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This study investigated temporal changes in movement strategy and performance during fatiguing short-cycle work. Eighteen participants performed six 7-min work blocks with repetitive reaching movements at 0.5 Hz, each followed by a 5.5-min rest break for a total duration of 1 h. Electromyography (EMG) was collected continuously from the upper trapezius muscle, the temporal movement strategy and timing errors were obtained on a cycle-to-cycle basis, and perceived fatigue was rated before and after each work block. Clear signs of fatigue according to subjective ratings and EMG manifestations developed within each work block, as well as during the entire hour. For most participants, timing errors gradually increased, as did the waiting time at the near target. Changes in temporal movement strategy were negatively correlated with changes in the level and variability of EMG, suggesting that an adaptive temporal strategy offset the development of unstable motor solutions in this fatiguing, short-cycle work.Practitioner Summary: Sustained performance of operators is essential to maintain competitiveness. In this study of repetitive work, participants gradually changed their temporal movement strategy, for possibly alleviating the effects of fatigue. This suggests that in order to effectively counteract fatigue and sustain performance, industrial production should allow extensive spatial and temporal flexibility.
Urban nature-based solutions (NBSs) are widely implemented to collect, store, and infiltrate stormwater. This study addressed infiltration rate as a measure of the performance of bioretention solutions. Quick scan research was conducted, starting with mapping over 25 locations of implemented green infrastructure in Riga, Latvia. Basic information, such as location, characteristics, as well as photos and videos, has been uploaded to the open-source database ClimateScan. From this, eight bioswales installed in the period 2017–2022 were selected for hydraulic testing, measuring the infiltration capacity of bio-retention solutions. The results show a high temporal and spatial variation of infiltration rate for the bioswales, even those developed with similar designs: 0.1 to 7.7 m/d, mean 2.0 m/d, coefficient of variation 1.0. The infiltration capacity decreased after saturation: a 30% to 58% decrease in infiltration rate after refilling storage volume. The variation in infiltration rate as well as infiltration rate decrease on saturation is similar to other full-scale studies done internationally. The infiltration rate of most bioswales falls within the range specified by international guidelines, all swales empty within 48 h. Most bioswales empty several times within one day, questioning the effectiveness of water retention and water availability for dry periods. The results are of importance for stakeholders involved in the implementation of NBS and will be used to set up Latvian guidelines for design, construction, and maintenance.
Global climate change (CC) affects marine mammals, such as cetaceans, by exposing them to an altered marine environment. Cetaceans are indirectly influenced by CC (e.g. through their prey, warmer environment). They are indicator species, significant to marine ecosystems and one of the most endangered vertebrate groups on this planet. Since oceanic water temperatures have increased, a noticeable shift in diversity of cetaceans present in marine hotspots is expected. In this paper, the community structure (occurrence) of cetacean species present around São Miguel Island, Portugal were investigated to contribute to the current understanding of the effects of CC on cetaceans.
INXCES will use and enhance innovative 3D terrain analysis and visualization technology coupled with state-of-the-art satellite remote sensing to develop cost-effective risk assessment tools for urban flooding, aquifer recharge, ground stability and subsidence. INXCES will develop quick scan tools that will help decision makers and other actors to improve the understanding of urban and peri-urban terrains and identify options for cost effective implementation of water management solutions that reduce the negative impacts of extreme events, maximize beneficial uses of rainwater and stormwater for small to intermediate events and provide long-term resilience in light of future climate changes. The INXCES approach optimizes the multiple benefits of urban ecosystems, thereby stimulating widespread implementation of nature-based solutions on the urban catchment scale.INXCES will develop new innovative technological methods for risk assessment and mitigation of extreme hydroclimatic events and optimization of urban water-dependent ecosystem services at the catchment level, for a spectrum of rainfall events. It is widely acknowledged that extreme events such as floods and droughts are an increasing challenge, particularly in urban areas. The frequency and intensity of floods and droughts pose challenges for economic and social development, negatively affecting the quality of life of urban populations. Prevention and mitigation of the consequences of hydroclimatic extreme events are dependent on the time scale. Floods are typically a consequence of intense rainfall events with short duration. In relation to prolonged droughts however, a much slower timescale needs to be considered, connected to groundwater level reductions, desiccation and negative consequences for growing conditions and potential ground – and building stability.INXCES will take a holistic spatial and temporal approach to the urban water balance at a catchment scale and perform technical-scientific research to assess, mitigate and build resilience in cities against extreme hydroclimatic events with nature-based solutions.INXCES will use and enhance innovative 3D terrain analysis and visualization technology coupled with state-of-the-art satellite remote sensing to develop cost-effective risk assessment tools for urban flooding, aquifer recharge, ground stability and subsidence. INXCES will develop quick scan tools that will help decision makers and other actors to improve the understanding of urban and peri-urban terrains and identify options for cost effective implementation of water management solutions that reduce the negative impacts of extreme events, maximize beneficial uses of rainwater and stormwater for small to intermediate events and provide long-term resilience in light of future climate changes. The INXCES approach optimizes the multiple benefits of urban ecosystems, thereby stimulating widespread implementation of nature-based solutions on the urban catchment scale.
