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Taste is a main driver in preferences and food choices. Humans are predispositioned to prefer sweet and salty tastes and reject bitter and sour tastes, therefore bitter taste is often thought to cause the rejection of vegetables by children. In our study we investigated the taste and fattiness intensity for different preparation methods for ten vegetables. Our results showed that: Frequently consumed vegetables have almost no taste Sweetness is the most intensive taste in vegetables, followed by sourness and bitterness, saltiness is the least intensive taste Vegetable preparation method influences taste intensity
Bitterness has been suggested to be the main reason for the limited palatability of several vegetables. Vegetable acceptance has been associated with preparation method. However, the taste intensity of a variety of vegetables prepared by differentmethods has not been studied yet. The objective of this study is to assess the intensity of the five basic tastes and fattiness of ten vegetables commonly consumed in the Netherlands prepared by different methods using the modified Spectrum method. Intensities of sweetness, sourness, bitterness, umami, saltiness and fattiness were assessed for ten vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, leek, carrot, onion, red bell pepper, French beans, tomato, cucumber and iceberg lettuce) by a panel (n = 9) trained in a modified Spectrum method. Each vegetable was assessed prepared by different methods (raw, cooked, mashed and as a cold pressed juice). Spectrum based reference solutions were available with fixed reference points at 13.3 mm (R1), 33.3mm(R2) and 66.7mm(R3) for each tastemodality on a 100mmline scale. For saltiness, R1 and R3 differed (16.7 mm and 56.7 mm). Mean intensities of all taste modalities and fattiness for all vegetables were mostly below R1 (13.3 mm). Significant differences (p b 0.05) within vegetables between preparation methods were found. Sweetness was the most intensive taste, followed by sourness, bitterness, fattiness, umami and saltiness.In conclusion, all ten vegetables prepared by different methods showed low mean intensities of all taste modalities and fattiness. Preparation method affected taste and fattiness intensity and the effect differed by vegetable type.
It has been shown that the identification of many foods including vegetables based on flavour cues is often difficult. The effect of providing texture cues in addition to flavour cues on the identification of foods and the effect of providing taste cues only on the identification of foods have not been studied. The aim of this study was to assess the role of smell, taste, flavour and texture cues in the identification of ten vegetables commonly consumed in The Netherlands (broccoli, cauliflower, French bean, leek, bell pepper, carrot, cucumber, iceberg lettuce, onion and tomato). Subjects (n ¼ 194) were randomly assigned to one smell (orthonasal), flavour (taste and smell) and flavour-texture (taste, smell and texture). Blindfolded subjects were asked to identify the vegetable from a list of 24 vegetables. Identification was the highest in the flavour-texture condition (87.5%). Identification was significantly lower in the flavour condition (62.8%). Identification was the lowest when only taste cues (38.3%) or only smell cues (39.4%) were provided. For four raw vegetables (carrot, cucumber, onion and tomato) providing texture cues in addition to flavour cues did not significantly change identification suggesting that flavour cues were sufficient to identify these vegetables. Identification frequency increased for all vegetables when perceived intensity of the smell, taste or flavour cue increased. We conclude that providing flavour cues (taste and smell) increases identification compared to only taste or only smell cues, combined flavour and texture cues are needed for the identification of many vegetables commonly consumed in The Netherlands.
In De Haagse Hogeschool werken de lectoraten vanuit faculteiten, dicht bij het onderwijs, nauw samen in zeven kenniscentra. Deze kenniscentra zijn de verbinding tussen de regio, met zijn actuele thema’s (vaak gelinkt aan het missiegedreven innovatiebeleid van de overheid) en het onderwijs en onderzoek van de Haagse Hogeschool. De zeven kenniscentra van De Haagse Hogeschool zijn: Cybersecurity, Digital Operations & Finance, Global & Inclusive Learning, Global Governance, Health Innovation, Governance of Urban Transitions & Mission Zero. Deze kenniscentra zijn in opstartende fase en worden ondersteund door centrale diensten. De Haagse Hogeschool kiest voor versterking van de onderzoeksinfrastructuur die centraal staat in de kenniscentra: ‘de Haagse Labs’. Praktijkgericht onderzoek vindt in deze omgevingen plaats als een vervlechting van onderwijs (studenten en docenten), onderzoek, het werkveld en maatschappelijke partners. Sommige labs hebben een tijdelijk karakter, andere, zoals de hogeschool zelf, zijn continu een omgeving waarbinnen onderzoek gedaan wordt. De Haagse Labs zijn bij uitstek de plek waarin nauw samengewerkt wordt met andere hogescholen of kennisinstellingen (veelal zijn ze ontstaan uit een samenwerking zoals The Green Village, of het Basalt SmartLab). De keuze voor de Haagse Labs geeft verdieping aan regionale samenwerkingen en bijbehorende speerpunten. De huidige, meer informele inrichting, kan met behulp van Impuls 2020, verder structuur krijgen, leiden tot een betere kennisdeling tussen de kenniscentra heen en de regionale netwerkvorming versterken. Naast het formaliseren van ‘de Haagse Labs’ zetten we in op zichtbaarheid van de Hogeschool in de regio door te investeren in communicatie (denk bijvoorbeeld aan het opzetten van podcasts, en digitale middelen in Corona-tijd). Die profilering van ons onderzoek wordt verder ondersteunt door een traject rond visievorming en strategische positionering. De kenniscentra zullen begeleid worden om einde 2021 een visie te ontwikkelen met bijbehorende acties om de rol van de hogeschool in de regio te versterken.
SIA-RAAK gefinancierd MKB onderzoeksproject gericht op het onderzoeken van de vraag: hoe historische gebouwen energiezuiniger en comfortabeler kunnen worden gemaakt zonder monumentale waarden onevenredig aan te tasten.
Unwanted tomatoes represent ~20% of the European market, meaning that ~3 million metric tons of tomatoes are wasted every year. On a national scale, this translates to 7000 tons of tomato waste every year. Considering the challenge that food spillage represents worldwide and that the Netherlands wants to be circular by 2050, it is important to find a way to circularize these tomatoes back into the food chain. Moreover, tomatoes are the largest greenhouse crop in the Netherlands, which means that reducing the waste of this crop will positively and significantly affect the circularity and sustainability of the Dutch food system. A way to bring these tomatoes back into the food chain is through fermentation with lactic acid bacteria (LAB), which are already used in many food applications. In this project, we will assemble a unique new mix (co-culture) of LAB bacteria, which will lead to a stable fermented product with low sugar, low pH and a fresh taste, without compromising its nutritional value. This fermentation will prevent the contamination of the product with other microorganisms, providing the product with a prolonged shelf life, and will have a positive impact on the health of the consumers. Up until now, only non-fermented products have been produced from rejected tomatoes. This solution allows for an in-between product that can be used towards many different applications. This process will be upscaled to pilot scale with our consortium partners HAN BioCentre, Keep Food Simple, LLTB and Kramer B.V. The aim is to optimize the process and taste the end result of the different fermentations, so the end product is an attractive, circular, and tasty fermented tomato paste. These results will help to advance the circularity and sustainability of our food system, both at a national and European level.