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The extent to which mentor teachers are able to address mentees' individual needs is an important factor in the success of mentoring. A two-dimensional model of mentor teacher roles in mentoring dialogues, entitled MERID, is explored empirically. Data regarding five aspects of mentoring dialogues were collected, using a sample of 20 transcriptions of mentoring dialogues, in which 112 topics were discussed and 440 mentor teacher utterances emerged. Correlations between the five aspects were determined and a cluster analysis was conducted. There is empirical support for the model. It is a useful framework to promote reflection on mentor teachers' supervisory behaviour.
Deze publicatie gaat over het leiderschap van leraren, internationaal aangeduid als ‘teacher leadership’. Leraren kunnen veel verschillende vormen van leiderschap uitoefenen. Persoonlijk leiderschap heeft bijvoorbeeldbetrekking op de mate waarin leraren regie over hun eigen werk en eigen ontwikkeling voeren. Pedagogisch leiderschap is de wijze waarop leraren in hun klas leiderschap richting hun leerlingen tonen en invloed uitoefenen op de leerprocessen van leerlingen. In voorliggende publicatie bedoelen we met ‘leiderschap van leraren’ of ‘teacher leadership’ de invloed die leraren uitoefenen op zaken die hun eigen klas of hun eigen vak overstijgen. Met dat leiderschap beïnvloeden ze collega’s, leidinggevenden en anderen binnen de school. Die invloed kan betrekking hebben op het curriculum, het handelen van collega’s, het pedagogisch klimaat binnen de school, het beleid en de organisatie vanzaken binnen en buiten de school, etc. Dat kan door ideeën te opperen, te ontwikkelen, te ondersteunen, te adviseren, te inspireren, rolmodel te zijn en nog op tal van andere manieren.In Nederland wordt in toenemende mate verwacht dat leraren de verantwoordelijkheid en leiding krijgen en nemen ten aanzien van cruciale aspecten van het onderwijs binnen scholen. Leraren moeten dan wel de mogelijkheden hebben om deze rol op zich te kunnen nemen (NRO, 2017). Dit was aanleiding voor het Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek om opdracht te geven tot het schrijven van een overzichtsartikel rond de vraag:Op welke manier(en) kan bereikt worden dat leraren een leidende rol kunnen spelen in individuele scholen (in alle onderwijssectoren), in samenwerkingsverbanden tussen scholen en op landelijk niveau?Voor het beantwoorden van deze vraag zijn we uitgegaan van vier deelvragen:1. Waarom is er in toenemende mate aandacht voor teacher leadership?2. Wat is teacher leadership precies?3. Wat is er uit onderzoek bekend over de effecten van en condities voor teacherleadership?4. Welke vormen van teacher leadership zijn er in de Nederlandse context reedszichtbaar?Op basis hiervan beantwoorden we de hoofdvraag:Hoe kan het leiderschap van leraren in scholen versterkt worden?Voor het beantwoorden van deze vijf vragen hebben we geput uit nationale en internationale praktijk- en beleidspublicaties, gebruik gemaakt van diverse overzichtsstudies en een systematische analyse gedaan van 44 onderzoekspublicaties over teacher leadership die tussen 2014 en 2017 zijn verschenen.
In the Netherlands, and in many other countries, teacher policy and teacher education are strongly focused on ensuring that teachers meet certain minimum standards. As all student teachers need to meet these standards, teacher education programmes might put the main emphasis on the ‘average’ student and pay little attention to students who can perform better, which would lead to a middle-ofthe-road perspective on teachers and teacher education curricula. However, there is a growing awareness within higher education of the diversity of students with respect to their abilities and ambitions. In the Netherlands, there are initiatives to develop excellence programmes and honours programmes that recognize and accept student diversity. Such programmes offer ‘excellent’ students new challenges in the development of their excellence. But as ‘excellence’ is not centrally defined, higher education institutes can define the concept independently. Here, we present two examples of teacher education institutes that have developed honours programmes that emphasize excellent student teachers. While traditionally honours programmes in universities are focused on stimulating outstanding research performance of excellent students, in both examples a different focus is taken. The honours programmes in these universities for applied sciences do not focus on academic performance, but focus more directly on the roles of outstanding teachers in schools. One of these institutes focuses on primary teacher roles, the other on secondary teacher roles. Both use research in the content of the honours programmes and in the evaluation of the programmes. Here, an analysis of the two programmes is related to developments in teacher policy and the teaching profession with respect to teacher excellence, e.g. the recent recommendation from the Netherlands Education Council to nominate the top 5% of teachers as ‘excellent teachers’ – a recommendation that was received with mixed feelings by teachers, teachers’ unions and school leaders
Advances in technology are opening up new learning opportunities, consequently having an impact on conventional teaching and learning concepts. The roles of teachers, students and universities are also being transformed worldwide. The Academy for Leisure & Events of BUas has always been part of the above quest.Therefore, it is crucial that teaching methods and learning experiences in higher education are dynamic and continuously incorporate innovative approaches as well as integrate new technologies. After all, it is essential to be prepared for the way students learn nowadays and for the future demand coming.It is now more important than ever, especially considering the challenging coronavirus times we are in, for Breda University of Applied Sciences – as a partner of this project – to actively contribute to strengthening staff capacities in innovative teaching and learning methods and digital skills. For instance by offering training courses in a blended model, combining face-to-face teacher training with MOOCs and e-learning.As designing meaningful experiences has always been at the heart of the mission and work ofthe Academy for Leisure & Events, this project builds upon further extension of networks in teaching and learning innovation in national and international higher education contexts.Partners:FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad de Lima, Universidad Catolica San Pablo, Universidad de Piura, Universidad Austral de Chile, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Universidad Vina del Mar