Performance feedback is an important mechanism of adaptation in learning theories, as it provides one of the motivations for organizations to learn (Pettit, Crossan, and Vera 2017). Embedded in the behavioral theory of the firm, organizational learning from performance feedback predicts the probability for organizations to change with an emphasis on organizational aspirations, which serve as a threshold against which absolute performance is evaluated (Cyert and March 1963; Greve 2003). It postulates that performance becomes a ‘problem’, or the trigger to search for alternative procedures, strategies, products and behaviors, when performance is below that threshold. This search is known as problemistic search. Missing from this body of research, is empirically grounded understanding if the characteristics of performance feedback over time matter for the triggering function of the feedback. I explore this gap. This investigation adds temporality as a dimension of the performance feedback concept guided by a worldview of ongoing change and flux where conditions and choices are not given, but made relevant by actors and enacted upon (Tsoukas and Chia 2002). The general aim of the study is to complement the current knowledge of performance feedback as a trigger for problemistic search with an explicit process temporal approach. The main question guiding this project is how temporal patterns of performance feedback influence organizational change, which I answer in four chapters, each zooming into one sub-question.First, I focus on the temporal order of performance feedback by examining performance feedback and change sequences organizations go through. In this section time is under study and the goal is to explore how feedback patterns have evolved over time, just as the change states organizations pass through. Second, I focus on the plurality of performance feedback by investigating performance feedback from multiple aspiration levels (i.e. multiple qualitatively different metrics and multiple reference points) and how over time clusters of performance feedback sequences have evolved. Next, I look into the rate and scope of change relative to performance feedback sequences and add an element of signal strength to the feedback. In the last chapter, time is a predictor (in the sequences), and, it is under study (in the timing of responses). I focus on the timing of organizational responses in relation to performance feedback sequences of multiple metrics and reference points.In sum, all chapters are guided by the timing problem of performance feedback, meaning that performance feedback does not come ‘available’ at a single point in time. Similarly to stones with unequal weight dropped in the river, performance feedback with different strength comes available at multiple points in time and it is plausible that sometimes it is considered by decision-makers as problematic and sometimes it is not, because of the sequence it is part of. Overall, the investigation is grounded in the general principles of organizational learning from performance feedback, and the concept of time as duration, sequences and timing, with a focus on specification of when things happen. The context of the study is universities of applied sciences and hotels in The Netherlands. Project partner: Tilburg University, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Organization Studies
Nature-based coastal management is mainstream in the Netherlands. About 12 Mm3 of sand is added annually to the coast to compensate coastal erosion and maintain high safety levels against flooding. This amount will likely increase to compensate for accelerated sea level rise. (Mega-)Nourishments may also strengthen and support biodiversity and recreational values of the coastal zone and associated wetland areas. However, the ecological and societal impacts of mega-nourishments on open coasts are not well established, hampering comparison of pros and cons of different nourishment strategies. This knowledge gap is largely due to the lack of suitable methods to monitor and predict the spreading of nourishment sand along the coast and into tidal basins. Ameland Inlet provides us with a unique opportunity to develop and test novel approaches to fill this knowledge gap in close collaboration with our consortium and stakeholders. In 2018 the first tidal inlet mega-nourishment (5 Mm3) was placed in the Ameland Inlet ebb-tidal delta, and geomorphic and biotic responses nearby are closely monitored in the Kustgenese 2.0 and SEAWAD programmes. Our research builds on the insights gained, will gather new data to investigate off-site effects (linked with SIBES/SIBUS sampling), and build a common knowledge-base with stakeholders. We will develop novel luminescence-based methods to monitor the temporal and spatial dispersal of nourishment sand. These insights will be combined with an inventory of off-site biotic responses to nourishment and the role biota play in the mixing of nourishment sand with natural sediments. Combined results will be used to develop and validate models to trace transport paths of individual grains and improve morphodynamic predictions. Throughout the project, we will collaborate and interact intensely with coastal managers and (local) stakeholders to address concerns and exchange insights, creating a platform for co-assessment and optimization of nourishment designs and strategies.