Introduction: Diagnosing dementia in people with severe/profound intellectual (and multiple) disabilities (SPI(M)D) is complex. Whereas existing dementia screening instruments as a whole are unsuitable for this population, a number of individual items may apply. Therefore, this study aimed to identify applicable items in existing dementia screening instruments. Methods: Informant interviews about 40 people with SPI(M)D were conducted to identify applicable items in the Dementia Scale for Down Syndrome, Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia in Down Syndrome II scale, Dementia Questionnaire for persons with Mental Retardation and Social competence Rating scale for people with Intellectual Disabilities. Results: Among 193 items, 101 items were found applicable, categorized in 5 domains: behavioral and psychological functioning (60 items), cognitive functioning (25), motor functioning (6), activities of daily living (5) and medical comorbidities (5). Conclusion: Identifying applicable items for people with SPI(M)D is an essential step in developing a dedicated dementia screening instrument for this population.
Introduction: Diagnosing dementia in people with severe/profound intellectual (and multiple) disabilities (SPI(M)D) is complex. Whereas existing dementia screening instruments as a whole are unsuitable for this population, a number of individual items may apply. Therefore, this study aimed to identify applicable items in existing dementia screening instruments. Methods: Informant interviews about 40 people with SPI(M)D were conducted to identify applicable items in the Dementia Scale for Down Syndrome, Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia in Down Syndrome II scale, Dementia Questionnaire for persons with Mental Retardation and Social competence Rating scale for people with Intellectual Disabilities. Results: Among 193 items, 101 items were found applicable, categorized in 5 domains: behavioral and psychological functioning (60 items), cognitive functioning (25), motor functioning (6), activities of daily living (5) and medical comorbidities (5). Conclusion: Identifying applicable items for people with SPI(M)D is an essential step in developing a dedicated dementia screening instrument for this population.
Vanuit de Amsterdamse Wmo-werkplaats ondersteunt het lectoraat O&I de ontwikkeling van een voorziening in zelfbeheer: een woon- en trainingscentrum voor jongvolwassenen met autisme in een voormalig fort in Krommenie (Fort-K). Dit wordt een woonvoorziening voor jongvolwassenen van 18 tot 30 jaar waar ze gedurende maximaal 2 jaar ondersteuning krijgen in het opbouwen van een zo zelfstandig mogelijk bestaan. In de eerste fase van dit onderzoek is een vooronderzoek gedaan bij andere vergelijkbare voorzieningen, als bijdrage aan de ontwikkeling van Fort K. Daarnaast is een procesbeschrijving gemaakt.