacturing cost of oils got close to actual commercial production cost.
The Andean lupin (Lupinus mutabilis) is one of the lost crops of Incas and has been grown in South America and as a food crop for thousands of years. The seeds are the main source of commercial value regarding the high content of oil (about 20%), protein (about 43%) and carbohydrates (about 33%). A European Union H2020 project, LIBBIO, aims to develop and optimize the breeding and cropping of the Andean lupin in the Europe, and to process the lupin seeds for new and high-value products for consumers and for incorporation into otherproducts. This study works at optimizing the oil extraction from the lupin seeds using supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2), which has been tested for lupin oil extraction and is advantageous over organic extractants due to the mild operating temperature, costeffectiveness, nontoxicity, and easy post-separation.In the study designed by response surface methodology, the operating pressure,temperature, scCO2 flowrate, and sample mesh size, were investigated on their effect on the oil extraction efficiency. The pressure, scCO2 flowrate and mesh size were found to affect the extraction efficiency significantly. The higher the pressure and the smaller the mesh, the more oil was extracted over a specific period. Optimally about 85% of the oil was extracted by scCO2 compared with conventional Soxhlet extraction using hexane as the extractant. Oleicacid (46%) and Linoleic acid (32%) are the two main fatty acids in the extracted oil. About 80% of the fatty acids are unsaturated. The stearic acid is one of the main saturated fatty acids, which has relatively positive effects on human health to others. The pressure was found to significantly affect the fractions of the saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The content of tocopherols in the extracted oil ranged from 1 to 20 mg/100g oil, which is comparable withliterature value.
Groente en fruit bevatten tal van belangrijke voedingsstoffen. Het belang van groente en fruit als onderdeel van een gezond voedingspatroon wordt telkens weer bevestigd in wetenschappelijke studies. Zo is er overtuigend bewijs dat verhogen van de groente- en fruitconsumptie leidt tot een lagere bloeddruk en een lager risico op hart- en vaatziekten en beroertes. Ook relaties met andere ziekten worden steeds meer gelegd. De consumptie van groente en fruit is bij de meeste mensen echter veel lager dan de norm. Sterker nog, de consumptie lijkt de afgelopen jaren zelfs te dalen. Dat is vreemd, gezien de stijgende belangstelling van consumenten voor gezonde voeding en de stijgende kosten voor de zorg. Wat is de reden voor deze lage consumptiecijfers en, nog interessanter, wat is daar aan te doen? Het lectoraat Groene Gezondheid stelt zich tot doel om kennis te ontwikkelen en te verspreiden rond voedingswaarde en de consumptie van groente en fruit, om daarmee bij te dragen aan een gezonder eetpatroon en een reductie van zorgkosten.